Let the games begin

"What is it?" Tsunade asked.

" It's nothing,nothing at all" Mugen replied.

Tsunade gave him a look clearly not believing him. Mugen had no intention of explaining to her and took another sip from his lemonade. The surrounding chatter was ever present in all directions. The people were chattering, smiling and gambling. Mugen placed one hand on his cheek and leaned on it while lifting his glass and bringing it to his mouth with the other.

HIs eyes slanted as he took another sip,' This city will be thrown into turmoil soon. I have a feeling I'll have to 'take care' of their leader. With him gone this city will be like a chicken without its head. I'm not the compassionate type so I don't care much for them though this will be better in the long run. This city is on its way down the gutter with so many,hungry for money. They have forgotten who they are. "

"Kill their leader? Why would you?" Tsunade puzzedly questioned.

"I have my reasons." Mugen placed his empty glass on the table. He peered outside, " I have a few minutes before I should start preparing . " Mugen thought.

"Say, let's make a bet shall we ?" Mugen proposed.

" Hmm, I'm listening " Tsunade replied.

"I truly can't let such a catch such as yourself escape me. You might very well be the most beautiful woman to walk this earth. As you have weathered many storms, I understand it'll be hard to enter your heart. So let's start small then shall we. I just want you to give me one chance, no worries I won't beg for a re-do. Let us allow fate to decide shall we. I'll flip a coin and if I guess right we go on three dates in total,in the period of one week and no bending the rules. If I guess wrong and you win then I will gift you 50 million to drown your tears and sorrows in." Mugen bargained with his signature slight smile.

Tsunade stared at him for a while before deciding , "Very well," tsunade replied while thinking, " My luck is terrible and winning is a bad omen if i win then that spells trouble however...if I were to lose... "Her thoughts slowly came to a stop like a car slowing down to a halt.

" Let's begin then" Mugen took out a coin from his pocket. It had a dragons head on one side and it's tail on the other. "Ladies,first. What do you choose? Heads or Tails?" Mugen asked.

"Tails" Tsunade replied. "To let you not doubt my integrity,how about you flip it yourself." Mugen said. Tsunade took the coin from him. She glanced at it and then at him, he smiled in response. Fwip. The coin was flipped and was now spinning in the air as it reached its peak. It then continued its rotation as it descended from its peak after lingering there for a fraction of a second.

Clang. The coin hit the table. They both glanced at the result. It was. Tails.

"I guess lady luck is not on my side," Mugen said as he stood up, " I should get going" he placed the money on the table and prepared to leave. His eyes not making contact with her once. "Wait!" Tsunade stopped him.

She was well aware of her terrible luck so when she won she knew it was a terrible sign. A bad omen. After seeing the result she thought, " What could this mean? " Mugen halted answering while not turning around, " Yes? ".

" Those dates, I will accompany you" she blushed slightly while crossing her arms and looking away. Mugen looked back, only tilting his head slightly to look at her. 'Oh Mugen blurted out., "The previous conditions....."

" take it or leave it" tsunade interrupted still not looking at him.

"Of course I'll take it. I need you to accompany me back to the village to heal my relative, after that I know of a good place. But now, I have to take care of some 'business ' . I'll finish it by tomorrow morning. We leave when the sun rises." Mugen's mouth curved slightly upwards as he left the restaurant.

Tsunade watched as his figure disappeared while wondering if she made the right choice.

In 'Crazy Riches'

At the bathroom on the third floor.

Mugan's clone picked up the briefcase containing the money. As he exited the bathroom while wiping his hands. Swish.swish.swish.swish. He had some 'guests ' welcoming him.

"Arghhhhhh" he shouted in keeping with his barbarian image. He used his fists to attack the ninja surrounding him. They were quick. Two of them lunged at him and stabbed at him with kunai. He retreated backwards dodging their strike but that wasn't the end, the others surrounding him threw shuriken at him. Left. Right. Up. Down. He dodged while making use of his legs and turning repeatedly almost like dancing. They didn't let up. Two of them jumped at him from behind while a big one swung a large club at him from the front. Boom. Fwish. Boom.

"He's finished . No one can live after that attack." The on- looking ninja thought. After the last impact something was embedded in the wall at the end of the corridor. No, it wasn't something but two someones. The two ninja that attacked Mugen from behind.

"Impossible" ran in all of the attackers minds. The big attacker suddenly knelt on the floor. " what's wrong,hey what's wrong!!!!!! " they inquired. It was then that they noticed. Blood was spilling from the front of his neck like a spring. Fearful ,they all looked around for their prey who was now the hunter. Two ninja looked up to the cieling. Fluk. Two kunai pierced their foreheads. The sound of their bodies dropping alerted the others.

Tap. Mugen jumped down from the ceiling. He stood still while glaring at them he shattered his shades and rushed at them. Punch. Kick. Kick. Punch. Somersault. Flip. Jumpkick. He attacked them and pierce through their mob of attackers but they didn't fall.

"It's not going to be that easy. We are ninja of the..." They wanted to continue however Mugen like always, interrupted, "Oh really" shhhhskkkk. Something sounded like it was burning . Boosh. Splat.. Limbs,organs and insides scattered about. Mugen had placed explosive tags on them while he was fighting.

1,2,4,7..8...15 . "That's all that were on the third floor excluding those two at the entrance. There are probably more. Mugen rushed to the upper floor. Security was tight. The stairs were guarded by a colony of men armed with guns and swords.(yes guns are in naruto). Thankfully they didn't seem to be ninja. He took out the ones before quickly. However it would've been problematic if they got a chance to cast ninjutsu.

Crkkk. The clone disassembled into ice fragments before slowly disappearing. Crkkk.Crkkkk. The clone congealed on the roof of the building(gaara does it,why shouldn't he). Step.step. He could see through the windows and observed the corridors and such below. As expected,guards were patrol ing,again thankfully non ninja. Using his two tomoe sharingan he found what he was looking for shortly.

He jumped down from the ceiling in a seemingly ordinary room with just some plants and a large painting. He had soundlessly walked on the ceiling concealing himself in the shadows while avoiding the patrol's eyes. He used a kunai to cut open the painting to reveal a secret passage.

After walking a while he had arrived. On the way he saw some grotesque scenes. Women stringed up and played with before being slaughtered." This oro has quite the disgusting hobbies, " Mugen calmly commented. Unaffected by this scene out of a horror mov ie.

Mountains of gold. He took out a scroll that contained several other scrolls within.

A short while later.

Mugen exited the room.

He sensed something and glared at the darkness in a corner of the ceiling without looking directly at it.(corner of eyes again,I know)

Ting. He deflected a kunai from the shadows with his own.

"Going somewhere?" Two eyes appeared in the darkness and words spoken by a deep stuffy voice.