27 "Hall of Punishment"


{Bloodlust- increased user's power by 2 times for 5 minutes after that user's power will be half of its original power for power (side effect). condition bloodline talent can only be used when the user is in his bloodline transformation. cooldown none}

"What is happening?"

"What happened to the weather?"

"Why did the weather suddenly changed to a stormy one?"

"Look closely that the weather started changing when that Trash started transformation"

Seeing the transformation on Ling tian's body everybody started panicking Because he Had Turned into a 2 meter Blackish purple spiked furred ape(his hair was spiked because of his lightning generation). Two deep Black Eyes without white part.

"Demon monkey? what's this Transformation?"

"Wasn't his bloodline a golden stone?"

"how has he changed into this monkey?"

"This Monkey Transformation giving me the creeps"

When the crowds were talking about ling tian's bloodline transformation. A staff piercing the wind came flying and stood flying in front of Ling Tian, then started rubbing itself on ling tian's cheek.

After a few seconds, Elder Xie Yang Also came to the Fighting area. After seeing ling tian was fine, he assimilated himself into the environment.

"How are you, my friend? Don't worry, I am fine here. Just cleaning up some trash. I don't need your help to clean this. Go and save that girl with little white. I will finish this soon" Ling Tian

The upper part of the Ruyi Jingu bang nodded like a human head and flew where Princess ling and little white was.

Seeing the conversation between Ruyi Jingu bang Everybody in the fighting area was Shocked because this staff acted like a human that meant this staff has a sentience spirit residing inside it.

The other 4 disciple brothers were somewhat shrugged after seeing the transformation of ling tian but after seeing the *Ruyi Jingu bang* a sentience spirit their eyes lighted up and they stared at ruyi Jingu bang that was flying over Princess ling with greedy eyes.

"you all 5 disciple brothers injured my life savior and my little white..." Ling Tian


Before Ling Tian Could finish his sentence a scaled punch came at him flying, but ling tian caught that Fist like an Adult caught a fist of a child and ling Tian started pressuring on the fist. The Sound of bone cracking could be heard.

"Ah!!!~~, P... Please, ~~ Stop it!!!~~" Disciple 4 Lizardman was crying for help.

Other 3 Disciple brother was silently watching.

"Did you stop harming little white when princess ling asked you to?" Ling Tian said while increasing the pressure on disciple 4 Lizardman's Right fist.


Disciple 4 Lizardman's Right fist's bones were turned into powder and he lost consciousness due to extreme pain. His right hand was now crippled.

"Senior Brother yi yun lost too." Crowd

{Disciple 4 Lizardman - Yi Yun a core student}

"This time Ling Tian crushed his fist with pure strength" Crowd

Seeing the Right hand of Disciple 4 lizardman being crippled all other 3 disciples attacked him one after another. They knew it's better to attack together than attacking solo.

Disciple 2 Minotaur used his horned head to tackle Ling Tian.

Disciple 3 werewolf drew out his sword space ring and attacked with a sword slash.

Disciple 5 Eagle face man started spreading his feathered wing and flew in the sky and started the attack with his feathers on ling tian.

Ling Tian took a step forward And then said " Elephant God Keeper of hell's Fist Level 1 Tyrant Fist"

The silver glow gradually appeared in his right hand as it was enveloped by a hazy glow of light that covered the entire hand with an illusionary image of Elephant head.

Seeing the silver light, the corners of the Disciple 2's eyes flashed with a fierce glow, faintly expressing a dull look of concentration. It gave a low roar, and its heavy body quickly retreated. At the same time, it tried to turn its entire upper body to the side as it attempted to evade Ling Tian's Tyrant Fist coming at his head.

Although the Disciple 2 had already tried its hardest to evade, its enormous body was really too cumbersome. In addition, speed was originally the Disciple 2's Bloodline weakness. There was no way it could dodge Ling Tian's Tyrant Fist that was as fast as lightning.


The Tyrant Fist pierced deeply into the Disciple 2's Head, instantly severing his Horn from his head. Immediately afterward, the Disciple's entire body suddenly grew rigid. Its pair of large eyes gradually lost their feeling, and before it could even give a miserable cry, its entire body fell to the ground with a bang.

"Now you will feel the suffering of my little white and princess ling" ling tian

All of this happened in a blink.

The Sword Attack hit the back of ling tian but ling tian wasn't harmed not the least bit instead Disciple 3 werewolf's sword was broken.

Seeing his sword broken Disciple 3 started panicking and sweating a lot.

"Humph... Tyrant Fist" Ling Tian sent his fist toward Disciple 3 werewolf's direction.

Disciple 3 werewolf was sent flying out of the fighting area, he coughs up some blood from his mouth then lost in consciousness.

Disciple 5 Eagle Face started Flying opposite side of ling tian after seeing the combat power of Ling tian.

"Are you scared now? Don't even think of Running away." Ling Tian

Ling Tian manifested his Martial Intent *Primordial Ying Yang Diagram" Appeared on his back. His one eye turned white another one into the black.

"Elephant God Keeper of hell's Fist Level 2 Life severing Fist" Ling Tian

The Grayish glow gradually appeared in his right hand as it was enveloped by a hazy glow of light that covered the entire hand and he shot that Grayish glowed Fist toward Disciple 5 Eagle face.

That Grayish Glowed Fist Hit the Dantian of Disciple 5 Eagle face and he started to crash down. His Dantian was shattered.

The Crowd in the Fighting area was shocked seeing how powerful he had become after 9 months after the bloodline test.

"Brother Ling Tian is Awesome" Crowd

"He took care of the Five core students like he was playing with them" Crowd

"He Must have some fruitous Encounter" Crowd

"But why can't we see his cultivation." Crowd

"he must have used some kind of treasure to hide his cultivation" Crowd

"Hall of Punishment won't leave him alone after what he did to Liu Chen" Crowd

Ling tian used Elephant God Keeper of hell's Fist Level 2 Life severing Fist on other 4 disciples to shatter their dantians and then went where Princess Ling was waiting for him with Little white. Ling Tian had already transformed himself back to his human form.

Princess Ling eyes were wide open because inside her mind she couldn't believe that ling tian has become this powerful.

"Let's go to your Spirit cave. so, you can recuperate there, princess ling" Ling tian said while raising princess ling with hands.

Princess Ling gave lite nod while blushing.

When they were ready to go towards the princess ling's spirit cave. They were stopped by a group of people wearing white robes. Back of their Robes were written 3 words "Hall of Punishment"

To Be Continued...