'Glacial style : Glacial clone'

Mugen laid flat out on the ground in one of the forested areas in konoha. He just wasn't getting it. Mugen sighed as he stared at the night sky. He'd lost track of how long he was trying to do this jutsu. "I can't believe it, i'm dumber than naruto," mugen grumbled.

Granted naruto and everyone else had the fruits of the labour of their ancestors. The hand signs and everything. He had to do every thing himself and it definitely wasn't easy.

"I'll just head home now. Mother is probably worried sick by now. I'm going to get the, how's a single mother raising a child supposed to survive if the child wants to give her a heart attack, speech again." mugen groaned.

Mugen got home and his fortunetelling came through, he just nodded yes,yes,i'm sorry over and over. Until he had to put the legendary s ranked technique baby no sleep jutsu to use.

The following day mugen was wandering around lost in thought. "What is it, what am i missing?" mugen asked himself,over and over again. He bought a blue Popsicle and licked it while thinking.

Crash. "Hmm, there's a commotion." mugen looked up and realized. " You perverted old coot!!!" a young maiden's angry howl could be heard. A peeping tom came crashing through the wall. A twitching bug landed head first in the ground, his body turned upwards twitching. "...." mugen gazed at he pervert.

It was jiraiya. "Well, that cute girl didn't appreciate my kindness. I was just fixing her bath towel." he said as he licked his wounds. Mugen disgruntled, looked sideways and the building. It was a bath house.

Jiraiya looked in front of him. There stood a cute and charming baby. but he knew it was a demon baby. Playing it cool, he acted smugly and stated with gusto," i am the legendary hermit of mount myoboku, the toad sage, now then little child, disregarding my dislike for children i'll reluctantly buy you some ice cream." enamored by his own kindness, jiraiya closed his eyes smugly, waiting for a reply.

As he looked in front of him he was surprised there was no one there. Mugen had ignored him and he was boasting to air. Locating mugen, displeased at being ignored he wanted to prove he was the adult and graciously buy mugen an ice cream. He instantly appeared next to mugen and grasped mugen's hand holding the popsicle.

The popsicle broke in half by the sudden force. The background shattered like glass. "My popsicle ..." mugen mourned, dropping to his knees. "Ah come on kid, it just broke into two you can still put it back together." jiraiya enlightened mugen.

"You goddamn old pervert, its separated into two pieces, its not the same as the single one before. Do you think i was born yesterday." mugen said in anger. "hey,hey kid, all you have to do is slice off the part that's touched the dirt and eat the part that hasn't, if you're so attached to THAT popsicle." jiraiya said while thinking. Yeah you weren't born yesterday just a few months ago at best.

"What did you say!!!!!....wait, slice off...separate...keep what's left.....a single entity." mugen said loudly before slowly breaking in a whisper. "That's it!!!!!!" mugen exclaimed. " You might be on to something old man," mugen shouted as he ran off at his top speed to the forest.

His breathing was uneven and rapid from his excitement. He couldn't wait.

'Glacial style : GLACIAL CLONE JUTSU' (picture it sasuk saying it)

The jutsu smoke appeared. It was a chilling cold. The clone appeared. He kicked it. It didn't have so much as scratch on it, it didn't even budge. "Hoh," mugen exclaimed impressed. He used a kunai with all his strength and it...chipped it.

That wasn't even the most impressive thing , he felt it draining his chakra and it regenerated, good as new. The only thing was, it was bone chilling cold next to it. Though he was entirely unaffected, if anything it felt invigorating.

He admired his masterpiece for a long while. He then put it to work immediately. Massaging his shoulders, his back, his feet and basically everywhere. If that wasn't enough," My darling clone, the original, i ,have spent great efforts creating you and is tired, carry me slowly while heading back home. I want to feel the fresh air and look and the night sky.Oh and make me a bed with handles so you can carry it." mugen said weakly.

His clone then made him a bed out of branches, leaves and vines and slowly carried him home. He also covered his face to avoid suspicion and walked on sticks to seem taller and not create misunderstandings of a baby bullying another baby(poor clone). Mugen had already started to have that scary but handsome look though minute, he was going to be a headache.

In a tree a distance away from where mugen was. Jiraiya watched the happenings through his magnifying glass. "Astonishing truly astonishing. I've never seen anything like it. Not to mention a baby having the chakra necessary to pull it off."

"A kekkei genkai ,the ice release like that of the yuki clan was my first guess ,however after observing him for a while i must conclude that it is a kekkei tota like that of that old man's from the village hidden in the stone,onoki."

"The surprising thing is, i haven't seen him use the sharingan though that's reasonable as it takes up too much chakra to sustain especially if he's pulling off a stunt like that."

"This child.....is remarkable." jiraiya admired.

"As well as a hand ful...no that's too good for him a thousands hands wouldn't be enough when he grows up." jiraiya lamented as he saw mugen ordering his clone about.

"The old man's got his work cut out for him" jiraiya laughed as he though of the third's future pains. "Its a good thing minato will probably be taking over so that old man may survive not having this bag of problems in his hands."

Jiraiya smiled as he gazed into the distance. Looking at the slow but fading figure of mugen.