One less and One time

After this fight I went back to the Uchiha grounds and went to sleep. When I woke up the next morning nobody was here as everybody returned to the battlefield. I got out and went toward the anbu base. As usual I changed myself and for the first time since a long time took the mission information myself.

I went to the gathering point and was the first to arrive. Eagle, Tiger, Bear and Wolf came but Fish did not as Dan stopped fighting since he lost his eyes. Wolf was looking at me sadly but I ignored it and we went to the battlefield.

I could feel Wolf gaze the entire day and it was really disturbing. At the end of the day after I changed myself I went toward Mikoto's tent in the third stronghold. I annouced myself before her tent and came in when she told me to.

She seemed very happy to see me. Seeing this I started right off the bat" Mikoto, I heard that you will marry Fugaku when the war ends ?" All happiness on her face disapeared and she nodded weakly.

I continued" Listen Mikoto, I know you love me but we can't be together. I am not interested in love for now, and you are already engaged. So that is why I came today, I want to help you forget about me. I do not want to be the cause of your sadness. It already hurts me to see you like this as I consider you as one of my best friends."

Mikoto began to cry and spread her arm around me. She began to hug me strongly. She then said" I want to be with you ! Why do I have to be with the next clan head ?" I hugged her back and replied" Mikoto, you need to accept it. I don't want you live your entire life sad. Please forgive me."

Mikoto stopped the hug and looked at me in the eyes. She then said" If you really want to help me, then please love me only for this night. I promise I will stop after this." I looked at her in shock and as I was frozen by what she said, she planted her lips on mine. I backed a little but after a little hesitation I kissed her back.

We did a long and passionful kiss. We separated and did many more. We started undressing while still kissing passionately. Then followed a night full of action and love.

I woke up the next morning with Mikoto in my arms. She was still asleep and tto be honest she looked really beautiful like this. For a mysterious reason I did not even want to go out like convened. So I just stayed like that for half an hour until she woke up. She opened her eyes and looked into mine.

I could see the pure happiness inside her eyes, but in an instant as if she suddenly remembered that I would left, it got replaced by sadness. I could not control myself and I kissed her. After doing that I said" Please do not look sad. I don't like it. You promised." She nodded and we got up. We dressed up and departed to the anbu base.

We separated to not appear suspicious by coming together. The moment I left her I felt bad, like something was missing. I shook it off and went to dress up. I thought about what I said to Kushina some time ago and realised I maybe was wrong about Mikoto. She seemed to really love me, and not only Red Sword.

I stopped thinking about it and went toward our gathering point. Because of me dozing off a little I arrived last there. We immediately went to the battlefield and I started killing everybody I saw. The others could not really do anything. At the end of the day I realised what I did and wondered what happened. I went toward where Sarutobi was and said as soon as I arrived to my father" Commander, I would like to take a little time off anbu. I know this is selfish but I would like to go alone and focus on improving myself."

Father did not even hesitate before saying" Accorded." With that I departed and went to my tent a bit absent. I woke up next morning and felt uncomfortable. I directly went to the battlefield and waited there. I began training on my water coat and then on my EMS. After I looked at the time I began to hunt for enemies.

At the end of the day I had killed fifty enemies, a record even the Hokage could not hope to exceed. I went back to Konoha to go see Minato and Kushina. I thought that it would allievate my mood. I stayed with them but the uncomfortable feeling was only getting stronger. We went to Ichiraku to eat.

Once there even the fabulous cooking did not help. A civilian entered and began to eat next to us. He was making too much sound eating next to us and at a moment I snapped" Would it fu*cking bother you to make less noise !" With that I went out angrily and returned immediately to the frontlines.

Even though nobody was there yet I stil decided to go there. I began to hit on trees and at a moment I summoned my Susanoo and wrecked havok around me. This mood continued for a month before something happened. I finally made my breakthrough on water coat.

I now had a new ability, that is to make mirages. I went down this path for water when I learned a certain Mizukage ability. I now could coat my body with water and make two mirages of myself. It was almost impossible to make the difference between them and me. This was different from clones as the mirages were not real and could not attack or be touched. If I coat my weapon with water it will make it like numerous swords comes at you.

This too is almost impossible to decipher as even I with my EMS can't see the real one. But strangely even this did not made me very happy.