54 "Red Fire Mercenary"

Li Hong looked stunned at this answer for a moment before sneering at Ling Tian coldly. There was a hint of undisguised killing intent within his eyes; it appeared that Ling Tian didn't know what mercy was when it was given to him, Li Hong wouldn't mind teaching him a lesson. To Li Hong, Ling Tian's weak appearance along with his young age made him look like someone who wasn't an expert.

"Kid, you really don't know kindness when it's handed to you, so why don't you let brother Li Hong teach you a lesson! Be sure to remember it!" He immediately swung out with his palm towards Ling Tian's face. His palm was traveling so fast, that before it had even reached its destination, a fierce palm wind blew across Ling Tian's hair. This signified that Li Hong's hand was not lacking in strength at all.

Ling Tian's eyes flashed dangerously as his right hand grabbed onto the chopsticks and stabbed into Li Hong's outstretched palm.

Ling Tian's right hand moved so fast that no one could see his movements. Before Li Hong could even react, Ling Tian's right hand had already made contact with Li Hong's palm. All people could see was Ling Tians chopstick stabbing deeply through Li Hong's palm, piercing through it as easily as if it were a hot metal knife cutting through butter.

"Ah!" The intense pain from his palm caused Li Hong to cry miserably as he held his injured hand. His screams echoed throughout the restaurant, causing everyone to hear him clearly.

Immediately afterward, the restaurant was filled with gasps of shock. What happened was very different from what they were expecting, causing everyone to look at Ling Tian in surprise. However, those who were slightly more discerning saw Ling Tian use a single chopstick to stab through Li Hong's hand, their faces became heavy and hardened. The following looks towards Ling Tian also slightly changed; quite a number of them carried deep shock.

To use a flimsy wooden chopstick to stab someone's hand, just how strong did someone have to be to do that? At the very least, no one in the restaurant would be able to perform such a feat.

Immediately after stabbing Li Hong, Ling Tian's right leg lashed out and connected with Li Hong's chest. The kick had sent Li Hong's weak body flying back three meters before he crashed into a table and pitifully fell to the ground.

The mercenaries who had been sitting at that table quickly left the area to avoid getting involved. Although Ling Tian did not seem old, the strength he demonstrated, as well as the vicious way he had dealt with things, intimidated many people in the restaurant. After this display, the few mercenaries who were eating at that table naturally didn't dare to offend Ling Tian over such a small matter.

Seeing Li Hong's end, the four other mercenaries that came with Li Hong immediately looked on with disbelief. Although their expressions recovered afterward, they looked at Ling Tian with eyes full of cold murderous intent.

"To think you're picking a fight with the Red Fire Mercenaries, you must be tired of living." One of the youths shouted angrily. A giant sword appeared in his hand, and he immediately shot towards Ling Tian.

Little white who was eating his food silently raised his head and look towards the youth carrying the giant sword then Ling tian. He gave a low snort and again started eating his food.

Ling Tian gave a hidden smile then snorted quietly. In an instant, the silver-white sword with the words "Lonely wind" engraved on it appeared in his own hands. This was the sword who Clone Wu Rong used to Fight Ling Tian before he was killed by Little White.

The moment the Light Wind Sword appeared in Ling Tian's hands, it immediately transformed into a streak of silver lightning under Ling Tian's control and flew at the other man at an inconceivable speed. Before the youth's sword could even get halfway towards Ling Tian's sword, it had already stabbed towards the youth's throat with a demon-like speed. The point of the sword halted right at the moment of contact on the outermost layer of thin skin at the throat, causing some blood to slowly drip down his throat for everyone to see clearly.

Feeling a tinge of pain from his throat, the youth's expression became deathly pale in an instant, completely drained of blood. Sweat began to gather, covering his whole forehead in the blink of an eye. He made a great effort to keep the greatsword in his hand frozen in midair. His body was locked into a firm posture, as he didn't dare to move even a single inch. The youth's appearance looked as if a mysterious force was keeping him locked in place.

Seeing how nobody knew when the silver sword had appeared at the youth's throat, the clamor around them had descended into a strange silence. Everyone's eyes went wide as they looked at Ling Tian wield his Light Wind Sword; no one could believe what had just happened.

In regards to how the sword arrived at the youth's throat, only two or three people in the restaurant had caught a glimpse of the sword traveling through the air. Most of the people there weren't even able to see the flash of silver light and only saw the point of the blade appear before the youth's throat.

It was as if time had stood still as everyone held their breaths. After a while, the sounds of everyone inhaling cold breaths could be heard breaking the silence of the restaurant. At that moment, everyone was looking at Ling Tian with expressions of surprise.

As for the youth who was being held at swordpoint, he didn't dare move. His fear was that if he were to move, the sword would pierce into his throat.