39 "Counter Attack"

There was a white-haired old man wearing a purple colored Robe was standing in front of Ling Tian who was laid on the cold floor in shackles. This man was Ling Tian's Former Master Wu Rong and behind him was standing his apprentice disciples Wang Batian and 3 other Disciple of wu rong name Yue Shan, Yang Fen, Zhang Kun.

Ling Tian Started sweating.

"you survived the fall from the dragon valley cliff?" Wang Batian

"Batian, next you have to make sure that job is done." Wu Rong

"Master I made sure that he was dumped in *Bone corroding Nether Yin River*. I just can't understand how did he survive?" Wang Batian.


Wu Rong Slapped on Wang Batian's Face.

"No More Excuses." Wu Rong

"Master, why is This Trash bounded with Spirit Binding shackles?" Zhang kun asked in the fearful voice.

"This Trash Disciple of mine came in this ruin with Elder Cheng Xi and Elder Xie Yang. They must have locked his qi aura into there spirit compass to find him these ruins. That's why I have bound him with my secret magical treasure. Batian, Torture This trash and find how he found us here. only brother fu know about this place and I trust him that he won't betray me even if he has to sacrifice his life." Wu Rong

"Master, after torturing him can we refine him to become a chore puppet for us? This Place is too dirty." Yue Shan

"Hahahaha, Good idea. First get information from him that how did he found this place." Wu Rong.

"""hehehehe, we will do as you command master.""" Wang Batian and other 3 disciples bowed towards the Wu Rong.

"Okay, I will go and check Liu Chen's Condition." Wu Rong

Slowly Wu Rong walked out from the chamber leaving Wang batian and other 3 disciples behind...

After Wu Rong Went outside the chamber. All Disciple of Wu Rong started whispering among themselves.

"Let's first Torture him!" Yue Shan

"Yes, since we are in here, Torturing Ling Tian is of utmost importance. I have long hoped to place that kid under my feet and stomp on him until he becomes a muddy mess!" Wang Batian.

The All Disciples sneered. Just thinking of them facing Ling Tian whose cultivation level was wasted made them excited.

In the chamber, Ling Tian's body was chained up. He was huddled up in the corner of the walls. His face and hair were veiled with a layer of frost. His clothes were mostly torn and stained with blood. Those stains were from the blood that he had bled when he was trying to struggle free from Spirit binding shackles. Now, the blood had dried up, turning black.

"Keke Ling Tian... Ling Tian... Ling Tian, to think you have already turned into such a state after not seeing you for a few hours. If I did not know that you were the only person locked up in here, I would really not be able to recognize you. Keke, life sure is unpredictable. we tried to give you painless death by throwing you into the *bone corroding nether yin river* but you somehow survive and came back after us just to being torture like a pig." wang Batian

Wang Batian felt very happy seeing Ling Tian in such a state. He suddenly felt that it was worth it to torture Ling Tian to see his fearful Face. wang Batian Continued...

"Ling Tian, you must not be too smug as a person. I really feel sad for you. However, don't worry, we are here to end your suffering. For a Trash person like you to become a cripple, living itself is a sin, isn't it? we will first torture you make you a living puppet to do some chore around." Yang Fen also mocked Ling Tian.

Ling tian looked up and his gaze pierced through his messy hair and landed on Wang Batian, Yue Shan, Yang Fen and Zhang Kun.

"It's you bastards..." Ling Tian.

Before were Wang Batian and other 3 Disciples were the ones throwing him into the bone corroding nether yin river.

A cold beam flashed in Ling Tian's eyes.

Ling Tian had a strong murderous intent towards them!

"Keke, your gaze looks fearsome, but what can you do? In a while, it will be me brutally torture you. Your gaze is not bad. I will dig your eyes out and soak them in herbal liquid to store them properly. After refining you into a puppet that, you can keep staring at me. It would definitely be very interesting." Zhang Kun

All Fellow Disciple laughed without restraint as they walked towards Ling Tian.

Wang Batian flipped his hand and retrieved a dagger from his interspatial ring. The dagger reflected a cold beam. He brandished the dagger tip in front of Ling Tian's eyes as he simulated the act of digging Ling Tian's eyes out.

On the other hand, Zhang Kun stopped in front of Ling Tian and raised his foot. He was preparing to step on Ling Tian's face.

"So what if you were previously our fellow brother but you abused our master?! Stepping on you now is no different from stepping on a dog!" Wang Batian said in a chilling voice.

However, just as Yue shan raised his foot to step downwards, Ling Tian who was in the corner suddenly sprang up like a leopard. Ling Tian's Whole body was filled with yin qi.


The Shackles on Ling Tian's body tightened!


Yin Qi surged out of Ling Tian's body as it started freezing the Spirit Binding Shackles!

The sudden turn of events greatly alarmed Zhang Kun. He had no time to react before Ling Tian grabbed his neck. Ling Tian pressed Zhang Kun's entire body on the ground.


Zhang Kun screamed. At that moment, Ling Tian had already used a hand to hold Zhang Kun's calf down, and Ruyi Jingu bang Appeared from his ear to in his other hand.

The Golden metallic Staff was suffused with a cold beam. Ling Tian's eyes looked ferocious as he aimed the brick towards Ling Tian's ankle before slamming it down with full force.