Tsunade smirked," I'm flattered. Though I'm interested to know, why an uchiha is here wearing the sound ninja's headband. Have you betrayed the leaf and, you aren't, tracking me by any chance are you?" She said as she looked fiercely at him.
Mugen looked at her." While you are definitely worth stalking..." he eyed her figure. She glared at him slightly. "I am here for personal reasons. A mission created and executed by yours truly, if you will. Meeting you here is my good luck. Who wouldn't want to cross paths with a legendary and beautiful ninja such as yourself?"
"MY ENEMIES." Tsunade said picking up a smile as well.
Mugen looked at her through the corner of his eyes. The waiter arrived and placed the food on the table. It didn't lessen the tension in the air though. He took a sip of his lemonade."Mhm, refreshing" he fed one of the octopus legs to his cat. It swallowed it and licked his finger. Mugen laughed, "It tickles, little one" he put it on the table to have his dish. "Waiter, 3 no 5 more plates of the previous order" mugen told the waiter,"Comin right up" he heard a reply.
He then met tsunade's gaze,"Tsunade, one of the three legendary sanin, famed for her medical prowess. I have heard you could diagnose a patient by merely looking at them. Tell me, did my heartbeat or actions or anything you observed about me, told you I was lying?" mugen nonchalantly asked.
Tsunade eyed him again," Hmph, then the second part of that question. Have you betrayed the leaf? I'm no fool while that disguise of yours isn't fooling anybody those eyes i saw a while ago were genuine."
"Hmm" mugen placed his hand on his chin pondering how to answer. "I haven't betrayed the leaf. This current guise of mine is out of necessity, people tend to judge one another by looks and my true appearance would warrant much ...unwanted interference and attention."
Tsunade kept her eyes on him. "The leaf, i've heard of your situation. You shouldn't resent them for sending the two you loved most to their deaths." Mugen sipped his lemonade and said.
"Don't talk as if you know, you know nothing!!!!!" Tsunade slammed the table with a loud bang and stood as she recalled their faces. Feeling the gaze of the onlookers she sat back down still aggravated. GRR, GRRRR the little kitten made bestial noises as it glared angrily and tsunade for both disrespecting its master and interrupting its meal. Mugen looked at it as he discovered a new detail. The little cat had two fangs longer than the rest of its rather sharp teeth in its mouth.
He remembered something he heard in the past from agito. "The Saber-tooth tiger and Dire wolf both became extinct because of long fangs" the flashback interluded with the present and mugen thought as he looked at his kitten, "The saber toothed tiger....."
He put it to the back of his mind for now and petted its ears and fur and it returned to normal.
Mugen then said to tsunade," Oh i know, more than you think. You gave that necklace around your neck to your beloved little brother and he died the next day, his body mutilated and unrecognizable. The same for that enviable Dan Kato the only man to have ever obtained your love, You gave him the necklace after that signature forehead kiss of yours and he died soon after on a mission from blood loss and as a result you developed a fear of blood."
Tsunade looked down on the table and struggled with a painful expression as those memories came rushing back to her. The memories she tried so hard not to think of that haunted her every night.
"Hashirama's necklace, was not the cause of your losses even if it was you still cherish it since as you wear it even now. As the legendary Sucker (no dirty thoughts mature audience) you would've thought it had been lost in a bet already.' mugen continued.
"To be hokage is a fool's errand, that might be true since all the hokage i know past, present and future were fools except for maybe the second. Even so, the leaf is what they are now because of those fools and their dreams. They have paved the way for the next generation, magnificently. Though I am no fool I have an ambition as well. I will unite all the five great hidden villages and even the minor hidden villages as well and create a magnificent city and rule as king, I think you would be a wonderful queen don't you." mugen suddenly said.
"Hahahahaha. You said you are not a fool but I disagree pft, king of all shinobi,pft hahahah, unite all hidden villages, impossible no way it's never been done." Tsunade held her stomach and laughed till tears sprang from her eyelids. "Even my grandfather as powerful as he was, hailed as the god of shinobi,couldn't do such a thing." Tsunade continued to laugh.
Mugen smirked as he stated, "That may be true, nonetheless to be king that is my dream ,no that is my ambition!" Mugen declared as he stared into her eyes with resolution.
Tsunade stopped laughing, "Those eyes are the same as nawaki and dan's no, they are stronger and deeper ,Its like he believes it is already set in stone that he will become king" tsunade thought as she met his eyes.
"If you become king then i'll gladly become your queen" she said looking down on him.
Mugen didn't reply.
"I'd rather have your heart first." mugen said to her. "Pft, we'll see then about your ambition as for having me sorry kid you don't have what it takes."
