75 Pursuit


Three Bloodline Transformed Cultivators were roaming around near the chu'er house where they sighted a mortal young man wearing Azure colored clothing sitting on the doorsteps of Chu'er's


"brothers for some reason I Can't use my sense of smell right now but I Am sure he is not far away from here. Let's ask that mortal boy there if he has seen Shen Wong or not." Dog Face

"7th brother you are forgetting one thing that we can't leave evidence behind. right?" Snake face

"I know what do you mean brother but we can always kill him after he tells us about Shen Wong. No big deal, right?" Eagle face

"yeah but first change yourself back to your human form otherwise your scare that boy." Snake face

"Oh... yeah... I almost forgot about this 5th brother." Dog Face

The dogface man changed back to his human form, he started to walk toward the young man who was wearing Azure colored clothing, he stood before the young man and said: "Young man, My name is Wu Shang, have you seen a man running here covered in blood?"

The Young Slowly raised his head and his eyes met with Wu Shang. The young man looked into Wu Shang's eyes like he was watching a dead person and said "Why are you searching for him? Mister?"

"He is an old friend of mine. I saw him running here covered in blood. Can you tell us where did he go?" Wu Shang

"Ho, what do you mean by 'Us'? Do you care to explain that to me?" Young man

"*cough* Us? I didn't say that. I said that can you tell 'me' not 'us' about his whereabouts," Wu Shang said while coughing

"Oh... really? maybe I misheard that then." Young Man

"Then now, can you tell me the whereabouts of the man who came here?" Wu Shang

"yes... I can... No one came here That's all I know." Ling Tian answered the Wu Shang

"How can that be? Boy, don't try to measure my patience. Just tell me already where did that man go." Wu Shang Said while leaking his killing intent Toward the young man.

The young man before him was Ling Tian he was calm as ever in front of the surge of killing intent released by Wu Shang and said "Oh... now showing your true colors... I was waiting for that when will your cast aside your facade and show me your real intent. All I can say now is you are a bad lier and your other two friends are really bad at hiding. They can come out now."

First Wu Shang was shocked because in front of his killing intent this mortal boy should be kneeling before him.

(He should be a normal mortal, how can he be calm before my killing and he knew about even I talked to him that means he was waiting for us here. if that's true then he must be an accomplice of Shen Wong but...) when Wu Shang was in his thoughts, some changes occurred in Ling Tian's Aura... and it instantly skyrocketed to Foundation realm to Level 3 martial king Realm and black gaseous aura was shrouding the Ling Tian.

"y... you... What are you..." Before Wu Shang could finish his sentence, his body was sucked into a Blackhole leaving nothing behind as Wu Shang disappeared into the thin air.

(Note:- Devouring unique Skill was the reward from the system when Ling Tian gave Little white his Beast Cultivation Technique. That System Random Copied from the Little white's Skills.)

String metallic voices could be heard in Ling Tian's Head.

"Not Bad." Ling Tian

After saying those words Ling Tian gazed toward the back alley and said: "you guys hiding in the shadows can come out now otherwise I won't be responsible what will happen next... Mark my words. I will count to 10."











After counting till '10' there was no response from others, this made Ling Tian Anxious.

"Golden Fiery Eyes" Ling Tian's Eyes Turned Golden, and he scanned the back Alley with his eyes but there was nothing but 2 dummies and those dummies were leaking the aura similar to the other two friends Wu Shang.

"What?! I can't let them run away like that. The system can you help me here?" Ling Tian

<10000 SSP for pointing the Direction where other pursuers ran toward>

"10000 SSP just For pointing Direction. why System why don't you rob me?." Ling Tian Said to System furiously.

"Hey system, are you really here to help me?" Ling Tian Asked System.


"what's with the ,"to be continue(...)" Line, Just Tell me the direction already." Ling Tian.

<-10000 SSP>

"What the Fuck?!!!... How can they run this fast." Ling Tian said while cursing.

(what should I do now? I can't reach there in right time and they run away... I really want a new Talent Ticket.) Ling Tian Thought

"What? But didn't you say that my current body can't handle my bloodline transformation when I lost the Heavenly Helping System?" Ling Tian

"why didn't you tell me that when I was fighting with ancestor realm cultivators?" Ling Tian

"I think you were just being lazy then." Ling Tian.

Ling Tian Turned around and went near Chu'er while handing her another pill to feed Shen Wong and said. "Chu'er, Big Brother has to go now but I will be back before morning. Little white will be here until then. okay?"

Chu'er nodded while tears were still coming out from her eyes.

Ling Tian turned around and started toward the Little white who was waving his tail and said "Little white I am again counting on you. okay?"


Little white Growl and nodded toward Ling Tian. Ling Tian Also nodded lightly and disappeared before them and appeared outside the house.

"Now's time to catch the rats." Ling Tian