
Mugen made a realistic looking disguise on his face with the guide of the anbu so he won't be seen through by experienced shinobi. His face would attract otherwise unwanted attention they said. Sure he thought, just make me ugly so they get disgusted by me instead.

He was to infiltrate their academy and discover their methods. As he recalled Madara was not yet in charge but this was still known as the Village of the Bloody mist. He must gather all the Intel they possess and kill their three head teachers. Which would be impossible if he didn't have a three T omoe sharingan and was a kid. This was an A rank but with Madara it might as well be S ranked.

He was five but he looked like 8 or 9 so he would be in the graduating set. He wanted to build up his experience in war and fight as much as possible whilst he could. So he had to get this over with. Mugen successfully infiltrated the academy. He was casually taking a look around but he was actually scouting the place.

*Sob* someone was crying behind a patch of seclude d bushes. "I... I don't want to kill anyone but I have to, if I want to somehow change this cruel system. *sob*

Mugen didn't bother to hide and walked up behind her.

" Who're you?!! " she jumped on the water in the small fountain she was crying in, that was hidden by a patch of tall bushes.

Mugen observed her. Good reaction. She's watching his every move with her hand reaching for a weapon. She was in an attacking stance ready for attack. Her feet were ready to push off the water.

"Lava release: Melting Apparition technique" she melted him.

Realizing this she immediately rushed over and repeatedly said sorry to his corpse. It was his glacial clone. The attack did affect it but only a little damage nothing too serious. Dark lines appeared on Mugen's face as he thought, "Why try to kill me and say sorry after ?"

He then noticed her appearance. She had green eyes and auburn hair the same style as Kushina's her youth. She was cute definitely had the potential to be a beauty; it was Mei Terumī . He flashed and appeared by her as he put his arms around her shoulder he said, " A shining beauty such as yout self shouldn't be crying. " he whispered in her ears. (Terumī means shining beauty)

"How do you know my name?"

" Of course I know a beautiful and famous girl such as yourself" Mugen smiled.

"Say" Mugen face and hers were centimetres away from each other, " Want to be my girlfriend. "

"Gggggg girlfriend" she said caught off guard.

"Of course I shan't let a beauty like you slip away." Mugen said knowing she likes to be complimented even though she doesn't show it as much now.

" Um.... " fwoosh. Mugen kisses her.

Time froze for mei. Crack, blushh!!!! Ahhhhhh!!!!!! She screamed and went and in her mind. But like a tsukuyomi the time in her mind and outwardly were different. After a second she said yes. All she knew were violence and bloodshed in this era of the Bloody mist. She yearned for something different.

"Let's go on a date and ditch school." Mugen said capturing the young chick exp loiting her inner weaknesses like it was the norm al thing to do.

"No, we can't. We'll get severely punished. We can't..." She talked at high speed.

" Shhh" Mugen placed a finger on her lip.

"If you live fearing the consequences you shall always life in fear and that will affect you later on. Act first and deal with the consequences lat er. Don't worry I'll make sure you don't get hurt, promise." Mugen smiled with one eye open hugging her.

" Now then, off we go. " Mugen swept her off her feet and jumped over the academy boundaries. The head teacher was talking to a guard and their eyes met. But Mugen moved along anyways.

"Those kids !!!" The guard bellowed. Ready to chase . HOwever. "No, I'll punish them myself." The head teacher said. The guard didn't date go against him and saw him of f after he was told to notify him when they return. The guard doubted their return since he figured they knew of their punishment however.....

The village hidden in the mist had a gloomy vibe to it however there were a lot of beautiful scenes. They avoided the Village folk since they were down in the dumps from the tyrannical rule. Mugen toured the city and went to all sorts of place s. They caught pretty fish and let them go. They held their breath underwater and splashed each other. They stuffed their faces. They made a little trouble putting smiles on some of the villagers faces and spent the day having fun.

At the end Mugen shamelessly gave the 9 year old mei a French kiss. Even he felt he went a little overboard. And both of them blushed. He sent her home. After he returned he chec led ever nook and cranny of his room with the sharingan and made his report afterwards to send to the leaf.

The next day in class both he and mei were called by the teacher he sent them to one of the heads, yasuragi. "I assume you know why you've been called" he asked.

Mel attemp te d to speak but was stopped by mugen.

"I'll take our combined punishment five times over as long as it's only me." Mugen said.

" Noo... Don't!!! " me I pleaded. "I'll...." Whack .

Mugen knocked her out. Roughly you might say but women always complained about not treating them like glass figurines for the kind boys.

"So?" Mugen asked .

"Very well, 10 times the punishment. 1000 lashes out of a leather whip." He declared with a sadistic smile.

Mugen dropped off mei in the classroom and was taken to a torture chamber he was strung up with iron chains.

Swish. Swish. Mugen was repeatedly whipped. He taunted, "Did anyone ever tell you, you hit like a girl" Swish. Swish. Whack. The swings for harder and harder they started to draw bloody from his body.

Mugen laughed, "Still hit like a woman but maybe one on her period this time"

Whasssh. Mugen was hit across the face. Bop. He was kneed in the stomach. He was repeatedly hit with fits and whip but other than grunts here and there he never screamed and continued taunting. Until it was his last strike. He was released from his metal cuffs. Shirtless badly bruised he left the cell waving. "Well missy, it was fun talking to you but you'll never get the boys like that." He said to 6 foot monster for a tortured that was definitely male. " Grawwwwahhbbb!!!! "

Mugen blocked one ear with his little finger, "So noisy, I know you'll miss me but you don't have to take it too hard.* As he exited his underground torture chamber to the light. He stretched," Freedom at last. " (think ryner from L.O.T.L.H.)

His chakra increased. Some how the energy of his mind and body were several times more powerful. The torture brought out his fleshly power and he is a reborn man from another world so I think his mind is not normal. For some reason until now they haven't shown their true potential. Chakra is made up from stamina which he has a lot of nowadays. He could probably Do a massive wide area 'Ice s age' and a bomb like 'Frost Breath ' not to mention 10 or so clones.

A man coming from a torture chamber being tortured was... Walking away smiling.