
"Hey, Mrs legendary ninja, time to wake up"

Mugen Sat by the window watching the sun rise with one of his elbows rested on his knee. He had called out to her when it had fully risen casting away all the darkness and just about when you'd expect the roosters to what they do best.

"Uhm," tsunade twisted and turned before finally lifting her upper torso up. She rubbed her eyes in an attempt to wipe away her sleepiness. If jiraiya were here his eyes would become moons and all the blood in his body would escape through his nose, well maybe not that exaggerated but such was the scene before mugen. Tsunade's right breast was out for the room to see.

She must have been clumsy due to sleeping on the ground in one of those Japanese blanket bed like things. She hadn't realized it yet. He could have pretended not to have seen it however due to their age difference she will have a hard time accepting him, not like if he were her age and her, his. Even more so if she finds out his true age. He must make sure that when she does, she is already far gone.

So he's planning on raising as many flags as possible. With that in mind, "You should cover up, while I do appreciate the scene, women are quite conscious of such scenes aren't they." Mugen said as he returned to looking outside at the scenery.

Crash!!!!!! A table flew in his direction and collided with the wall. Mugen's eyebrows twitched as he looked back at the hole created by the table crashing through the wall. If he hadn't lowered his body and positioned himself under by almost laying flat on the floor he would be outside with the table.

"First thing in the morning and you're already acting like a pervert!!! You remind of a certain someone I know!" Tsunade bellowed .

"You're the one who showed it all for the word to see." Mugen refuted.

She glared at him, " Fine, I give, even though you're being unreasonable. " Mugen put his hands up. With women you have to learn to compromise and not argue.

"Hmph" she angrily stepped out for some reason.

They made preparations and then left for the leaf.

"Do you intend to return to action, Mrs great ninja?"

" Great ninja? "

" Yes, great ninja. I've heard of your record. 40 D rank, 200+ C rank, 400+ A&B rank and 95 S rank missions. And here I thought S rank missions were rare. You and some others make them look like cabbages especially a certain 'someone'. " Mugen seemingly praised .

"It's not that simple, they are rare a sense. The number of times I almost lost my life in those missions were innumerable especially those s rank ones." Tsunade replied.

"That certain 'someone' saved me from death a lot of times though off duty i wish I could knock his skull in." She looked nostalgic as she laughed.

Mugen admired her smile awhile and said, " Smiling like that while thinking of another man will make another certain 'someone ' slightly jealous. "

"Well that certain 'someone' has no say in The matter" she harshly said looking at him from the corner of her eye.

"How harsh" Mugen laughed and said.

"I don't plan on going on any missions. If however, war were to break out. I will assist from behind the scenes WITHOUT going to the frontlines." She decisively declared.

Realizing once more he was inferior to Naruto in that he couldn't make her overcome her tears by believing in him Mugen felt complicated. All he could do was try without pushing too hard to not scare her off. This is turning out to be as difficult as he expected. He took one large step with that kiss. He probably won't be getting a chance like that for a long time all he could do now is take some small steps towards her heart until he gets there.

"I had gone to that city to enjoy a little time for myself, to not think about them. What a trip that turned out to be." She smiled meaningfully but if whom or what she was smiling at, no one knows.

They arrived at the hidden leaf village a few days later.

They walked through the gates.

"Lady tsunade" the ninja watching the gate saluted.

"No need, carry on"

"Come to think of it as we are home now you have no need to continue hiding your true form do you." Tsunade asked him.

" O contraire madam, now tis even more so. Besides the mystery makes it all more appealing and interesting once it is unveiled." Mugen reasoned.

"Previously i had an unknown admirer she texted me out of nowhere and our relationship went on a while. We had a lot in common however... That was until I knew what she looked like she to the interference of her friends.... You might call it cruel but it was a disappointment, not my type of girl at all, she'd make a great friend though if I didn't impulsively rejected her. While I do feel bad I don't regret it. With this knowledge, does it change your opinion of me. " Mugen asked.

Tsunade remained silent for a while before shaking her head in disagreement, "If anything in that matter of rejecting we are quite similar." She smiled thinking of something or someone .

They had arrived at Mugen's house.

"This isn't the uchiha district." Tsunade spoke.

" Yes, I am not truly of direct descent. My mother and grandmother from my father's lineage were not of uchiha blood. So to speak i am an uchiha but I do not belong to the uchiha clan. Not anymore at least. " Mugen answered.

"I see" Tsunade thought, " Even so to possess the sharingan and also for uchiha to marry non uchiha successively in two generations of his line. I don't recall that ever being done. I wonder will that result in any suprises. I don't really know much about except his tongue. "

They entered his house to find a white haired woman on the couch asleep seemingly in pain. Mugen looked at her and then at tsunade. "Well"

"This is child's play, some of her sensitive accounts in her head merely show signs of stress i can take care of it in a few hours."

Tsunade then proceeded to heal her until morning and surprisingly his mother didn't wake up she was in a deep peaceful sleep.

Tsunade's body wavered as if to fall. Mugen grasped her shoulders to catch her.

"Are you alright did you push yourself too hard" Mugen worriedly asked.

Seeing the worry in his eyes, " Don't worry about it, it just took some time that's all I wasn't in deep concentration of doing anything intricate i just constantly used a minimal amount of chakra to do it constantly. Now my chakras all gone nothing a little rest can't fix. "

" let's get you home" Mugen carried her in the princess carry. And looked back at his mother as he thought, "be back home soon mother"

Tsunade had fell asleep in his embrace. He took precautionary measures and disguised her to avoid tarnishing her reputation.

You know what they say age doesn't matter unless you are cheese. And if anything you are my bottle of wine. Mugen whispered as he carried her to an inn as he didn't know where she lived before being hokage. Little did he know she had heard him.