
Mugen had used his sharingan to avoid all the ships. He noticed a small ship. He would have ignored it however he saw someone. Green hair, slender body and tall and damn the anime didn't give her breasts enough credit. Pakura of the sand.

He thought what she could be doing now. She's headed to the land of water. "Wait she's headed for her betrayal isn't she?" He whispered to himself. He had made sure to hide the ships in the mist. The bloody scene in the ships would attract trouble and he was too lazy to clean it up. He

She was betrayed by her village and resented them in her last moments. He couldn't stop her as she would definitely believe the words of her village versus him. He changed his appearance from a young villager B to a older passerby A. He turned the entire ship around. His mist wouldn't fade anytime soon so it doesn't matter if he left the other ships as is. He brought a portion of the mist with him for concealment. He didn't know where exactly she was killed so he had to follow her. He thickened the m ist and enveloped her ship in it too. They couldn't see behind them but they could barely make out what's in front.

They were headed to the land of water to where the village was hidden in the mist. So like the previous now dead ship members they didn't suspect a thing. She was also by herself with just a small crew; it was a fisherman boat.

Turning back after leaving what a pain. Mugen spent a few days going back from whence he came. Their ship docked at a different port than he did before. Unlike the land of fire they had more than one port. Though that does make sense. As even though there are several smaller islands surrounding it, it is surrounded by water. Mugen waited for her to leave first and left some mist to conceal his ship. He had made some more to bring with him to save her.

He tailed her from a distance. They arrived at the valley. She was talking with the mist ninja. He let the mist advance. There it was, he stabbed her. Mugen immediately stopped the shower of kunai from who knows where. They froze and fell. "Where did this thick mis t come from?!!!" Th e man questioned the air.

Under the cover of the mist Mugen put her under a genjutsu and treated her. He took out the kunai froze her wound but not with ice. He had stopped the bleeding and treated her tissues temporarily. I n his maso... ahem training he had learned a few things. He carried her on his back and left quickly. The ninja of the mist were already casting ninjutsu to clear the mist. But with his mist it would take even their combined effort a long while, after all it was made from a kekkei tōta.

He had the sharingan for four wh ole years. So while he didn't actively practice or planned to specialize in genjitsu, he knew a little. After all, every one who possessed th e sharingan could do it. Even Sasuke who seemed not to, uses genjitsu. He would be worthless if he couldn't use a basic attribute of the sharingan. The genjutsu showed her what would happen if he hadn't saved her. She might still be in denial of her village betraying her after all. She was quite a loyal shinobi.

He brought her back to his stolen ship. They set sail immediately. Like he did in training, with his treatment the wounds would heal eventually. He had no time for a doctor or medical ninja now. He removed his genjutsu, not that he could keep it up for long anyways. He wiped her face with a hot towel from a bucket of hot water. He sat by her side taking care of her while doing his favorite activity: gazing at nature.

Occasionally he would check on her and his eyes would wander over her body. And..... Hot damn, she was fine. He breasts might not be as large as tsunade's but she was of considerable s ize maybe in the 80s. She had a slender body and nice skin. Tall too.

He had reached the half way journey mark once more. As he was staring through the ships sealed glass window. She twitched. She woke up a while later.

"Where am i ? Is this the afterlife?" She whispered dryly.

Mugen slightly laughed, "No it's not. You are still breathing."

"I didn't die? That's impossible, it felt so real!!!" She exclaimed .

"It was real. Everything that happened, would have happened if I wasn't there. I stopped the shower of kunai and saved you. I let you see a genjutsu of what your fate would have been if it wasn't for me." Mugen solemnly explained .

"So then they really betrayed me...." She said dazedly.

" Now then don't be so glum. Let's do this, you did die then. Let's treat it as I never interfered and you did die. " Mugen said. Before she could say anything he leaned over and grasped her chin. He looked into her eyes.

"The pakura of the sand is dead, all that exists is you now. You have no more obligations to the sand. That dies with her. The you now, owes your existence to me. Forget your past, your family and friends, every one and everything. You're mine now, you live for me from now on ." He whispered in her ear.

Tears streamed from her stunned eyes. "What's wrong?" Mugen asked.

" It's nothing, just a strange feeling in my chest. " she smiled wiping her tears.

Mugen smiled, "I'll go get you something to eat before you get some some more rest. Stay still in bed."

