Dust release

Mugen was smirking with his hands behind his head while walking. His chakra had increased greatly. Although it increased a little everyday through practicing his justu, it had never increased by this much before.

He was feeling quite satisfied with himself. Though he was never one to show his emotions in his face. He walked through the streets and the people were giving him strange looks before hurriedly walking away. It can't be blamed on them after all they live in terror of this village's kage and his methods.

He noticed a little old man on the ground. He must have fell over and couldn't lift himself up. He really was ancient. If this old man were several meters away or farther away he wouldn't bother with him but on a whim he decided to help him up.

"Old man someone your age shouldn't be traveling by himself." Mugen said as he lifted him up neither gently or roughly.

He caught his breath for a while, " Thank you young sir. "

Quite humble. Mugen thought and replied, "It was no problem just the lift of a hand."

Mugen had his eyes half opened usually, not in a sleepy way though. He noticed who the old man was. Ōnoki!!!!. No this isn't him he doesn't possess the chakra of a shinobi; Mugen checked with his sharingan in a split second before deactivating it. Otherwise it would attract trouble. The sharingan is quite famous.

"Take care of yourself old man." Mugen waved and walked off.

"The old man kept expressing his gratitude until I was out of sight. They really are dead scared and jumpy right now. Who can blame them really." Mugen said to himself.

But thinking of that old man... Made him irritated. While he was an expert at controlling his emotions, there was no need for that currently. He found an isolated place and punched a solid wall with all his strength. The wall was very thick but his fist made a small crater. However his fist was bloodied. He clenched his fists as he looked at the sun fading in the horizon. That slightly calmed him down.

Ōnoki of the dust release with it he could: turn anything to dust. He destroyed 25 Susanoo clad Madara wood clones. He could also reputedly destroy an island with it. According to a few a dust release user can fight any number of enemies, provided no one is strong enough to lose a threat to the user. So it was pretty much quality over quantity. While it is pretty non-versatile it is tremendously powerful. While it does take up a lot of chakra it is worth it. Just hearing the term kekkei tōta is enough to make anyone wary.

Yet his is so.... Weak compared to Ōnoki's , hearing dust release you'd think, lame but he can pulverize his opponents to dust, literally. What can be do? Make some ice that gets slightly melted by a kekkei genkai and split by a Damn gigantic sword of a fish. He either wasn't using his abilities to their fullest potential or his Glacial release is worth shit before the dust release. Yes, his is versatile but comparing the effects, he is far outclassed.

"Dam n it!!" He punched a tree . The stem cracked and the upper region fell. (poor tree 😟😟)

He possesses the sharingan and a kekkei tōta all that should be standing between him and great power are techniques, chakra and experience.

Before Mugen could continue Mei appeared. "I've been looking every where for yo u. Why did you do that?!!" She said with tears in her eyes. "Now then don't cry it'll make you a wrinkly old hag sooner." He said with great seriousness .

She immediately stopped crying and looked at him. She then went close to him and starting hit ting him with a barrage of hits. They had no real force behind so it didn't hurt that much. Blue lines weighed down on Mugen as he collapsed to the ground, " My darling youthful wife my body is sore all over, every fibre of my being hurts are you trying to kill your future husband. " The torture didn't go to somewhere else after all.

"You deserve it for making me go through all that." Mei said.

" Now then I don't want to drop a bomb on you. So I'll tell you now this is very cruel to you but I will be leaving soon I am on a mission here, I am not from this village once I complete it I must leave and tend to other matters. But don't worry we'll meet again soon. "Mugen explained after recovering from his pains.

" No... You don't have to. Stay with..... " Mugen put his finger on her lips and said, "My little young temptress if I don't go i will not get stronger fast enough. If I am to make sure your future husband doesn't die in the future before we are even married i must get strong. To protect you as well. To do that I must gain strength by participating in the war."

She looked like she understood but was still saddened.

"In..n.n that I case I want you to sleep with me tonight." She stuttered.

Mugen thought nothing of it and agreed. They went to her house ate, showered and went to bed. With he right beside him he felt a strange feeling. She wormed up to his chest and closed her eyes as if she was sleeping. Her face red as an Apple he knew she was awake. He hugged her and went to sleep he had no dirty thoughts she had to be At Least 16. If he had thoughts to her 9 year old body. He'd fucking cut it off himself.

