A Detective, A Manipulator, A Casanova, and A Assassin

A Detective, A Manipulator, A Casanova, and A Assassin

The weather today is kind a bit cold. An 18 years old teenager wearing a thick black leather jacket was sitting on a chair of a popular cafe of City P, Morning Coffee Shop. He was staring outside full of curiosity, it was like, he was reading every people that passed him.

His name is Red, the number 1 detective of MS Academy for Detectives. He was tasked by his teacher to create his own team, he don't know why but he still followed what his teacher told him to do. And here he is now looking for them.

Red took a sip of his hot coffee and took a bunch of files inside his sling bag and then he spread the files on the table and read them one by one.

(Picture of a yellow haired teenager attached)

Name: Leo

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Specialty : Manipulating peoples thoughts, emotions and actions (manipulator)

Likes: Seeing people suffer and Apples

Hates: Being Manipulated

Information: Manipulated 100 People to destroy a company who scam people's money. His reason for destroying it is because he was also scam by them. After turning the company to ruins, he successfully escaped but he still left behind one evidence which lead us to his real identity.

Last Found: January 7, 2018 inside the Bones street public market.

(Picture of a handsome teenager attached)

Name: James

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Specialty : Using his handsome looks to attract the daughter of a rich family to get what he wanted (Casanova)

Likes: Getting everything he wants, money and playing with girls

Hate: None

Information: He successfully 'conquered' 10 daughters of a rich family and took $10,000,000 with him. After getting what he wanted, he left without saying a single word to the 10 girls. He successfully escaped but still left behind a lot of evidence which lead to his real identity.

Last found: December 24, 2017 inside Star Mall

(Picture of a teenager with blue eyes attached )

Name: Marvin

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Specialty: Killing people (Assassinatiom)

Likes: Deadly weapons, Long Distance Weapons, Hidden weapons, Supporting Weapons, Poison and his pet parrot

Hate: Weak things

Information: He killed 5 CEO's, 2 Government officials, 50 Police and others who aren't recorded. He successfully escaped his every assassination but his last assassination has left one evidence which lead us to his real identity

Last Found: January 12, 2018 inside a pet shop.

After reading the information, Red didn't know whether he should laugh or cry. When his teacher gave him this files, he didn't bother to read it because he trusted his teacher, but now, Red cant help but sighed in disappointment.

"The manipulator left the apple he eaten above the CEO's table that's why his identity was found out through tracing his DNA. The Casanova left 10 broken hearted girls who taught he was missing and they basically posted posters with his picture on it with a 'Missing' word written on it, and that's why his identity was found out. And lastly the assassin, well, he left his pet parrot on his last assassination, which basically told everything about his master. " Red shook his head and then he looked at the caged parrot in his side.

He didn't know why his teacher requested him to invite this people. But who cares? He will know about them anyway. If they suck then he'll report them to the police with the complete evidence of there crimes, if not, then he will welcome them to his team with open arms.

Red sipped the last remaining of his coffee, looked at the time (5:50am) before standing up, grabbing the bird cage and he left the Morning Coffee Shop. His stop is the Dream Academy, where the manipulator Leo, the Casanova James and the Assassin Marvin are studying.

Everything was already set up and it only needed his signal to begin.


Meanwhile, inside a empty room. A yellow haired youth is standing in front of 3 boys wearing eyeglasses. The yellow haired youth is Leo, the manipulator in Red's files.

"Guys, it's not like I wanted to spread this picture of you guys fucking each other, but I have no choice but to. You see, someone tasked me to spread this but since I'm a good guy, I'll give you guys 2 choice. Help me pass this semester and I'll delete this picture or you won't help me and I will spread this picture" Leo said while he smiled slyly

Leo got this picture from a friend who hacked there computer and found a picture of them having threesome with each other. His only plan before was to find something to blackmail this 3 nerds so that they will help him pass this semester, it was out of his expectations that he will find this 3 nerds greatest secret.

The 3 boys looked at each other for a moment, and then they looked back at Leo and nodded.

"Okay deal!" Leo said with a smile before deleting the picture. The 3 boys looked at each other before looking back at Leo and laughed.

"Now that you don't have our picture, why would we help you? " one of the 3 boys said


"You're really stupid aren't you?"

Leo just smiled at them, left the place and then he pressed a send icon on his android cellphone. Suddenly the 3 boys received a text.

" (The picture of the 3 boys having threesome with each other is attached) I don't know the feeling that you guys were feeling at this moment, but if you go back from your promise, you already know what will happen."

The 3 boys broke in cold sweat. They realized that Leo was not a stupid person that he will delete the picture without having a backup. They stared at the door left with no choice but to comply with what Leo told them.


"Are you sure that they will do what you wanted them to do " A handsome youth said to Leo. The handsome youth name is James, the Casanova in the Red's files. Leo and James became friends with each other when they discovered that they are the same type of people, Geniuses!

"Don't worry James, they don't have any other choice except to follow what I said " Leo said.

The bell rang and the class started. Today, they will be having their Periodical Test for this semester. Leo looked around and noticed that many of the students present are showing different mentality about this Periodical Test. Some came inside with a calm face, while others came with a nervous face because maybe they forgot to study. Some are confident with what they studied while others are hoping that what they studied will appear on the test papers.

Leo and James that just got inside their classroom are not on those list of people, they were neither prepared nor are they nervous because they are not prepared. They just sat on their respective sits calmly, like they're already expecting that they will past this periodical test effortlessly.

There sit was located in the leftmost part of the classroom, which is a good place to cheat because it's always the place where every teachers notice the less. After a few second, the 3 boys entered the classroom and sat near Leo's chair.

After a while, their teacher, Mr. Perez arrived at exactly 7:50 which marked the start of their exam. Mr. Perez passed the test papers before sitting down his chair, turning on the timer that is set on 1 hour and observed the students taking their exams.

30 minutes passed, Leo noticed that the 3 boys are finished with their test papers. Leo tapped the table with his pen which attracted the 3 boys attention. The 3 boys understood what Leo meant, pass me your answers!

The 3 boys each got a piece of paper, they write their answers on it and afterwards they crumple it and passed it to Leo secretly. Leo got the paper and pointed at it as if saying " Are these your answers? " and then he slash his neck imaginarily as if telling them " You know what will happen if I fail this test "

The 3 boys gulp at the same time. Good thing we didn't choose to do that, the 3 boys silently thought.

Leo immediately copied the answer and after finishing, he passed the paper to James. James received it and copied it immediately. James is only left with 10mins to copy everything, his pen was like a dancing sword and every seconds that passed was an answer written in his paper.

But suddenly, there teacher Mr. Perez, who was always calm, slammed his table and looked at Leo and James location angrily. Leo and James swallowed a mouthful of their saliva while feeling really nervous. Did he noticed us? They both thought

"Leo, James" Mr. Perez paused and looked to the windows side and continued "And Marvin come with me! Class representative collect the papers and no cheating." then he walked out of the classroom while the 3 followed.

When the teacher left, the silent classroom suddenly erupted with different questions about the exam. It was like the saying that goes, when the lion is out the hyenas will play.

Marvin, the Assassin in Red's files, look confuse on what just happened. Marvin was sure that his way of cheating was really well hidden and he was sure that he will only be found out if Mr. Perez had a really good eye.

"Get inside!" Mr. Perez pointed at his own office.