Chakra control

Mugen thought he'd enjoy one of those hot springs. Jiraiya and Naruto liked to go there often after training. He deserves some relaxation after all his training, so he went there in his true form. He brought a towel and everything.

Mugen went up to the bath house and tried to read the signs for the men and women. After a while of trying to decipher the signs he realized. He hasn't learnt how to read and write in Japanese. Embarrassed by his forgetfulness Mugen stood there a while until he had no choice but to go in.

As he entered he asked in his cute baby voice, " this the men's bath house? "

"Kya!!!!!" A decent looking woman exclaimed . "You are so adorable" she rubbed her face against his cheeks. "Let us touch him too," the rest of the girls who were in the middle of changing came up to them. Breasts , underwear everywhere. Mugen had sufficient self control so no stupid nosebleeds.

"Um..the men's bath..." Mugen continued to ask. " what are you talking about little one you are not a man,just an adorable little boy. " the girls teased him, " come let these onee Chan's play with you. "I am a man" Mugen refuted in his mind. He was then kidnapped. He was passed around to hold but it wasn't that bad they were gentle.

The bath was nice though. He liked big breasts the most but the ladies here had small and average so they were the same as a ugly girl he couldn't bring himself to think anything dirty.

Mugen was released a half an hour later. The embarrassing thing was they even played with his little penis in their hands saying how cute it was. He was saddened by its size but he had no complaints of their touching.

"Now then instead of jutsu maybe I'll work on chakra control. There was the leaf concentration, walking on water and the tree climbing exercises." Mugen spent the next few days on completing all of those to perfection.

He did it in only a few days. He could climb the tallest tree he could find, one of hashiramas remnants in one of the restricted areas he snuck into,effortlessly. The leaf and the walking on water exercises were perfected too. However Mugen was not satisfied. He felt he could do much more.

Mugen spent several weeks trying to surpass his limits. He put chakra on a stone and made it float, and increasing enlarged the type of stone. It was way more difficult that it seemed it took him 3 whole weeks just to do the average stone however only a few more days for boulders and such. Well those boulders he could move with tricks and those at the edge of water bodies. Since he couldn't get a boulder to budge at all with his physical strength. He tried putting various types of inanimate objects in water and making them float. He even tried living things however they resisted and drowned.

Determined and still not satisfied he tried thinking of more ways to enhance his control. Coming up with one wasn't easy. "How am I supposed to enhance walking on water and tree climbing is basically just resisting gravity.....wait, walking,resisting gravity, enhance."

Mugen thought deeply. "That's it, walking on air with chakra. Why didn't I see it before." Mugen excited by this new prospect tried it out and not surprisingly he couldn't even take one step upwards. Determined Mugen didn't give up he tried over and over again day by day. Little did Mugen know that just by trying he was refining his chakra and enhancing his control.

Finally after a long time, the day before he turned two, he succeeded in taking one step. He was also crazy enough to walk on trees with his fingertips and fill the veins in a leaf with his chakra.

While he had not yet 'walked' and merely had 'stepped ' on air, it was something unbelievable for anyone who saw it. If jiraiya or anyone else were to see him do it .

They would only think one thing 'what a monster'. He did the impossible through perseverance,hard work and it was also attributed to the fact he had a few screws loose.

The 'no limit' perk also played a major role unknown by mugen this was the key component in his dish of success anyone else and no matter how hard they tried they would accomplish nothing.

With his newfound control he opened the door to infinite possibilities after all anything was possible. He could now create two glacial clones and make use of his chakra to sustain them for a long period of time.

The day he turned two. His mother made him a cake. It was delicious and she has also bought him a shogi set. Mugen did know what it was but he didn't know how to play. It would be great to develop his strategy and battle tactics. Blank as they called themselves in no game no life were badass without even fighting. They made it look cool AF.

"Oka san , how do I play this?" Mugen asked . "The instructions are in the back darling" she replied. Mugen dedicated himself to his new toy. He didn't even realize the pain behind his mother's smile.

She was being overworked,no she chose to sacrifice herself for her son. After her husband died she had no one to rely on. The clan knew of the original colour of her son's eyes and knew (thought) he held no chance of inheriting their clan's mantle. Also her husband wasn't a talented shinobi he was just average as was she, no she was even below that. In the yuki clan she couldn't even use the blood line limit and her husband didn't awaken the sharingan though he is,was 29.