He decided to finish his mission today or he might not want to leave. He got up without waking her. He realized he had forgotten about mentioning ninja domination and his other wives so he left her a message telling her of them and saying if she still wants to be with him she must keep herself chaste for his return and she may open the other envelop he left; if not she must burn it.

The envelope contained utmost secrets. Exercises to get a bigger rear and bussom. And also the necessary foods and procedures. At the end he told her of it's use and that she should strive to be a knockout beauty to have all the men drooling. There were also skin and other beauty methods there. She memorized everything and burned it as she was also told to do after memorizing it. Tsunade needs no help but he could tell her later. Naturally he had already given it to kurenai.

Mei ,foolishly still chose to be his and got his message later that day. He had drugged her to wake up late since he was never good at goodbyes. Even if they would meet again someday.

Mugen walked straight up to the archives of the school. "Hey kid here is off limits" the guards warned, he activated his sharingan and glared at them freezing their minds. He had made sure their brain was still functional and that they didn't collapse. They were wearing helmets so it didn't seem suspicious though it wouldn't matter since they looked the same anyway with eyes open and everything.

Not bad for its second use on a human, he thought. His practice paid off. He went through the doors and copied everything, he then destroyed the documents. Afterwards he approached the teachers building and it seemed even the heavens wanted them dead as the three of them were alone in a food stall across the street. He saw them from the roof since he was traveling covertly. He immediately went over there and appeared from the back. He stopped the assistants breathes and silently knocked them out.

The boss was serving them personally. He froze the ceiling and attacked from above. He expected as much but they dodged he had already put some measures in place as expected the had jumped back and were impaled by three of his Glacial clones. He immediately cut their heads off to avoid them doing any last moment surprises. The boss was in shock and couldn't say a word.

"Nothing personal." Mugen said as he appeared in front of him and knee-ed him in the stomach . He quickly cleaned up the mess with his clones and dumped them in the stall. He jumped up to a roof and started heading out to the dock from roof to roof. As he stood on one of the roofs at the dock. He looked back to where kurenai was. He looked there a long while before jumping down. Even luckier, there were ships heading out to sea. Five of them made a fleet full of ninja. Normally you'd think he would board another ship.

But he boarded one of them. He wanted to try out something. The fleet set sail. He several of his clones in the water. He deliberately allowed parts of them to melt and evaporate along with a large amount of sea water They attached themselves in the sides of the boats and created a new jutsu his 'Glacial Style: Mist of death' without a large amount of sea water he wouldn't be able to do it . Halfway through the journey when all of them has already inhaled a large amount of his mist, they wondered why the thick most stuck with them and showed no signs of fading. They couldn't turn back so they continued on. They knew the journey like the back of their hand anyw ay.

Mugen decided to let his justu take effect but not before playing it safe and having his clones pierce the ships bottom to let the most be inside as well as outside. After a while. He took action. He made a handsig n and activated it. All members of the fleet slowed down and frost appeared on their bodies that wasn't the problem though it was their insides that were.

I n their newfound condition they couldn't fight back. Mugen went personally to the other ships after slaughtering all in his ship. He killed all of them himself. It was effortless. Of course there were the superior shinobi in charge who resisted his justu but they themselves as leaders had to come up often to check on the outside and inhaled large amounts of his mist all their insides were almost completely frozen. He slaughtered the entire fleet by himself. With enough chakra he could have even killed them upon activation but he was At it since the journey began so he couldn't.

Blood splattered all over the ship. Heads and their bodies else where. Organs and limbs. Mugen had no time to be merciful so He was ruthless as He could be when He attacked. He sat in a pile of corpses again as he cleaned his blade. On the ships deck all you could make out is shadow with deep blue eyes. Those eyes had a demonic and frightful gleam.

He decided to leave his symbol on those ships his own symbol, his name in ice. He didn't want fame however he wanted fear. He wanted to inspire fear in the hearts of many upon hearing his name. Naturally he left out the uchiha. If he didn't they would put the clan in greater importance than he himself. So he just left 'Mugen '. When his kids and women speak his name in the future their enemies would shit their pants, apologize and run.

He wasn't a fool, to anchor his position as their future leader he must let them know his name and fear it. Humans were stubborn creatures after all. He will show them all true fear and inspire fear into the hearts of all shinobi. Like those three in Nura. Rikuo,his dad and the old man.