The Anbu

Hiruzen sent word afterwards, he was approved to go to war. He also asked to meet up.

'hahaha, I don't even know where you live, i had to ask someone to wait for you. " he laughed smoking his pipe. Mugen looked at the pipe thoughtfully.

"My mother is my only family. If I were to see anyone monitoring her my hands might slip and kill them. " Mugen said murderously with that shadow of death cloning over his face, his eyes once again being the only thing visible.

Sarutobi breathed out smoke and stayed silent. Danzo, huh.

Mugen regained his normal relaxed behaviour and asked, " Just giving you a heads up. So? What did you call me for? "

Sarutobi held his pipe and breathed out once more, "I'm thinking of enlisting you in the anbu. What do you think."

Mugen was surprised at this but he wasn't one to show his thoughts on his face.

"Normally I would say no it's not my style..... But, t hat is where a lot of the action is... So I'll just have to compromise. Know this old man. I will leave someday perhaps that day is years from now nonetheless, I shall."

" I accept" Mugen said.

"Very well, missions start tomorrow. These are details on your team. You shall specialize in assassination and assault." Hiruzen informed him.

" As you command, hokage. " Mugen leaned on a wall nearby and said. So soon not that I have any complaints; he though t.

The next day.

"You are the new substitute member,yes?" An anbu with black hair and a Fox mask asked.

Mugen nodded.

"These are your equipment." A katana, and the standard uniform. It was adjusted for his size. It was a close fit.

"Now, choose your mask." He showed Mugen to a room of small masks. Mugen saw one that looked like ichigo's second one with black lines from the eyes so it was an instant pick as for which animal it belonged to, he couldn't tell.

The one seeming to be captain gathered the rest and spoke of their next mission.

"We have several formations that are tailored for certain situations. We don't have time to reach you all of the specifics." The Fox masked anbu captain stated.

" Show them to me" Mugen activated his sharingan which were visible through the slanted holes for eyes, in the mask.

Seeing the sharingan the anbu captain was caught off guard but he recovered swiftly and showed and explained the formations to mugen.

"I remember them all, when do we leave." Mugen asked.

" Now. " he jumped and disappeared. The others and Mugen followed in formation.

"I was told to protect him but why did Lord hokage assign him here as young as he is if he needs protection. The masked anbu captain pondered.

Sometime after the arrived near to their target. They were to attack and interrogate some ninja operating in that region from iwagakure .

They stopped a distance away before attacking.

" Nameless monitor the West for any ambushing shinobi" Mugen nodded.(His code name is nameless)

"Kuzo and jidan shall monitor the North and South. The rest shall attack with me." He signalled and blurs moved in several directions .

Mugen stood below a tree and waited.

The attacking force attacked without delay.

A bear, dog and wolf mask made hand signs. "Water style : Water waves" a combination attack flooded the ordinary looking cottage.

The captain and two other anbu, "Lightning style: Thunderbolt"

The house was completely destroyed but some shadows had jumped up before.

They engaged in a battle of kunai and taijitsu.

Elsewhere just when Mugen thought things were boring.

The leaves shuttled behind him and he turned around. It was a one eyed man dressed in the uniform of kumogakure. He attacked with a short sword and pierced right through mugen. However it was just an after image.

The man looked around for where Mugen was. Up? Behind? SIdeways? He couldn't find him. He suddenly realized the ground he was standing on was frozen like a small puddle. He immediately got off it and then put his head over it to observe. It was then. Mugen swooped up from the ice and instantly cut off his head. It was quite the brutal scene.

Unlike narut o that skillfully censored such gory scenes, his was as real as could be. He never killed anyone before but he thought nothing of it. "I wonder if I should be disturbed or not after all this is not normal' Mugen pondered but eventually stopped wasting precious braincells. Before at the city of gambling he didn't exactly kill anyone directly like feeling their body resisting his katana.

He sheathed his katana, however,

" I'm surrounded huh" he looked around. They slowly apppeared from the trees and bushes all around him.

They attacked from all directions. He didn't use ice age this time but taijutsu. He was surrounded but he held his own. A slash after his head, he ducked, used his katana and pierced through him. He titled his katana slightly to deflect and redirect several attacks in the battle. This was his first fight so there was bound to be mistakes. After he dodged once, he was almost cut open by a kunai, he retreated backwards and suffered a deep cut but not too fatal. They took the opportunity to attack at full force in his defense, he had gotten a shallow cut in his face and a few more shallow wounds on his torso.

They suddenly retreated and three of them suddenly appeared and cast hand signs, recognizing what they were for Mugen hurriedly countered.

