Do you want to be a mystery solver?

Do you want to be a mystery solver?

They became confuse and felt strange when Mr. Perez suddenly left them outside his office door and reminded them to get inside. He wants us to get inside yet he left us? The three of them thought.

"Fuck, you should have been careful when you were copying!" Leo reminded James.

"Don't blame me bro! I promise, I didn't made my action so obvious!" James replied.

"Then why were we found out?" Leo asked sarcastically. James was going to said something but was interrupted when he suddenly felt a strong aura behind him.

"So it was you guys who dragged me into this mess!" Marvin said staring at them with killing intent.

Leo and James slowly turned their head around, they both had the same feeling, this guy has killed someone before!

Marvin was going to grab something in his waist but was suddenly interrupted by a sound of clapping inside Mr. Perez office.

Leo grabbed James and immediately opened the door in fear that Marvin will kill them. What they see inside was a teenager the same age as them, wearing a thick jacket and was sitting on Mr. Perez table looking at the papers on his hand.

"Leo, a Manipulator who ruined a company by manipulating 100 people, but was so stupid to leave his apple above the CEO's table with his DNA on it" Red said before turning around to look at them. Leo's face became so stiff hearing what Red said that he let go of James hand.

"James, a Casanova who stole $10,000,000 from 10 different rich family's daughter, but was so forgetful that he forgot that all the 10 girls remembered his face and told us proudly that you are their boyfriend " Red said with a smile before looking at the shocked James.

"And lastly" Red paused and turned around to look at Marvin who's at this moment, is feeling really nervous.

"The great assassin, Marvin, killed 5 CEO's, 2 Government officials and 50 policemen while escaping, but was really careless because he left his intelligent parrot behind who basically told us your identity and everything you've done " Red pointed at the bird cage on the side.

Leo and James swallowed a mouthful of saliva and immediately moved far away from Marvin. Marvin just ignored them before turning around to look at the bird cage.

"Little Green!" Marvin said happily and rushed to the bird cage. He opened the cage and the parrot flew into his shoulder and rub its head on Marvin's cheeks.

"I miss you master! Please don't leave me next time!"The parrot said.

Red just smiled at them, walked to the door, closed it and locked it. He then returned back to the table and sat at the leather chair. The room became silent but was broke by Leo's question.

"What do you want?" Leo asked staring at Red with his serious eyes. Red opened his sling bag and grabbed 3 paper inside and then spread it on the table. The 3 walked to the table and grabbed 1 paper each and began reading the contents.

It was contract stating that they will join Red and form a crime solver team. In other words a Detective Squad.

"Work for you?" James said.

"What the fuck?" Leo cursed after hearing James replied. He didn't bother to continue reading the contract when he heard what James said.

"I appreciate that you return me my bird, so in return you can hire me to kill someone, to protect someone or to investigate someone. But I won't work for you" Marvin said.

Red laughed and said "You don't have a choice except to sign the contract"

Leo felt that the sentence was really familiar. that's the exact sentence I said before right?

James also though the same. That sentence were somewhat the same sentence Leo told me before we went inside our classroom.

Their only concern was whether it is just a coincidence or not. But they soon found out there answer when Red smiled at them.

"it's actually not coincidence that I said a sentence somewhat the same as what Leo said. You see, you guys were already dancing around the palm of my hands. Starting from the idea of how to cheat which you all received from a hacker friend of yours, then when you were preparing everything until this scene happening now!"

Red paused and grabbed another paper inside his sling bag and slide it in front of the dumbfounded Leo, James and Marvin.

(A beautiful girl showing a peace sign on her right hand and holding a sign in her right hand with " I Love You Red " written on it is attached)

Name: Vanessa

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Specialty: Hacker

Likes: Getting information, Cute stuffs and exciting stuffs

Love: Red

Hates: Anything Ugly

Information: She hacked 30 company server successfully without any trace. Those information she got was again sold to those 30 company, earning her $1,000,000 each company. She was caught when she Hacked the Server of MS Academy for Detective. She successfully left no trace except for her contact number which is found on Red's desktop, basically Red's desktop background was change into picture of her contact number. Her reason for doing it was so that Red will notice her.

"She was the hacker who gave you those information, which is basically, my idea. Blackmailing and using windows glass, those are old school style way of cheating on our academy" Red laughed

"Fuck we've been duped" Leo cursed

"She's really beautiful, can I have her number? Pretty please!!" James begged.

"That's why its so cool, so those were the cheating methods of your academy!" Marvin with a smile.

Red laughed and said " Actually you were not dupe but was manipulated, and you can have her number, here.... But be careful she's really obsess with me so I don't think she'll like being flirt by another guy aside from me and actually its not cool but troublesome, using the glass to look at the reflection of those people's test paper behind you, you need to concentrate really hard which is a waste of time and effort "

Leo thought for a few second and nodded. He is also a manipulator so he agree that it was manipulation and not being dupe.

James received the paper with Vanessa's number written on it feeling really exciting.

Marvin felt that his really stupid when he realized that it was actually true that it's really troublesome and a waste of time and effort.

"So do you want to become detectives?" Red said with an open arms.