But surprisingly two untalented and ordinary parents have birth to such a genius child. She had to do everything she could to ensure he grows up safely and if she dies she must leave him with an inheritance to live on. So she worked and worked and worked. The old lady she worked for in the tailor shop in the next village over couldn't pay her much.

Her livelihood depended on the quality of her work and a customer's kindness. She finally collapsed. " mother? " Mugen said bewildered and then froze. He hurriedly brought her to an uchiha doctor living near them. "Child your mother has been overworked,she is in her last straw her condition shall keep deteriorating, she is a hopeless cause" the doctor explained to little mugen.

It suddenly hit Mugen the cause of all this his dead father. The food on his table his clothes everything was bought with money made from her blood ,sweat and tears. "Why,why didn't I realize this sooner," Mugen thought gritting his teeth slightly.

Mugen then said calmly, " surely you know of a way,yes? " Mugen asked the doctor. The doctor looked at Mugen deeply astounded by the Child's calmness and poise in this situation. "Yes,there is" he began to smoke. He puffed and said, " however the medicine is expensive i doubt even i could afford it if I saved up for my entire lifetime. "

The clan has it though,a superior one to the market's, however it is used as a life saving remedy by the clan head. Mugen stood in deep thought . He decided to swallow his pride and beg. He went to meet the clan master but couldn't even get to the doorstep. Eventually due to his persistence a man came to talk to him. He seemed important. However,

After Mugen explained he had nothing to say but, " I cannot help you that medicine is for the clan heads family line and Will not be given to an outsider. In the event a tragedy happens that medicine can save the clan master's or his relatives' lives."

Mugen just calmly listened.

The man went on to say , "that house of yours is uchiha property we will be confiscating it as we have no proof you are an uchiha , the same for your mother. That so called father of yours may have lied that you are his blood related son. Your eyes and hair colour are unprecedented in the uchiha line. We are not a charity."

"Huhuhu" Mugen laughed slightly, " are you sure about this,you of the uchiha clan?" stressing the last words, Mugen asked with his face not showing. "Of course," he answered ,"We have no use for an outsider like you and your mother." He continued to say.

"Fine," Mugen said, " From this moment forward, i ,Mugen separate myself for the uchiha, there is no path for reconciliation for those of the current uchiha clan! " Mugen again stressed 'uchiha'. He then looked up with his crimson eyes containing two tomoe. (if you've got a problem with the sudden two,take a look at sasuk, in the battle with haku it was one and with Rock Lee a short time later it was suddenly two)

Mugen turned and walked away. Shocked the man, immediately grasped Mugen's tiny shoulder. "How is this possible,your eyes..." His voice trembled. Mugen glared a him, "Get those filthy hands off me!!" Mugen said. The tomoe in his eyes spun quickly and came to a stop.

The man stood still as if time stopped and then he lost consciousness. The guards hurriedly tried to help him losing their indifference to him and repeatedly saying Lord lord.

Suprised as well of what happened Mugen looked at him a second then he turned and left.

"I will not let my mother perish. " Mugen said with resolution. While he would not kiss and suck up to her to show her his love and while he never said I love you. He would not permit her to die if she can be saved, she was his mother. He cherished her.

He wracked his brain to find a way to buy that expensive medicine. Though the one in the uchiha clan has been improved for more fatal injuries. His mother's isn't that fatal so the public one should do just fine. He never had a problem with stealing but he didn't want to use the uchiha's money and everyone else was good people.

Though there was danzo , even though he always has the leaf in his heart, Mugen never liked him. "To raise and sustain the root and their complicated practices sure must cost a lot,however as I am now, It is suicide or basically begging him to kidnap me."

So there was only one thing he thought of that could get him the money quick. To gamble and win. He would cheat to make sure he won, like the great sora and shiro, he would do it masterfully.

The bosses wouldn't allow a push over to leave with so much money. So he decided to transform into a hulk like ibiki,no he'd let his clone do it and lower the temperature and intimidate them along with ibiki's scars all over his face and head and hulks scary muscles.(the proctor for the chūnin exams).

He'd also act like and idiot and make it seem like like after all his muscle brains were usually dumb the smartness wouldn't fit it.

He had put his mother into the villages hospital and sold some things around the house for her stay there.

"Hold on, mother. It isn't your time to die yet you might go to better place or be reborn like me but it's not yet time. Stay a few more years to see me as king and your many cute grandchildren. " Mugen smiled as he exited the village calmly.

Mugen headed to the famed city of gambling a distance away from the leaf. He would also have a pleasant surprise while there , a certain 'someone' was nesting there for a while now.