Source Treasure Part 1

I am feeling stupid. I could have simply explained it using the singularity theory. But damn... It completely escaped my mind. And this is not a sci-fic. So do take all the scientific hocus pocus with a grain of salt. Further in the novel, technological advance Civilizations will be introduced. They will have FTL, Terra forming, Dyson sphere (like), time travel, space jumps, quantum computing and what not. So don't take the stuff seriously.

I will probably go back and re edit the chapters using proper terminology. Lol.


The sphere collapsed into itself forming a singularity. The explosion of singularity released immense amount of energy. Rapidly matter and anti matter started forming. Verserys simply called this energy 'The Energy of Creation'. Although many technological civilizations had proper terminologies for the matter and state of energy.

Verserys didn't care. To him fermions, creation and destruction were all the same and might just be chicken juice and fried water.

He released his soul and let it enter the center of the rapidly expanding primitive Universe. He could feel the great amount of heat, radiation and other things passing through his soul. But his soul was eternal. Such things would at most scratch him and tickle him. Inside the center he tried to sense the Universe Source.

Universe Source or the Origin, was like a fountain of energy. It was responsible for releasing energy, matter and rules into the Universe. It was the brain, the control center and the source of a Universe. It was the Universe. In fact you could create another Universe with the Origin if the original one was destroyed.

Finally he discovered a small and weak fluctuating strand. It was energy, but at the same time it was not. It was a rule, but also not a rule. It was the first thing formed after explosion and it would be the last thing to die after entropy. It was the Universe but at the same time it wasn't. It was the source.

The source would grow stronger as the Universe expanded and progressed. It fed on the energy and vitality of it's inhabitants among all things. He slowly enveloped it with his soul. Little by little he let his soul merge with the Universe. He would grab a tiny bit and refine it. He would grab another and refine it, before fusing the earlier strands.

And so a million or so years passed. The Universe was still expanding and growing. It was still formless mass of energy. Slowly primitive forms of Rules were forming. Space, Time, Fate, Destiny, Creation and so on.

Chaos actually didn't have any rules. Space, Time and all other rules experienced in Chaos were not it's own. They were pollutants. The remnants of dead, decaying, and broken Universes. After each successful swallowing, the winner Universe would wipe out old rules. But not all rules were wiped out. Due to lack of protection from the Trinity, the rules would soon merge themselves in Chaos. And as time passes by the existing rules would mix and merge forming an entirely new Rule in the Chaos. But these rules were still not the main rules of the Chaos. They were logs floating on a tumultuous sea. A stranger might see it, experience it or maybe use it. But it was the log and not the sea.

Maybe sometime in distant future, all these rules would form a proper rule belonging solely to Chaos. And Chaos itself would form a new Universe?

Verserys who was sitting cross-legged in the center opened his eyes. He could feel that the Universe had become a part of him. The Universe was him, but he was not the Universe. Universe was dependent on him, but he wasn't. They were two separate entities, where one was part of other.

He could control Universe like his body part. He could control the way the stars were forming. He could control it's very foundation. He could now create or destroy it's rules.

But above all he could increase the speed at which Universe was forming. But he didn't. The Universe was still at it's infancy. Even the slightest mistake could cause it to collapse. But at the same time he couldn't exactly wait for it to form. At this speed it would be billion so years or so, before the Universe would actually be capable of life.

He needed to accelerate it's creation but at the same time not hurt it.

Verserys spent a few years running simulations, but all would end by hurting the Universe or causing a backlash. Every now and then, he would control a bit here and there, helping and hastening the process of creation. And that's when it struck him.

"How could I forget them!" he scolded himself. Why was Universe taking so much time? Because it lacked the necessary materials and energy. But what if he artificially provided it?

He removed a small brown sphere from his space. The brown sphere was his mother land. On it were all it's inhabitants including his seniors and juniors.

To a cultivator, body was simply a flesh carrier. They would destroy and create their body numerous times during their journey. What was essential was soul. That's why most cultivators would leave their body behind as a gift and resource to the younger generation.

He gestured and million of his dead sect members appeared before him. Facing them he couldn't control his tears.