"Fire style: Fireball jutsu" another combination, luckily in just one direction .

"Glacial style: Frost breath" Mugen countered it. His easily overpowered theirs and started to freeze them a little upon contact. The ninja didn't expect this and so did Mugen since it was never really used in battle. Mugen didn't let his chance slip away while the frost on their bodies slowed their movement. He used his katana to repeatedly cut them down.

As he got it to the last 5. They surrounded him suddenly even with their movements slowed by his jutsu they were still fast and co ordinated. Mugen dodged most of their attacks and waited for an opening.

Bingo. The one on the far left was open. Mugen thought to rush immediately at him and kill him and ice gathered beneath his fe et. His speed increased and in a split second he stabbed him through the heart. Realizing his sudden speed Mugen was baffled and thought of the cause. The others seized the chance and attack ed.

He tried to retrieve the sword but it was slightly hard, his insides were griping it. They were already behind mugen. Almost subconsciously Mugen moved and turned his right hand completely into ice and ripped out the one behind him's heart. He retrieved the katana and jumped to avoid the remaining ones. He got a second to look at his hand but the one's below didn't let him get a chance to breath. They threw kunai at him midair. He dodged. Boom.

Dam n it. They had explosive tags on them. He turned around. "Frost Breath" he whispered . And gathered air in his cheeks. The explosion was frozen.

Impossible!! The ninja below thought. Mugen landed and wielded his katana to kill them at the same t ime. They blocked it with kunai. But Mugen added more force to his blade and suddenly it took on a frozen shade and broke the kunai continuing to slice them both in half. The remaining one attempt to retreat with a smoke bomb. But again. "Frost breath" the smoke froze. Mugen thought he would break through the iced smoke. But he was wro ng. He didn't or perhaps couldn't. Mugen fazed through the ice and took his head.

Finally getting a breather. Mugen looked up and wiped the blood splattered on his fa ce. He looked back at the dead ninja. There were around 50.

Not bad for my maiden battle. Mugen smiled and sat on a pile of the corpses. He cleaned the blood off his katana on the tattered clothes of some of them.

Suddenly Mugen looked at a set of trees nearby. Two hands emerged and separated the bushes between their lines of sight. It was another hidden cloud ninja. But this one was different. He had a veteran vibe. A jōnin. Mugen wasn't a fool, he knew he couldn't take him. Of course that didn't mean he would tremble in fear.

He had only a little bit of his chakra left. But just enough for 'that' jutsu.

Mugen put h is katana on his shoulder and jumped up from the like of corpses and landed in front of him. They looked at each other.

"Judging from your height you shouldn't be too old, you're just a kid." He said.

Mugen just tilted his katana on his s houlder. "How about you and I dance for bit"

"Happy to oblige" he blurred and appeared before Mugen aiming for his head.

Mugen activated his sharingan and leaned back almost parallel to the ground to dodge. The man then started to attack at high speed but Mugen dodged in a different way every time just like the man's moves which were different each time. From afar it really looked like dancing.

Mugen sensed something off, The man ha d threw some kunai at him earlier and he dodged, the y were falling at him from above and he was forming handseals . What's worse they were also explosive tags on them. He couldn't dodge both attacks.

"Ice Age" Mugen whispered. However even though Mugen cast the jutsu they still hit him , the man somehow sped up their descent. Boo oooooom. Mugen couldn't escape the kunai.

The man grunted (base like hmgh). He watched as the smoke cleared. Mugen was unharmed.

Going back in time. Since it was too late to go underground in ice. He froze his body instead and the kunai froze as well being ice, he let them pass through him.

Mugen moved sluggishly doing that exhausted him. The jōnin moved in to finish him but he suddenly stopped.

"Looks like your backup is coming." He said, " I doubt you'd go down easy and I do actually have a different mission so, until next time, you who rules ice. " he poofed away in smoke.

Muge n's breath was quiet but uneven. That battle took a lot out of him. His anb u teammates arrived. "What happened?" The leader asked as he sa w the dead ninja.

" Oh, nothing I just had some visitors and danced with a jōnin awhile , but I guess I'm not at that level yet. " Mugen took off his mask. Blood spilled from a corner of his mouth but not a lot of it.

He stretched his aching body a little. He put his mask back on, "Well? It's time , isn't it?"

" Yes, let's go" the anbu captain commanded. He noticed the ice on the battlefield

In his first mission he already took out so many and he doesn't seem to be affected by their deaths. This boy..... Will be feared by all his enemies. The captain thought. Not just him. While the anbu don't show emotions that much, they are human. And so even they had curiosity and a budding fear against Mugen.