
The next few days were spent adjusting to his new body and controlling it's immense power. The better he got controlling his strength, the more he realised the undeveloped potential of his new body. It was like opening of a brand new door in ront of him. He felt that with his current power he could easily fight the majority of Universes. But defeating them was impossible.

Universes were supreme existences born out of the Chaos. Each Universe was actually nothing but a mass of energy. This energy went further to form various types of matter. Binding these two together were the Rules. Each Universe would form it's own set of rules which would bind and strengthen the universe. As each rule was different the Universes would actively suppress and repulse foreign rules.

But all this was still easily destroyable. And here came the Trinity. Fate, Destiny and Time. These three protected the universe from foreign influences like an indestructible shield. In turn the Universe accumulated more of these. Hence the more ancient the Universe, the stronger and firmer it was.

So to break the Universe, he would need to destroy this Trinity. But as long as Universe has people living in it, it will keep on creating. Further more destroying it wasn't simple.

It wasn't just fighting with present fate and destiny, but also of past and future. Say so, a mortal is fated to become a Godking. His future fate will protect the mortal until he becomes one. And that future fate is that of a Godking. Similarly, say a mortal is fated to give birth to a future Godking who becomes a Supreme Existence. Now, that Godking might create a super clan in future. That clan might produce several Godking and True God Level powerhouses. So, the fate and destiny of that Godking, that clan, those future Godking and all other influenced destinies will protect that mortal, so that the possible future definitely occurs.

Similarly, if an Immortal goes into reincarnation. His past fate and destiny will protect his present reincarnation. Therefore reincarnated beings have huge potentials and are mostly supreme beings if their time.

So fighting a Universe was not simple. It was more, like fighting the Universe's all possible futures and all pasts, along with the present. This made them extremely formidable.

But like with his home Universe, if a Universe attacks its an entirely different thing. Universes would instinctively devour each other's strength, fate and destiny, until either one of them is consumed and destroyed.

So the only way for Verserys to even think of fighting was to create a Universe. The plan was so crazy, that even he was shocked with it. But once again, it was the only possible way.

In his own Universe, the Crown Prince was refining the Universe Source. Once perfectly refined he would become a Supreme God like existence. His mere will could kill Verserys if he stayed in that Universe.

And similarly taking refuge in other Universes was also not possible. With almost seven and counting, Universes had labeled him as a wanted criminal. His mere presence was considered as a threat. So which universe would be stupid enough to give him refuge?

And so he came up with this crazy plan. The plan itself was based on theoretical evidences and research papers obtained from various scholarly Civilizations as well as academic institutes of numerous Universes. It could be said that he was now the foremost person in the field of Universe Creation.

Theoretically, Universe was formed when huge amount of Chaos Energy condensed and finally exploded. The resulting explosion released newer forms of energy which finally cooled and condensed to form Universe and it's components like life, planets and stars.

Although it sounds simple on paper, how was one to condense Chaos Energy? Even if he manages to do so, how was one suppose to make it explode. Although wild and raw, the Chaos Energy was also extremely stable and firm. It could be manipulated but not converted or destroyed. So after much thinking Verserys had come up with a solution. A potentially life threatening solution. If nothing goes wrong, he should have a Universe. If something goes wrong, even with his new body he would find it hard to survive.

He had became an Unfettered simply due to the possible dangers. With more strength he would atleast have enough power to resist, if something goes wrong.

So to prevent any disturbances during the creation, Verserys traveled far and wide. During this travel, he found numerous Universes and rare treasures formed due to Chaos. Rare Universes which were solely based on science and technology. Universes with game like systems. He found Universes which had enormous planes rather than planets. Others had rules which didn't make any sense. Left was right, top was bottom. Then there was a Universe solely occupied by dead beings. Zombies, skeletons, lichs and ghosts were it's primary population. It could be said to be an immensely fruitful journey.

After travelling for more than a decade, he finally found a desolate but rich in Chaos energy place. Energy here was far more turbulent than normal. But the most essential thing was, that even the closest universe was several billion light years away.

He slowly settled down. Sitting in a cross-legged position he calmed his mind. Slowly and gently his breathe got shallower, as he truly relaxed. The chaos around him seemed to synchronize with his breath. The turbulent sea transformed into a calm deep pool. With his each breathe a ripple would shoot out, while the pool slowly got larger an large. Until he had several hundred kilometer of Chaos breathing with and for him. Soon, he removed all thoughts of revenge, his worry of his love and also the desperate urge of survival which echoed through his subconscious. He achieved zen.

