21 "Curing Elder Cheng Xi"




<>{Only 50ml water of life can be used}



"System, are you playing with me? I only have 195000 Shop Points. how can I buy those luxurious pills? Damn." Ling Tian


"will there be any risk in using *primordial Ying Yang Art* for extracting Death Qi?" Ling Tian


"Are you sure that there aren't any other ways?" Ling Tian


"System you don't want me to live, right?" Ling Tian


Hearing the humorous reply from system Ling Tian didn't know what do Laugh or cry.

After Ling Tian Finished talking with the system the wooden door outside the cave was knocked. Ling Tian Stood up and went to open to door. After he opened the door he saw Sect Leader and Other Elders were waiting for him.

When Ling Tian Came out from the Cave there was no sign of injuries on his body that made Sect leader with elders shocked because Ling Tian was heavily injured 2 hrs he couldn't even walk without stumbling. After seeing the transformation on Ling Tian's Body they were obviously shocked because the sect leader himself checked him that ling tian had to be on bed rest for about 2 months to make full recovery.

"Sect Leader and Elders lets talk inside the cave" Ling tian.

Everybody went inside the cave and sat on their respective seats.

"Tian'er, How are you feeling now? I hope you didn't take any blood pill to hasten your recovery rate" Sect Leader

Ling Tian Never heard about the blood pill before. This made him kinda curious and he tilted his head towards the Sect leader and asked: "Sect Leader, what are Blood Pill?"

Hearing the question came out from the Ling Tian. everyone inside the room became dumbfound. How can a 3 Star Alchemist doesn't know about the Blood Pill?

"Ling Tian, Blood Pills are forbidden pills that can increase your cultivation in a short time and even can make the fast recovery like your But Cost Life Qi of the Blood Pill Users" Elder Cheng Xi

"Tian'er, you are a 3-star Alchemist but why don't you know about *Blood Pill*?" Sect Leader

"Sect Leader, I only studied about alchemy for only 3 months in the sect because at that time I couldn't cultivate and in the there weren't any Scrolls related to blood pill. wait sec I saw this word written a Scroll that elder Huan Fu was carrying. he never let me touch that Scroll" Ling Tian

"Ling Tian are you telling the Truth?" Elder Cheng xi

"Elder why would I lie about that I don't have enmity with elder huan fu. you can ask ming'er about this if I am telling a lie or not." Ling Tian

"Tian'er, let me tell you the use of blood pills or study about the blood pills are Forbidden in all righteous sects. Only Dark Sects use or concoct blood pills" Sect Leader then he called ming'er.

"Father, you called me?" Ming'er asked while tilting head.

"I want to ask that what 'Tian'er' said is true or not just to make sure. you can talk about where you saw the words *Blood Pill*" Sect Leader

After a lite nod, Ling Tian said "One day when I stuck on a question in alchemy. I went to his spiritual cave where Elder Huan Fu was Reading a scroll and There I saw a phrase related to "Soul Transfer Blood Pills"

After confirming that Ling Tian wasn't Lying. Powerful Leaked out from Sect Leader that made everyone shuddered in fear.


"Sect Leader, We have to first Cure Elder Cheng Xi. you can send elder Xie Yang to tail Huan Fu after I heal Elder Cheng Xi you can make Elder Xie Yang bring Huan fu here then we can interrogate him." Ling tian.

"Sorry Tian'er, I lost my temper and forgot our main purpose here. Elder Xie Yang Do as Tian'er said. I will call you later." Sect Leader

After hearing the orders from Sect Leader gave a lite nod and vanished into the thin air.

"Tian'er, can you tell us how are you going to cure Elder Cheng Xi?" Sect Leader.

"Let me examine Elder Cheng Xi to make sure a full-proof plan to cure his dantian" Ling Tian

Ling Tian Activated his Bloodline's Skill *GOLDEN FIERY EYE(Eyes of Truth)* Ling Tian's Eyes Turned Golden and Started Examining Elder Cheng Xi's dantian. After a Few minutes, Ling Tian's eyes were slightly closed as if he had thought of something.

{GOLDEN FIERY EYE - a Bloodline Skill of Monkey king lineage can see through illusions and gives x-ray vision to the user. there may be some other effects in the Future...}

"I can heal Elder Cheng Xi's Dantian." Ling Tian

"What? Tian'er, are you sure? you aren't joking, right?"

Sect Leader asked with a surprised expression.

"But, I need to your Help in this case. Please you Bring me some Middle Tier Spirit Stone and 50ml Water of life" Ling Tian

Sect Leader's eyes opened wide upon hearing what Ling Tian said. He looked at the young man in front of him with an excited expression on his face, seeing the confidence on the face of this young man. Thinking back to how strong Ling Tian was before this, he was obviously someone who was not ordinary. Besides, he didn't really look like someone who told lies after knowing him, perhaps he truly knew how to heal Elder Cheng Xi.

"Sect Leader, Ling Tian is an amazing man! We cannot predict his abilities using common sense. Those so-called grandmasters in the sect couldn't even detect that Elder Cheng Xi's was in danger, but I bet Brother Ling Tian can help!" Some Elder

"Okay, Elder Wang Ting Bring All Middle-Tier Spirit Stone and Water of life here." Sect Leader said to an elder in blue Robe he was called Wang Ting.

After a Few minutes, Elder Wang Ting Came with Middle Tier Spirit Stones and water of life. After seeing that all the materials are here. Ling Tian Faced Toward the Sect Leader and Elders and Said.

" I want Array master of the Sect to draw an *Array of silence* because in the Healing process of Elder Cheng Xi. I will need Absolute Silence" Ling Tian.

4 Elders came Before Ling Tian and started Drawing an *Array of silence*. After an hour They had finished drawing *Array of Silence*.

"Now, I want everyone to leave this cave and left me alone with Elder Cheng Xi" Ling Tian

What the Elder Cheng Xi had was a rare case, and none of the grandmasters in the Soaring Dragon sect had any clue about it. There had never been anyone who had dared to say they could heal the Elder Cheng Xi was contracted by Death qi. But They had nothing but believe him. They all left the cave and Ling Tian Closed the door from inside.

"Elder Cheng Xi, I am going to seal all your Acupoints except one from the heart" Ling Tian

After saying Ling tian Started to seal Acupoints of Elder Cheng Xi. After Sealing the acupoints of elder Cheng Xi Ling Tian brought out a pill from his space bag that he had concocted before.

"Elder Cheng Xi Eat this *Anesthesia Pill*. So that I can start healing you." Ling Tian

Elder Cheng Xi ate the pill given by Ling Tian without having another thought. Right after eating the pill, Pill Started its effect and Elder Cheng Xi lost Consciousness.

"Time For Extraction" Ling Tian

To Be Continued...


There will be a surprise for you readers in tomorrow night's Chapter.

I will Also write the prologue chapter for my new work (Novel) VERY SOON!!!.