78 Silhouette inside the Lightning room


At once, the light started to flash past Ling Tian's body. Ling Tian Slowly started change back to his normal form but the elderly cultivators thought different, They thought Ling Tian was still transforming, and they did nothing but watch him cautiously.

Ling Tian who slowly changed back to his human form, he felt like he had no more strength in his body and he almost lost his footing but he was somehow able to hold the ground. His Legs were still Staggering After Bloodline Transformation.

After a few moments later, A young man in teens was standing before Elderly Cultivators. This made three cultivators astonished because of one from those 3 elderly cultivators was harmed by him.

The old man from before Who attacked Ling Tian with his martial Spirit took some kind of pill and he regained his strength.

"Brother Wong, How are you feeling now?" The old man beside the injured old man said

"Brother Botan, I am fine, my martial Spirit is an elemental type that will recover in the 2 weeks but who would have known that I lost to a baby... Hahahaha." Oldman Wong said while laughing out loud.

Hearing the comment of the old man Wong, other elderly cultivators knew what he meant.

"Hey, Kid if you don't Wanna die, come with us without any resistance," Botan said with a cold voice.

"..." Ling Tian didn't reply to them, he materialized the Lonely wind Sword in his right hand and he coldly stared the elderly cultivators.

"Ho... The Resistance? hehehe" a sweet voice came from behind the 3 old cultivators.

A Girl Who looked in his early 20s was staring at Ling Tian with her curious eyes.

After seeing the face of the girl, Three old cultivator's expression changed and kneel down before the Girl.

"Empress, w... what are you doing here?" Wong old man asked

"Elder Wong, Don't mind me, I was just taking a walk but Do you care to explain why this fella is still alive After killing the member of our sect?" Empress said in a sweet but cold voice while leaking killing intent.

Old man kneeling before Empress couldn't handle the pressure and he started speaking "Empress, this boy is from some unknown origin, we can not tell his cultivation level and Even Brother's Martial Spirit was destroyed by his one swing of a golden staff. we were thinking just about capturing him alive and then interrogate him later. That's why giving him a chance to surrender himself."

"Oh, Really?" Empress asked with a curious voice

"Yes, Empress." Oldman Wong

After some Thinking, Empress clapped Her hand and an old woman appears beside.

"What can I do for Empress?"

"Granny, I want you to measure the strength of that boy over there and capture him alive."

"As you wish Empress,"

The old woman swept a glance Across Ling Tian, who was standing a short Distance away. She seemed to be deep in thought. In the next moment, she flipped her palms and conjured a rope out of thin air. This rope glowed in bright gold and was radiating brilliant looking lights.

This caused Ling Tian to gaze at the rope, wide-eyed in astonishment. He admired the luster and brilliance of the rope. A treasure. That is definitely a treasure spoken of in fables!

The old woman held onto the rope with one hand and she glared at Ling Tian. She then shouted out, "Kid, raise your hands up and surrender or Face me to your demise."

When the old woman and Ling Tian were engaging with each other, suddenly Empress took out a token from her space ring and said.

"what's the problem? why are you calling me? if you don't give me a suitable answer, then your soul will be drowning in the River of Styx next morning. Speak up," Empress said in a cold voice.

"E...empress, The Sect is invaded by the righteous sect." A shaking Voice came from the token

"what's my father doing?" Empress

"S...sect Leader is confined in a 4-star Formation and he can't break it." The Shaky Voice from the token

"That Old man, I will be there in a few moments," Empress said while sighing

Empress looked at the other 3 elderly cultivators, Granny before going back to the sect and said: "you three come with me and Granny, I want you to capture this boy alive."

(Granny, you Can use your bewitching Spirit here but I want his alive with no injuries.) Empress said in Her Transmission to Granny.

(As you wish. Empress) Granny replied.

Three elderly cultivators only nodded and followed after Empress.

Only Leaving the old woman Granny and Ling Tian behind.

Suddenly Old Woman's expression and mood changed, right After empress and other 3 cultivators were gone. She lost her cold demeanor, now she looked like a harmless granny from a candy store.

"Little Boy, I don't know, how did you offend empress but you don't look like a bad boy to me. Care to explain to me, how did you offend the empress?" The old woman said in a very sweet voice full of love and care.

Ling Tian in front of granny was exhausted with spiritual Qi and soul Qi After his bloodline transformation if he had a silver of Qi left in his body then he could see a shadow of a bewitching woman was entering in his body.

Slowly Ling Tian Lost his all sense

Due to Ling Tian having lost his senses, he couldn't hear System's Voice, His Eyes slowly lost light, and he looked like a puppet now with no consciousness in his body.


Inside Soul Knowledge Palace of Ling Tian-

A Succubus-like bewitching woman was wandering here and there, searching for something. She slowly opened a door of a room inside Ling Tian's Soul Knowledge palace.


The woman was hit by a blue lightning that made Her stun for a few moments and she returned to her normal condition but after she returned to her normal condition, she was Terrified because this room was filled with pitch dark black lightning if she had entered this room then she would have died.

"Thanks to me being cautious if I had entered this room, I would have died." The Bewitching Woman said.

"what kind of origin this boy had? It's better for me not to open another door. I should leave this soul knowledge palace otherwise I don't know what kind of traps this boy has." The Bewitching Woman said.

The bewitching woman slowly walked toward the gate of Ling Tian's Soul knowledge palace but She didn't know that she had made a grave mistake by opening the door of the Lightning room and forgot to close it before leaving the Soul Knowledge palace of Ling Tian.

A Silhouette inside the Lighting room slowly opened his eyes...