After a long while he got up. Like a stone thrown in a calm pool, the chaos once again started churning.

He flicked his hand outwards and nine Venerable level dantians flew out. Another eighty one Godking level dantians flew towards the revolving Venerable Dantians. Now each Venerable Dantian had nine Godking Dantian orbiting around it. All the Dantians were from a single sect. The sect practiced a common cultivation technique. The most interesting part about this technique was gathering. It could resonate among themselves and easily use each other's energy. Similarly, it could gather all the energy around it and use it to either attack or defend.

He once again flicked his hands, and all the Dantian followed his will and settled all around him in various spots. With another flick, thin strand of Chaos Energy connected each and every Dantian, creating an extremely esoteric pattern.

He carefully released his pure Chaos energy inside the pattern, and the pattern burst to life. The pattern was an enormous array. Though rules were twisted beyond recognition inside the Chaos, they still existed in some or the other form. Using the dantian's resonance and speciality as base, he merely amplified it.The pattern was based on his understanding of Chaos. Using just limited rules, the pattern used the Dantians and Chaos strands to synchronize with the surrounding. As more energy gathered in the center the stronger the pattern got. Like a perpetual machine the pattern used the gather chaos energy to synchronise and control even larger area. It would absorb more chaos energy from it and become more stronger. Although crude and primitive, it did it's work.

Huge amount of chaos started gathering inside it. Using the arriving chaos, the array compressed the already present chaos. Verserys looked at this with satisfaction. He himself could gather a large amount of Chaos. But it would be far too taxing. The simplest way was to use an array.

This went on for a century. The area of control had already covered few hundred thousand light years in distance. More and more chaos was being gathered inside and compressed into becoming smaller and smaller. Due to huge amount of chaos collected, even Verserys had too lend a hand. Using his soul and power he was forcefully stabilizing the condensing chaos.

After another few years he felt that the array was at it's limit. The amount of energy was too huge for it to control, even with his help. Noticing this he stopped providing energy to the array. The array slowly stopped revolving. Most of the Dantians were now dim and filled with cracks. The array had drawn their energy to the limits. In the center lay an inch wide sphere. The sphere was pitch black and extremely heavy. Rules around it were simply shredded into oblivion. And for the first time since becoming an Unfettered, Verserys felt mortal danger. The amount of chaos gathered was far too much. Even he would be gravely injured if it explodes.

With a grin he gathered it in his hands. The energy had almost solidified into solid, which shocked him. But the best thing was, the more energy during the genesis the larger and stronger the Universe. Therefore he went out a limb to gather all this.

Next step was to let it explode. But chaos was far too stable. Even if the sphere exploded, it would simply release chaos energy back. What he needed was a catalyst! Something to ignite the chaos and force a transformation. It was very much like wood. A mere match would not burn it. But if you add a burning piece of charcoal among them, everything would burn.

He gathered all the almost empty Dantians. He slowly extracted all the leftover energy and compressed them into a small bead. All the Dantians slowly crumbled to dust. Nine more Venerable Dantians flew out of his ring. Once again he gathered all their energy into that small sphere.

Each venerable was a commander of one of the Universe Rule. Here all nine Venerable dantian's belonged to different universe and different rules. The energy inside them would instinctively repulse and try to destroy each other. He was going to use this to start the explosion.

Gathering the trembling sphere he shot it towards the chaos sphere. Once out of his control, the energies immediately started to destroy each other. But it was too late. The sphere slowly submerged inside the Chaos sphere. The continuous attacks of revolting energies and rules in an extremely pressured environment was going to create a huge amount of energy. All that exploding energy would be limited to the inside of that Chaos Sphere. Which would soon cause all the chaos energy inside to loose stability temporarily. That short period of instability would result in explosion.

And as he expected, the sphere started shivering. New rules started emerging around it and would be immediately ground to dust. Similarly time storms appeared and disappeared around it. But it didn't explode. Instead it started absorbing more chaos energy and shrunk. Finally after a month of absorption only a pin head size of chaos was left.

And it collapsed.

And then there was light.