Definitely no good (2)

On the other hand, Connor started looking sternly around the people who are gossiping around them. If looks could kill, then all of the people around them would have collapsed on the floor and vomiting blood and their guts out. His murderous stare made the people he looked at turn quiet, unable to look at them, or moving away from their line of sight. He was starting to get annoyed with the people who are more like buzzing flies being attracted to honey. What's worse are the people who are intentionally making their voices louder.

"Hey, isn't that guy from the video?" One of the by-stander said to his friend.

"I'm not sure, but he does look similar to the one in the video." His friend replied.

"But I think that's a different girl from the video." Another bystander said.

"What do you mean?" The first by-stander questioned.

"Look the person over there has one arm. The female in the video has two." A person said after making his deductions as though he was Sherlock Holmes.

One of the bystanders did not believe what the man said, therefore he took out his own phone to investigate the matter. The other people saw what he did and they too took out their own phones to see. Everyone was intently watching the video, looking for any clue if what the other person said was true.

"There, there. Pause it." The Sherlock Holmes person said excitedly as he pointed at the phone of the first person who took out his device. "See, I knew I was right." He said proudly while tooting his own horn.

The other people gathered around that person while looking at the time so they can watch using their own devices. And it was true, the female in the video was using her two hands to hug the man who was sprawled on the floor. She was trying to stop the other man who was filled with anger. It worked and the man backed away, but his face was still filled with rage. The next video showed the man opening and closing his mouth as though he was trying to say something. Too bad it was unable to catch what he said.

"Wait a minute. I think the other man is familiar." One person said while he put his hand on his chin as though he was thinking.

The other people were now focusing at the man sprawled on the floor while trying to guess this man's identity.

"Oh, isn't that the husband of that once famous supermodel."

The people around suddenly looked at the person who spoke.

"You know the one who was quite famous in the tabloids for the last few weeks. I think that person was having an affair or something." A nurse said then continues on her way after hearing the people's conversation.

"You mean her?" One bystander said while pointing at Anne's back.

The people around suddenly became excited as though they have gained an epiphany.

"I'm going to share this information in my social media."

After one person said this, the people started to scatter and go their own way. It was unknown what these people were about to do with the information they gathered, but surely this would be something big.

Original novel by Chuchuwachuwa