Barbaric manners and Dominance

After I went back to the main camp to go see Sakumo and Kakashi as we already planned to eat together this evening. Once there we began to eat but as they were talking passionetly, I was keeping silent.

Sakumo stopped talking and said" What is it Kyokai ?" I shrugged and replied" I don't know, it has already been sometimes that I felt bad." Sakumo looked at me and asked" Since when ?" I thought about it and I finally realised what happened.

I facepalmed at my stupidness and hurriedly said" Thanks for your help Sakumo ! But I need to go." The two had dumbfounded faces, but I did not care and I went as fast as I could toward Mikoto's tent. I was so desesperate to go there that I used my time slow but was frustrated to see that I did not went faster. I coated myself with lightning and still ran.

I arrived there and deactivated my lightning coat as it makes too much sound. I also deactivated my Time slow and was now in front of Mikoto's tent. I carefully asked" Are you awake Mikoto ?" She came out with sleepy eyes and asked" Yes ?" Then she realised who it was and blushed. She still had that look of happiness though.

Her happiness at seeing me made my feeling that I could not shake off in an entire month disappeared in an instant. I finally understood that I fell for her. She looked at me and began"Everything's alright ? If you wa…" I cut her off by kissing her. I did noot wait for her to respond for carrying her innside the tent and dropping her on the bed.

I stopped the kiss and hurriedly said" I love you and I just did not realised it before. So I hope you still love me too and also wish to be with me !" I looked at her and saw that she began crying. I also began to cry a little but quickly shook it off. I kissed her again and began undressing her.

She stopped me and asked" What about the others ? My marriage with Fugaku and those elders from the clan ?" I looked at her in the eyes and seriously said" I don't give a f*ck about them. If they dare to go against us being together I will just beat them up." I saw that she began to worry so I kissed her again and said " Don't worry they won't go against us, Fugaku don't really love you, you just had been chosen by the clan elders. And they won't risk going against me only for your false marriage."

She nodded and kissed me back. I began to undress her again but this time she did not stop me. Once naked, I kissed her breast, then began to go down. I went toward her vagina and began licking. I played with it while she began to stroke my cock. She came on me and began to lick it while I was still working on her.

She suddenly took it in her mouth. She began to makes back and forth with her head. I played with her even more. I knew I was about to cum so I made her stop and took her in my arms. I put her under me and placed my dick just in front of her vagina. I bgan teasing her by scratching my thing with hers.

I backed a little and put it in whole in one movement. She moaned again and I began back and forth movements. As I was doing that I kissed her and as we were kissing I cummed inside her. But I did not stop there. I continued until I sensed that she was trembling. I added even more speed to it and added strenght to my thrusts.

After this we made a little break before going for it again. As we both had a huge stamina we ended up doing it all night. Fortunetly we had that contraceptive seal or I would not take long to become a father…

The next morning just as we stopped doing it, she asked me panting" Do you think we should annouce it now ?" I nodded and said" Yes, I will take a leave for you and we will go to those elders. We dressed up and went toward where my father and the Hokage would be.

We went there walking hand in hand, she was shy at the beginning seeing all the stares but calmed down. But when she saw that I did not intend dropping her hand in front of the Hokage and most importantly my father she blushed and became red like a tomato.

We came in and the two were making funny faces seeing us. I smiled and said" I ask a leave for Wolf of my team." My father began to cough hard and nodded. We came out and once outside the camp I dropped her hand as if we go walking like that to Konoha we would take days. Once there surprisingly the elders did not ârgued with me for their and the clan's so called face but immediatly agreed.

They told me that the marriage would be annouced soon and would be after the war. Some may think that it is a bit fast but first Nobody knows when will the war end, and also we need to do it at this moment to avoid ridiculing Fugaku by not marrying.

We now were outside the Uchiha grounds and decided to go see Kushina and Minato. They unsurprisingly together. They froze when they saw us come hand in hand and when Kushina unfroze she rushed at us and shooted" What are you two doing !"

Mikoto blushed and I smiled" It is good to see you too." We heard Minato laugh behind and saw Kushina turn around. I did not see what face Kushina did but seeing Minato's face that is not good. After that we went to eat together and for the first time for a month I had good time with the two.