The Biggest Problem of Every Detective Squad

The Biggest Problem of Every Detective Squad

The next day, Red went to the Dream Academy to fetch his team. They are going to look for a place where they will station their base at.

A base is a really important thing for every squad, because it can save them time in looking for a case to solve. Just like the bulletin board in the MS Headquarters, if they have something like that, they can just get cases in there instead of going to the MS Headquarters to get a case to solve.

At the same time, looking for where they will station there base at, is the greatest problem every detective squad will face. They needed to consider every single detail about the place. From the location of the place, background of the place, whether the place has a lot of detective squads station in it or not and whether the place is easy to access or not, there were still a lot more, but those 4 were the most important one.

Upon entering the academy, Red instantly received a lot of gazes from the students studying there. Vladimir was just acting cool while walking, but Vanessa who was by Red's arm was really annoyed by it. She keeps on saying on her mind that Red is hers alone and don't you dare come close to him!

"Hey Red!" Upon arriving on the 3rd floor hallway, Red suddenly heard a shout. Red turned around and immediately noticed Leo, James, and Marvin approaching them.

"Thank god we found you guys easily, or else we might be looking around on all the floors to look for you guys!"Vladimir sighed in relief. He was cursing Red in his mind before they arrived in Dream Academy. Because Red actually forgot where the room of Leo, James and Marvin was located at. You've just set them up in there room yesterday, yet you have forgotten about it already today?

"Ohhh! Never mind that! Aren't we looking for a place to make our base? I actually found a good one! "Leo said with a grin, as if expressing that his action helped the squad a lot.

"Where?" Red asked. He was thinking that it's better if they can solve the problem of looking for a place for their base as soon as possible, so that they can finally start. Also, Red found out that the places his teacher suggested was a little bit crowded with detective squads. And since there are a lot of squads, there might be a possibility of them having small costumers due to the other detective squads having their station there.

"I asked our adviser a while ago about creating a club, and he said that we can, as long as the principal will accept our request." Leo said.

"Ohhhh, that's good! How about creating it now?" Red said excitingly. The sooner the better!

"Ah! About that..... Actually, it might be a little bit troublesome!" Leo said while scratching his head. He was a little bit hesitant about it. It was rumored that the principal will make you do something for her to grant your request. And it was because he don't know what the principal will want them to do, that's why he was hesitating. What if she ask us to do some indecent things with her?! With my looks, it won't be impossible right?

"Why is it troublesome?" Red asked when he noticed that Leo was hesitating.

"Let's just go to her office" James interrupted them. He was also hesitating. After hearing it from there adviser, who won't be?


After a few minutes of walking, the gang arrived in front of the principal's office. Leo hesitated a bit, and then he knocked on the door.

*knock *knock

"Come in" A woman's voice sounded inside the room. Red immediately felt that something is wrong. Why would it felt like that the principal was expecting them?

Leo slowly opened the door and the whole gang went inside. They saw a woman sitting in the principal's table while looking at them.

Red observed the principal's office. He noticed that the room was well organized, it was really clean and things were all well arranged. Red immediately thought that, this principal is a person who likes everything to be clean and perfect. Red also take note of the principal's name, Diana.

"H...Hi!" Leo said while feeling nervous. He was thinking that there is no longer turning back now!

"I was expecting you here" Principal Diana said with a smile. She then continued "I know that you are having a problem with where to station your detective squad's base. I can help you with that, but in one condition!"

When Leo heard what Principal Diana said, he immediately started crying in his mind. Huhuhuhu! I can't believe that I will be force to do these thing! Leo was really being Over reacting that it was like he was replacing Vladimir's role in the squad.

James was also feeling a little bit afraid of what the principal will request them to do. But it was just a little bit, not the same as Leo who was really over-reacting. On the other hand, Marvin who was standing on the side, was totally chill. Despite hearing from his adviser what the principal likes to do before complying with the student's request.

"What condition?" Red asked. Because he noticed that Leo was over-reacting, and James was also a bit afraid to speak with the principal, while Marvin was not good in conversations, so Red was left with no choice aside from him having conversation with the Principal.

"I want you to find the briefcase I hid inside the academy within 1 hour!" Diana said with a sweet smile, which immediately pulled out Leo and James from their thoughts. When did an Angel became a demon? The both of them thought at the same time.

Well, they were really slow in thinking. Red had already know why through observing Principal Diana's action a while ago. It was obvious that she had already plan everything, from when Leo, James and Marvin received the rumor up until now, it was to test them!

Red didn't know why nor did he plan to know why she wants to do this. As long as she doesn't hinder his plan then it's fine.

"When do we begin?" Red said with a smile. Testing us? Sorry to tell you but you don't have the capability to test me! You'll only be testing them while I'll be testing you!