He looked at the four Venerable. All four of them were like Fath figure to him. They had saved him, gave him a purpose to live, taught him, protected him and trained him. But all of them died because of him.

"... Masters...the disciple was in wrong. He couldn't protect you... He couldn't save the sect... But all he can do is revenge. I will take revenge for you..." he promised. His thoughts were jumbled. All he could say was this.

"All I can do now is give you a burial." And he let the four Venerable in the space. Every sect member of starlight Sect would give up his body for the Sect after their death. They would either become protecting puppets, or refining treasures for their juniors. Many people would consider this as desecration. But this was a way to help the juniors and the sect even after death. The sect made them what they are, and they would repay it even after death.

Using chaos energy he wiped out all the traces of trinity, and rules form their body. Slowly the four Venerable floated and settled themselves several million lightyears away from the center. All four of them occupied a cardinal direction. Slowly matter around them started condensing on them. The huge amount of pure energy radiating from them, started attracting the energy and matter around them.

Next Verserys faced his Senor Brothers and Sisters. They all were like true family to him. They were there at his weakest, they were there at his strongest. He slowly recalled all the precious moments with them. Bullying other sects, acting as bandits across the Universe, learning how to propose a girl, fighting together during the Divine Wars, crashing the wedding of The God Emperor...

" Go..." he said. He didnt know what to say. He wanted to say so much...but he didn't know how. All he could say was "I am sorry..."

Thirty bodies of Godking levels sped into the darkness. Very soon they all settled themselves at various spots, forming a circle around the Center.

Finally he faced his Junior Brothers. Some were Godking Level, others were True God, many were just Immortals. He said nothing but wiped the rule traces and let them go into the Universe. He couldn't face them.

He remember teaching them the mysteries of the Universe, the Rules and cultivation. Their faces of awe and respect still left a trace in him. And now all were dead.

Finally were the inhabitants. They died because he wasn't there to protect them. They had settled on this planet because he had promised them protection. He had promised them a future. A god and prosperous future. He slowly said, " This will be your chance for revenge. Become part of my Universe. If you feel to go ahead... If you don't, you can leave."

Although they were dead. The bodies still had an instinctual level of awareness. Maybe due to his protection or goodwill when they were alive or a wish for revenge, they all stayed.

"Good! Good!... Go and find your destiny."

And all the bodies vanished in the space.

He could feel that his Universe had become much stronger. It's cooling and condensation was hastening every second. Above all the small wisp of Universe Source was now burning brightly like a lamp.

He grinned. His bet was right. Now the planet.

"You were the one who gave birth to me. You let me walk on the Immortal Road. You protected the Starlight Starfield. I can never pay you back enough. But now I offer you a chance...become the treasure which suppresses my Universe's destiny. Become it's guardian.".

Nothing happened. After few minutes he felt a cheerful and intimate sense of acceptance.

" Good!" he smiled, and said further. " Even in your most prosperous state you wouldn't be able to handle a Universe. I am going to refine you. If you manage to pass through it, you will gain immnumerable benefits... If you fail. Your will be wiped out!"

The planet said nothing, but he could feel a cold determination from it. Maybe not being able to protect everyone from the attackers had even affected it.

He was going to refine it into a source treasure. All Universes had a Source Treasure. These treasures were the protectors of the Universe. They were also it's physical manifestation. The treasure didn't had any fix form. They would change according to the Universe Ruler's will and wish. If a sword cultivator becomes a Godking he could make his sword a Source Treasure or form a new sword from Universe Source. But once he dies or leave she position, the treasure would go back to the Universe. But it's most important task was to suppress the Trinity. It accumulated the Trinity through out the time.

But to Verserys this all didn't matter. He was the creator of this Universe and also it's Ruler. So he simply decided to refine a permanent treasure. Somewhere he had an inkling, that a permanent treasure would be far stronger than an ever hanging treasure.

Above all, the planet once did use to suppress the destiny and fate of the largest Super Power and one of the largest Starfield. Constantly accumulating them had made this planet far stronger than a normal one. Plus it's inside story had become far more deeper.