Land of water

Let's go back in time a bit.

A month before Mugen returned he was hunting for food for himself and saber. He had to hunt several animals for saber because even though all his cells and body was exhausted after training and he ate a lot more than usual; saber with his tiny body still are more than him, five times as much to be exact.

Mugen washed his face and saw his reflection in the stream. He had definitely grown but his hair and clothes were ragged from his supposedly non- masochistic training. He then remembered something he just never really really paid attention to.

He took up saber who was drinking water from up stream. "You... Haven't grown at all have you, saber" Mugen said as he held saber by one leg. Patted his cheeks measured his fur and other inspections. Mugen looked at saber with a tinge of worry.

"Rawr. " saber growled cutely ,dissatisfied by his mistreatment.

Mugen Sat on a round rock by the stream in thought. Like a cat saber was running against his foot. "Well worrying about it will change nothing. That just means you'll stay cute forever." Lifted him up and said to his little face. Rawr. He replied . Mugen still couldn't understand his growls.

Mugen went to sleep in one of his hideouts from the beasts. This was near Konoha in the mountainous areas so it wasn't that dangerous. There were just big bears, wol ves ,some big birds and some other animals.

When Mugen woke up he looked for saber and discovered he was in a corner of their cave cave. But something was wrong. He looked to be in pain. His claws were enlarging and reducing so was his tiny body and the two fangs outside of his mouth that gave h is species their name. Mugen didn't know what was wrong so he activated his sharingan and while he couldn't see on a cellular level as yet he noticed that saber's entire body was doing the same thing. He had an inkling that he was evolving or having a growth spurt of some sort. He held saber in his arms. Saber drew blood with his claws and fangs but Mugen didn't let him go. After three days of observing there were no changes so Mugen decided to collapse the cave 's entrances and come back for him later. He had already formed a contract with him however just to be safe he would return later in person.

Back to the present

After his first mission, it was just a constant cycle. He went on mission after mission but they all went smoothly he hardly did anything in those missions. He just co-operated with the others and while he did kill a lot there wasn't a lot at once like before and he did meet some more jōnin class shinobi however the captain and the rest were there every time.

After killing hundreds his demeanor underwent a slight change. His eyes now had a scary look to them and his vibe also changed if you looked at him he would look like just a short anbu and not just a kid who dressed like an anbu at first. His eyes weren't the scary and threatening type but the charming and scary type (Again think rikuo).

It had already been two months. He fitted in his team perfectly. He matched their pace without doing anything too flashy around them unless he had too, like using 'Ice Age' he just used 'Frost Breath ' and 'Glacial clone.'

Currently the third had summoned him. He always saw the anbu acting like they were tobi and sinking in to the floor and disappearing so he thought he'd try his own unique entrance. I mean why shouldn't he, doing things normal were just plain.

In the hokage's office. (The one Tsunade is always in but we never saw the third in). Hiruzen noticed that a section of the ceiling suddenly froze. Mugen passed through it and stood on the ceiling on the ice.

"Quite the flashy entrance" Hiruzen said with his pipe in his mouth.

Mugen just laughed and didn't reply.

"You've been doing well in your missions and all of them have gone without a hitch. I have a new mission for you with a different team this time. You shall be infiltrating the mist undercover with your age you are the perfect choice for missions such as these as no one would suspect a child. I have cut off and erased all inform ation about you so the other nations don't find out. Eventually, however, they will know of your existence."

"I will make full use of your advantages and send you on missions such as this more often. Don't worry there will be plenty of action later and even in missions such as these, however erase your tracks."

" i think leaving some ice wouldn't be that bad, they would not know who I am or what village i am from. " Mugen stated.

"Indeed that is so however cover your tracks otherwise." Hiruzen replied.

"YEs" Mugen replied.

"Th is is all you'll need for your mission." Sarutobi placed a document on his table for him. Mugen descended soumdlessly and retrieved it. He opened it and took a look. He closed it again. Ann's turned around.

"Any questions" Sarutobi asked.

" No. " Mugen replied.

"Dismissed" Sarutobi ordered.

Mugen froze the ground beneath and disappeared awhile after, he released the ice since if he didn't it wouldn't melt for now. It was something he discovered. His ice was really hard to melt just like a glacier even fire style couldn't melt it. Then again even haku's couldn't be melted by firestyle, well at that level anyway. Why is takes up so much chakra must also be due to its durability and longevity.

As for the mist , maybe I'll finally get to meet mei terumi. She should be 4 years older than me like kakashi. Its an A rank. This mission should be fun : Mugen thought.

The following day he met up his teammates and to his surprise they wouldn't be doing the mission together. They will only accompany him and go on their own mission. Not that he has a problem with that in fact he likes it better that way. He had to report in everyday though.

They travelled to the port and rode a small boat to the land of water.

Mugen quite like gazing at nature and now he got to see the sea. He usually slept all day. And relaxed at night though he was also awake for dawn and dusk. The journey there was uneventful to say the least bit what else would you expect from anbu.

But surprisingly things got a little interesting towards the end. A small patrol boat with ninja of unknown affiliation appeared and attacked in sight

"Summoning justu: Sword marlin! !!" A giant shadow appeared below the water.

Mugen jumped off the boat and landed on the water. "I'll take care of the fish." He said with his hands in his newly added coat's pockets.

The others nodded and the captain ordered the attack. With two members remaining in the boat, they ran on the water to attack the boat. The ninja onboard also left the ship to fight on water.

Meanwhile Mugen Vs Giant Marlin

The shadow of the fish appeared below him. Mugen smirked, "Ice Age" he froze the entire area below him with the fish. He fazed through the ice to make fish-sticks but he suddenly noticed something. It wasn't there. He looked up through the ice. The marlin leaped up from the ocean high in the air and descended towards him. Cruwsh!!!!! Crack. The sword on the marlin boosted by gravity and momentum pierced his ice and and it split in two.

The marlin swam towards him.

"It's fast." Mugen dodged by a hairs breath.

He kept on dodging underwater for awhile until he started to get exhausted. He then decided to do a risky move. He stood still and the marlin rushed at him. Just when he was 5 seconds away from getting impaled. Two ice spears appeared in each direction surrounding the marlin and just when he was a fraction of a second from getting impaled They pierced the fish. He had grasped the huge sword momentarily with his hand so it was bleeding.

The summoning creature poofed awAy in the water. He was running out of air and couldn't swim back in time so he froze a small section of water beneath his feet and jumped off it to escape the sea.

The other anb u looked to be about finished. It seemed the summoning creature's contracter was long dead but he thought nothing of it.

To avoid any visitors drawn by the commotion They immediately set sail and treated their injuries later.

They slowed down their speed and played low for a while to avoid suspicion before continuing their mission.

They docked at the land of water a few days later.