<"Congratulations to host 'Ling Tian' for leveling up. The current Level is Level 1 Martial Emperor realm">







(100000 used to increase his ELEPHANT GOD KEEPER OF THE HELL's FIST LEVEL)


After a few hours of lightning Tribulation, Ling Tian Woke up. When he opened his eyes, he found himself lying within a small and old cave. To his sides were simple and plain furniture. A golden pot rested on the table as it emitted steam.

"Looks like I survived…"

Ling Tian laughed out contentedly.

He licked his cracked up lips before sitting up to pour himself some water to drink.

After some time, Ling tian heaved a sigh of relief.


At the same time, he sucked in a breath of cold, fresh air. Pain coursed through his entire body agonizingly as he fell back down onto the bed helplessly.

At this point, he realized that his entire body was wrapped up like a mummy. A sharp and unpleasant smell of medication wafted from within the wraps.

(Huh?, which quack of a doctor did this to me?)


The door creaked open gently, as a petite figure walked through the door.

"Eh, you're awake?"

A sweet and melodious sound of a girl speaking coursed through his ears.

Ling tian looked up to get a better look as his entire body froze.

The petite girl standing before him was a beauty. Her skin was fair and smooth as an entire head of dark black hair fell lightly on her shoulders. Her big round eyes gleamed of innocence and clarity.

Seeing that Ling Tian was awake, the corners of her mouth moved to reveal the smile of a gorgeous angel.

"So you've finally woken up. How are you feeling? I will call the Father now. wait a sec" Said the petite girl and went outside.

Ling Tian was still dazed by her beauty. She had the countenance of a flower and the face of a goddess. It was difficult for Ling Tian to contain his infatuation.

After a few minutes, some elders came inside the cave where Ling Tian was lying and Cheng Xi was among them.

"Disciple Ling tian Greets the Elder Cheng Xi" Ling Tian Cupped his Both Hands and give a lite bow to Elder Cheng Xi.

Hearing Ling Tian Greeting Cheng Xi all Elders and Sect leader was among those elders were shocked and curious that how did this young man know Elder Cheng Xi.

"You are?" Elder Cheng Xi

"Elder it's me 'Ling Tian'. we met last year in Sect entrance Exam. you gave me this cultivation Technique to remove my poison from my dantian" Ling Tian

"You are that 'level 1 skin refining body establishment disciple? How's your cultivation..." Elder Cheng xi asking with shocking and amazed expression but was intercepted by A middle-aged black-robed man.

"Elder Xi, how do you know this young man?" A middle-aged black-robed man asked elder Cheng xi

"Sect Leader, this is the Ling Tian we met at entrance exam but that time this boy was 'level 1 skin refining body establishment disciple'. you know the disciple who disappeared with Liu Chen. He is the one" Elder Cheng Xi.

"What?!!! Liu Chen Disappeared? what happened? how did he disappear?" Ling Tian with a shocked expression.

Seeing the Shocking Expression on Ling Tian's Face everyone in the cave were confused.

"Weren't you the one who kidnapped the Liu Chen and killed him?" Some Elder.

"sect Leader and Elders, may I know why did you come to this conclusion?" Ling Tian

"we tracked the traces of where Liu Chen was kidnapped and found traces of underworld raven poison where Liu Chen was Kidnapped and we have the witnesses who saw you with Liu Chen" Some elder

"Okay, I get it. may I ask a few questions to prove my innocence?" Ling Tian

Sect Leader gave a nod to Ling Tian.

"First, Can you elders tell me that what would I Gain from killing Liu Chen? Second, I was 'level 1 skin refining body establishment disciple' even if I poisoned him with his cultivation as level 1 martial king realm should be at least degraded to level 12 Body establishment/ realm. how I 'level 1 skin refining body establishment disciple' could I even touch him let alone kidnap. Third, I myself was suffering under underworld raven myself if I was that proficient in Poison why would I let myself suffer under underworld raven poison. you can ask Elder Cheng Xi that I was suffering from underworld raven poison. Am I that stupid who would leave traces of poison in my track of kidnapping? last question who are the witnesses who saw me with Liu Chen?" Ling Tian Said

After Hearing Ling Tian Talk everyone in the cave were stunned hearing ling Tian's deduction.

"Ming'er, can you tell if ling Tian is telling the truth or not?" Sect Leader

"Father, this Brother is telling the Truth." Said Ming'er

Hearing Word came out from the Ming'er's mouth everybody sighed in relief.

"Oh, I forgot to Introduced to my daughter She is called Huang Ming'er. She is 15 years old. Her Bloodline related to a grade 9 *Truth-seeking swan*. She Can Tell if other party is telling the truth or not." Sect Leader Said to ling Tian

Ling Tian took a peek at Ming'er's face and Ming'er seeing that ling Tian was peeking at her face turned red and she ran out from the cave. After seeing Ming'er ran outside Ling Tian Facial Expression Changed to a serious one.

"Sect Leader, may I know who are the witnesses who saw me with Liu Chen?." Ling Tian

To Be Continued...


After writing this chapter. I took a short nap then *bang* I got an Idea about writing a new novel. This new novel will be related to... well that's currently a surprise for my readers. see ya around, guys.