West City, residential area
In this area is where people live and all models of houses are the same in the residential area, made of wood with same shapes, in every house there are numbers, maybe this is what makes people know the house where they live.
In-house number 777, in one of the bedrooms there is a man on the bed. This man is lance Hellgate, Lance is 21 years old, 1.78 meters tall with well build body, black hair, black-eyed, pointy nose, can be said lance is a pretty handsome, rich but he has a bad habit not to help others because since childhood his father (Randy) told him to never give to take help from others because this will become habit then burden in the future. but last night when he was drunk some little girl in the red outfit she looked like the porcelain doll with snow white like helped him to get him to get up to reach his house. In the morning he started feeling the burden on his heart that he had to help that little girl to return the favour of her.
Lance took a fast bath and breakfast then he called his subordinates to find that little girl.
"Hey Rick, Have you found the little girl yet?" Lance
"No Sir, We haven't found that little girl." Rick
"Okay, give me a fast call when you find that little girl," Lance
"Absolutely Sir." Rick
After giving the call to his subordinates he pulls out a cigarette box from his pocket but the cigarette box was empty. no one was there with him because he had sent them to find that little girl.
"What should I do now. no one is here" Lance said then he picks up his wallet and walked out outside to buy the cigarette. he came across a crossroad and he was going to cross the road when he saw a drunk truck driver coming driving the truck over while a girl was crossing the road. he suddenly remembers that she was the little girl who helped him last night and without any thought, Lance jumps up to save the little girl. he saw rick another side of the road and he tossed the little girl over to him.
The little girl was safe but Lance Hellgate died That day while saying "I paid my debt"
He heard the crying of a little girl while he was departing to another world.