Definitely no good (1)

On the other hand, Anne quickly said, "What happened?"

Anne stood up suddenly from her seat and walked towards the man who was approaching them, it was Connor. Anne was so surprised that she did not notice her hurried footsteps as she headed Connor's way.

Connor still had the same dashing smile as he approached Anne. However, it's effects diminished by the fact that his face was bruised all over. He was wearing sunglasses, but behind it, his eyes were swollen and blackish. His smoldering eyes now looked comical as the black covered the surrounding eyes by two perfect black spheres. In a way, it could be considered cute if we compare it with a panda. Other than that, Anne could not see anything else suspicious as he was wearing a suit even in this hot day.

There was some limping on his one foot which showed it was somewhat in pain. She could easily see some sweat pouring down his forehead as he walked. It was still early in the day but he was already sweating, this shows how much the weather had already changed into one of the seasons of summer or he was in pain which cause his body to react that way. Unsure of what the real reason was, all she could do was ask.

With full of concern Anne asked. "What exactly happened?"

"There was a small accident," Connor said while not explaining much. He was still smiling happily while he looked at Anne. This was when he noticed the grandmother who was peeking behind Anne's back while observing him from the sides.

"Good morning Grandma." He said with his dashing smile. He made sure to greet the kindly looking grandmother beside Anne. He could tell that she had been eyeing him since he started heading towards their location. He wanted to look respectable in front of the grandmother, therefore, he greeted her with a warm smile befitting of a junior greeting his senior.

The grandmother could not help but give a wry smile towards this young man. Although he was tall and his body was fit, the grandmother could not tell if he was truly good-looking due to the bruises on his face. But if she was just to base it on his facial structure, then his jawline and nose could be considered as one of the most perfect ones she had seen in her entire life. Therefore, she was wondering who exactly this young man was, and how was he related to Anne. The grandmother looked at Anne, and she saw her face full of concern. This got her thinking that this might be the estranged husband who she wanted to get a divorce with. Looking at the person, she thought that he must be a hot-headed youth who likes to get into trouble.

"This man is definitely no good." The grandmother thought to herself as she processed all the information she received from Anne and basing his current appearance. She then shook her head in dismay.

"I'll be heading inside now Anne. Let's talk some other time." As soon as the grandmother said this, she started walking away with her walking stick as her support.

Anne wanted to say something and walk the grandmother to her room, but she did not want to be assisted, saying she was heading for another's friend location. Anne could only sigh in defeat with this grandmother's way.

After the grandmother departed, the two who were left standing got into an awkward silence.

Sfx *ding ding dong dong~*

It was then that an alarm started to ring in between the silence which made them look at each other before smiling.

"That's my alarm. I should start heading to my physical therapy session." Anne said.

"I'll walk you there." Connor happily chirped like a baby bird following its mother.

The two started walking side by side in a slow pace.

"Did you get checked up?" Anne asked curiously. She was still looking at his bruises from the side.

"Something like that." He said nonchalantly.

Anne could not help but sigh as Connor did not seem to want to talk about what happened to him. In the end, they discussed mundane things as they headed for one of the buildings in the hospital.

From time to time, there would be people looking at them while discussing in hush tones. At first, Anne did not care as this happened a couple of weeks ago when she first started appearing in the hospital.

In the end, there were more people talking behind their back. Some were even pointing fingers while saying "Isn't it that person?"

Anne could not hear well what the people were talking about which made her confused. She thought the time period that she was still in the limelight was over. She could not think of any reason for these people to gossip about her since they already know everything about her life.

Original novel by Chuchuwachuwa