Chapter 13: Legend of the Blood City Part 2

Legend of the Blood City Part 2

The gang was really shock. If what Red said was true then everything on the R city were things to be sacrificed on the game. And those people can only wish that no move from both sides will arrive on their place. But when they looked at the pictures above the table. The gang felt pity for those people. Looking at the map, they can already see that every part of the city were made into a battle ground and turned into ruins.

"If this was the same as the game of chess. Then, why didn't the director looked for a grandmaster in chess and asked for its help?" James asked. His question was really reasonable. If there was a problem and you can't solve it, why not ask for a professionals to help you solve it! It's not like it's hard for the director to ask them right?

"Because this game of chess was not the same as the original game of chess. Because, every pieces on the board has also a complete set of pieces of their own. The pawn has its own board to control the same as all the pieces. They all have their own pawns, rooks, knights, bishops and a queen to control. So what's the use of a chess grandmaster? Do you expect them to play hundreds or maybe thousands, millions or even billions of different game of chess and basing each one of them on the mastermind's chess board?" Everyone thought for a few seconds before nodding.

Imagine a kingdom with different kingdoms under its control? And those kingdoms under its control has also another group of kingdoms on their control, and so on and so forth. Basically, it's a very complex chess board with different game of chess on just one board. Just thinking about it for a few seconds has already made their heads hurt a little.

"If it was like that, then how did the director solved the mystery?" Leo asked. Even a chess grandmaster will be of no help, how much more someone who is not even a grandmaster of chess.

"From the very start, the mystery was already solved! Only the mastermind of the mystery was not." Red said. From the very start, the mystery was already shown, which was a game of chess.

"Ohhhh!!" The gang said realizing that what Red said made sense.

"Wait! There was an evidence right? What was it?" Leo said excitingly. He was looking forward to knowing what the greatest mastermind he know left behind.

"A note..." Red said

"A note…?? about what? "Leo asked in annoyance. Stop making the atmosphere more thrilling because it already is!

"Here!" Red slid a sealed plastic with a small paper note inside. Leo picked it up, and then he slowly turned the paper around to see the words. The whole gang (except for Red) went near Leo to look at the letter.

"Fuck! What does he meant about the word, I shall return?! Was he possessed by Mc.Arthur?" Leo cursed. He was really mad because there was only 3 words on the paper, I shall return! But, Leo was also feeling afraid. I shall return, what does it mean? It only means, that the criminal mastermind will surely comeback for revenge and he was sure that maybe the day is nearly approaching!

The evidence might be useless on the case but it was useful for the future. Because of the letter, they can at least be prepared for the worst case scenario!

The whole gang felt scared by the thought of being part of the game. Dying without knowing the reason why! Not knowing the way you die! Or maybe you won't know who would just kill you! And if you do know it, you will only feel powerless. Because your life and fate was being controlled by someone, who with a snap of a finger, can send you to your death!

The gang looked at the brutal and bloody scenes on the picture. But suddenly, a 3 blood written words were noticed by them on one of the picture.

"Chess of Mystery?"

"Was that the name of the game?" The gang asked.



"Just like the name said, Chess of Mystery! No one knows how the game works! Even the director only knows some of it! Maybe, only the mastermind know how it works!"

"If it's like that, then it only means we got into a pirate's ship by joining this organization!"

"You don't have to worry. The whole organization is the safest place this country ever has!" Red said making them breathe in relief.

"And besides, if ever we became part of the game. We'll become one of the pieces instead of being one of those people who died on the R City!" Red said with a smile.

After saying the important part of the story. Red began telling them the whole Legend. What he just told them was the summary or the key points of the story.

Therefore, now Red is telling them the very start to the every end of the legend. When the director and his squad solved the cases one by one, and the last part of the legend, where the director finally went to the place where the mastermind controlled everything. The whole squad listened to Red with great interest of the Legend.

They realized, after listening to the story, that the director, the king of the white pieces, sacrificed a lot just to get a small part of the mastermind's plot! He lost a lot, and his lost was not comparable to what he gained, which was only a small part about the chess of mystery!

The room became silent when Red finished telling them the Legend.

"Guys! I'm not feeling well today, can I rest today and let's continue this tomorrow?" Marvin broke the silence and asked with a pale face. He was like someone who is feeling really nervous.