Mugen glanced on her before looking at his glass of lemonade. The waiter came back with....five glasses of lemonade and five plates of grilled octopus and steamed rice with onions. "I meant only the octopus....never mind, get lost." "I'm sorry sir...I'll" the waiter wanted to say something. "I said leave don't worry it is my fault for not being specific, you will not be punished, I'll pay." mugen interrupted.
Tsunade looked at their display and thought, "Now that I'm paying attention, he carries himself like a leader but there is something about the way he does things.....I just can't read him"
Mugen took another glass of lemonade after finishing his first and suddenly asked, "Did you come here to gamble, if so why are you not in the 'Crazy Riches'?"
"While I like money and gambling. This place ...stinks. The people here cheat, kill, fight, rob and use all sorts of dirty underhanded means to gain what they want. Those hypocrites hide behind a seemly ordinary mask but in reality they are all depraved beasts in human skin, the so called ruler of this place and the owner of 'Crazy Riches' is the most depraved of them all. Surely, you've heard of this place's other name, The City of Depravity. Tsunade replied grimly as she sipped from a snatched lemonade glass and shook the ice.
"The City of Depravity, huh" Mugen looked outside while activating his sharingan," As I thought I might have to go with plan B and rob this place down to its rags," Mugen smirked.
"Plan B?" tsunade uttered. Hearing tsunade's words he was about to reply when he remembered a very crucial fact."Tch, I'm such an idiot, you're a unrivaled medical ninja correct?" Mugen asked.
"Why ask if you already know?" tsunade asked puzzled, "Do me a favor, will you" mugen asked
"Depends, on what that favor is." she replied sipping her (his) lemonade. "A woman close to me overworked herself and her life is in danger. Can you help her?" mugen asked. "Yes, I could." she replied after staring deeply at him intrigued at knowing more about this enigma. "You have my thanks, I owe you a favor, right now my favors might be worth nothing to you but in the future that might not be the case." Mugen said seriously with that look in his eyes.
She didn't reply with her silence as approval.
Back to the clone...
As mugen's clone walked down the hall and was about to enter the third floor's gambling section, he saw two body guards in expensive suits. He walked right pass them as he passed them he sensed something. "The second war ravaged the nations and all the nations are recovering, The third war is approaching soon and the nations are already showing signs of preparation and there are small skirmishes here and there. Who would've thought I'd sense ninja in this place. Those were most likely chunin and I doubt they are the only ones. A Jonin or two might be here as well." Mugen thought as he entered the gambling floor.
As he looked down from the elevated indoor balcony on the gambling floor he felt a few more eyes on him. He thought, "My, my things are getting interesting" with his sharingan under the shades he 'saw' 15 ninja dispersed throughout the floor and he felt some sort of sensory ninjutsu lock on to him. He quickly dispersed it with the sharingan.
He descended the stairs and entered the 'playground'. He made note of a few disguised ninja dealers and payed attention to their tricks. The help was much appreciated thanks to their skills he will gain a fortune, these ninja were most likely hired by the boss to ensure this place doesn't lose too much money.
After he put their skills to use his 50 million minus the fee was recovered and ...tripled. It was quite a strain these non ninja dealers weren't slouches either. It was made to be difficult to win 'a lot' and 'successively' he pulled through somehow but he could feel a storm brewing.
He was approached by a huge businessman matching his size but in fat not muscle. "My friend you are quite skilled aren't you. Where are you from?" he inquired. "Nowhere special" mugen's clone replied. Despite his cold tone and distant vibe not to mention being intimidating the fat man continued to pester him with small talk. "This fat man is more than meets the eye," mugen's clone thought. He had inherited the original mugen's "intuition".
"Excuse me, I need to go to the bathroom where is it." He asked the fat man keeping up his dumb muscle brain voice, the fat man told him where it was. He was headed the when he was stopped by a "guard", "Where are you going sir?" mugen said dumbly, "the bathroom". It was on the way to the 4th floor so he was stopped.
"I'm afraid I must come with you." he said. "How cautious and thorough, they are. If I ask if this is how they treat their guests, that'll clash with my dumb image so I'll allow it." mugen thought inwardly as he replied," No problem. The ninja in a suit waited at the door as he entered. He went to the place furthest from the door and turned on the pipes. "Hmm," pondered and quietly recited 'Glacial Style: Glacial clone jutsu' crkk crkk iced congealed into a clone with icy smoke.
They nodded at each other. The previous clone said," Do it". The clone that was later created stuck its hand through the previous clone's chest quite smoothly like water even though it was ice. The clone turned to ice and shattered into tiny fragments and disappeared.
At the restaurant where the original mugen was.
"Hoh," mugen smirked as some memories rushed back to him.