As he walked through the cabin door, "Forget about your hatred and resentment for the sand. That died with pakura of the sand." He walked off. She looked down on her sheets and clenched her fists.

Mugen returned a short while later with soup on a tray.

"I'm injured, my hands can't move properly" she said blushing and looking away.

"Funny. I sure only your back is injured." Mugen teased with his passer by A face. Not charming at all but for her he was.

" I didn't think the fearsome pakura of the sand would act like a spoiled child asking me to feed her. " Mugen further teased.

"Like you said she's dead" she pouted.

Mugen was slightly stunned but he later smiled and said, " Fine, open up" he fed her. And they looked in each other's eyes a few times before she looked away. Mugen just couldn't help himself after he finished feeding her. He grabbed her chin and kisse d her. She kissed Back clumsily. H e had no guilt when he took it a step further a did a French kiss. His remaining hand was already on her breast.

They parted. "You're still injured take it easy." She looked at him with the ' you started it's look.

He laughed and said, " One more thing. The ship we're on was part of a fleet. Owned by kiri ninja. I slaughtered all aboard the fleet and took one ship. So the halls and pretty much everywhere is messy. But I think pakura of the scorch style can handle it, yes. " She nodded .

"I have no feelings for the kiri ninja or sand anymore." She said with hatred in her face.

" Now then love, forget about them and your hatred. Remember you belong to me now. " he put the tip of his nose on hers. She smiled and nodded.

"Get some rest." He put one hand in his pocket and used the other the wave backwards. ( Pfft.... passer by A acting cool.)

He went up to the deck. And sat down on the pile of corpses again. Where else was he supposed to sit? He was the look out. He could use a clone but that would waste chakra. He had already released the previous clones that helped make the mist.

The arrived at the land of fire's only port a few days later. He had caught up to the other ships since they had no one to sail them they had crashed in a small reef of rocks. He let the ship drift to that direction after they got off the ship to land. He princess carried her.

The anbu were waiting for him. "Who's she?" They pointed to her, as he had disguised her to avoid her being recognized .

"Nevermind her I'll explain to the hokage." He said.

One of them checked her with sensory jutsu. "She's a ninja!!!" They jumped back and took out their weapons.

" We can't let her enter the village. It would endanger the villagers. " they said to him.

"Do you ... want to test me?" Mugen's blue eyes glowed frostily and transfor med into his sharingan. The temperature in the surroundings dropped. Frost was already beginning to form on the objects surrounding them. Even the sea was freezing.

"What's going on, the temperature suddenly dropped." The people passing by questioned the air.

"I already said I would take responsibility for her. Do you object? " Mugen stretched his neck and the shadow of death covered all but his eyes.

The anbu stood down.

A while after they returned to the village. He reported directly to the hokage. Other people could not pass through his ice so while he carried her and walked through the door like normal people.

"How did it go?" Hiruzen asked.

" I finished it in two days. " Mugen replied, "I'll go to the logistics division and write down all the documents."

" i see " Hiruzen replied. He gazed at pakura. Recognizing the meaning of his gaze Mugen explained.

"I want my own men under my control not even you should be able to command them. It'd be like danzo's faction. As the leaf's very own and single kekkei tōta user, I should have some priveliges ,no. This team shall comprise of shinobi with kekkei genkai abilities . Naturally they shall not hail from the leaf. I will take them from elsewhere. No need to worry, I won't trouble the village." Mugen demanded .

"That is quite a tall order ... The root.." Mugen interrupted , " I know, if not I'll leave. From the beginning the leaf has not helped or taught me anything, all I have now is a result of my own efforts. "

"Fine, fine no need for such drastic measures, I'll try to get it past the elders." Sarutobi sighed .

"Don't try, get it done" Mugen walked out.

"That kid is such a handful, he is too smart. And a kid his age already bringing home a girl not to mention she's a woman sigh I fear for the girls of this village. Though he seems to have high standards." Sarutobi smoked his pipe, " But a team of kekkei genkai users huh, even though they shall answer to him they shall be tremendously helpful. " he exhaled smoke.

Mugen arranged for her to stay in a town closeby. The talk with Sarutobi was necessary for when she moves in and for kimamaro and the others. He was 5 years old. His mother would never approve. Wait, she doesn't have to know, not yet. He doesn't want pakur a to feel isolated so he decided with much difficulty to risk it for her.

He brought her home.