Romance dawn

Boooommmmmmm!!!!! Crackkkkkk.

An explosive sound echoed in the surroundings. Tree trunks broke and hit the ground. There was a crater in the ground.

And the cause of this mess is a blonde woman with a dangerous body in more ways than one.

A few minutes ago.

"Ugh" tsunade mumbled as she opened her eyes. The blinding sunlight delayed her eyes a few seconds. In her sleepy and half awake state she recalled being surrounded by A warm and comforting sensation as she fell asleep. Even now she felt it. There was something warm on one of her breasts and buttocks. She didn't reject this feeling however after a while and she fully awakened, she knew what they were.

Her face became hot until finally. "Why you..." She trembled as she whispered. "Jerk!!!!!" She punched downwards.

And here we are back to the present.

Mugen had been awake long ago he had awoken to find his hand on one of her breasts and the other on her buttocks. He just couldn't bring himself to move. The sensation his hands experienced were ..... heavenly. It was beyond his widest imaginations. He knew they were big but not THAT big. Jiraiya was a tad off the mark. It looked like 111cm not 106cm, a J cup like hancock. How did he know you ask well the logical way of course, THE sharingan. As for her buttocks while he doesn't know how to measure them. Who the hell cares. How could the fools in this world let this woman NOT be married. Thank goodness he is here now.

Well she isn't going to be easy to deal with.

"My,my how scary my life flashed before my eyes." A sweat dropped from Mugen's face.

She had her eyes closed and held her fist in front of her. Her fist trembled. "Where the he'll were you putting your hands!!!!!"

"Come now love, I had just held you within my arms to not make you feel not lonely and tell you that I'm here for you. I had absolutely no perverted intentions. Though they felt quite nice." Mugen attempted to reason with her and lost his goal toward the end.

"What did you just say!!"' She glared at him preparing for another strike.

"I just wanted to let you know my opinions on the matter. Come now you won't kill your future husband right?" Mugen retreated slowly.

"Future husband?" Veins bulged in her beautiful forehead," Not quite!!!" she lunged at him.

Mugen spent the rest of the morning dodging and running away from her.

"Hah,hah,hah" Mugen put one of his hands on the last tree remaining from her rampage. Trying to catch his breath.

He gazed at the scene of destruction behind him and laughed as if it didn't concern him," If any of those connected I would have an early grave."

"Have you finally calmed down?" Mugen asked tiredly.

"Shizune!!" She glared at him and looked away and called.

"Yess....yes ma'am" shizune frightenedly answered.

"Let's go." She walked off in the direction of the leaf village.

Recognizing that she was still angry Mugen walked on ice around her (expression). She didn't even so much as look at him throughout their journey to the next village on the way. He repeatedly tried to quell her with chicken breast and sake and while she accepted she still didn't talk to him.

They stayed at an inn for the night planning on leaving first thing in the morning. He tried to make her laugh and while adding some romance so he blatantly stole a song he thought would fit the moment at first he thought of Ed sheeran's :perfect but he later decided on a different one.

He created two clones and had them make some makeshift instruments (like a plan). He slowly approached her when they were alone after she returned she was slightly drunk.

"Tell me what you're cryin' for, I will wipe your tears oh love.

If you're soul is aching love, I will comfort you for sure.

If were caught in a wave, I will carry you over.

It don't matter where you are, I'll run to your front door.

When my head goes in different directions,

You know my hearts never on the move.

And in the dark times you don't have to question, if I'm a 100 with youu.

You could put an ocean between our love, love, love it won't keep us apart.

You could build a wall, I would run it up, up, up just to get to heart....."

Mugen romantically and shamelessly took khalid's ocean for himself. And it worked magnificently half way through he already put his fingers through the spaces between hers and at the end they were already kissing, sadly not for long the magic wore off and she pushed him off. Mugen was greatly saddened but at least it looked as if she forgived him for earlier.

Tsunade was greatly flushed. She couldn't believe what just happened it was like her body.... just reacted on its own. "This guy must be my bane" she thought as she glared at him once more quite adorably and she stepped on his foot in an attempt to hide her embarrassment.

Mugen endured great pain behind his signature smile, his mouth twitched. He was experiencing great pain.

As they're relationship already gotten well to wherever it was she just blatantly asked," So this relative of yours who are they to you."

"Well that's a secret for now. All I can say is that I owe her a great deal." Her eyes slanted from his response. She realized she could probably never get him to answer a question clearly so she gave up.

Mugen looked at her across from him. He looked like his usual self calm, cool, playful with a tinge of evil showing but inwardly," DAMN ITTTT!!!!!!!!! That was the perfect chance as she had kissed me back and she is drunk.And slightly out of it. If I had pushed it a bit. We would already be in the bedroom , well or close" he thought of her monstrous strength," though I am barely 2 years old now so I can't do 'lt'. Damn this BODY !!!!!!" While yes he isn't showing his body now but still he doubts it is full grown down there and and he doesn't want to take that chance for their first.

The little black and white tiger's head popped up from his shirt ,as this frame can hold it. As he saw he realized that he hadn't named it yet. "Come to think of it I haven't named you have I, little one. Lets see you are male so..." Mugen thought deeply.

"How about saber" Mugen lifted it up and placed it in front of his face and asked. Rawr. It stopped it's initial purring and moved on to cute growls. What a tricky little fellow. It seemed to like it's name though.

"What kind of beast is that?" Tsunade asked.

"I'm not too sure myself. Maybe once it grows up I'll find out if it can use nature energy and how large it will grow. 15 meters is fine but bigger would be even better" Mugen replied.

"Are you serious?! That would be terrifying for his species even if he is just a cat and not a tiger." Tsunade asked, shocked.

Mugen just smiled in response.

Realizing she couldn't deal with him she just ended it there.

"Hey I'm thirsty" she said. Mugen decided to play with her.

"Hi thirsty I'm husband"

"I'm serious!!"

"No you're thirsty"

"Are you joking"

"No I'm husband"

"Ugh" Tsunade just went to sleep unable to tolerate him.