Little Fire?

The Six Revolutions Pills were in glistering purple color, looking like purple colored pearls. Tian consumed a pill and started revolving his spirit qi inside his body. Large amounts of Spiritual Energy was being continuously being released by the pill and guided by Tian towards his blocked meridians, with each wave the meridian seemed like it was about to be opened.

After sometime, Tian successfully opened his third meridian and his spiritual energy storage increased twice the amount. But still, Tian was not able to break through into Earth Realm.

Tian continued to take the second, the third and then the fourth pill, and the process continued as he opened his fourth and fifth meridians, but the sixth meridian was not budging even after repeated attempts and Tian was not able to break through into Earth Realm.

'Am I destined to stay in Earth Realm?', Tian was feeling awry after not breaking through, even though he consumed three Six Revolution Pills. He decided to try one last time and consumed three pills at once.

The Energies inside the pills were too much for him to handle at once, he controlled the energies and made them flow like tides in a ocean and kept them barging onto the sixth meridian. It was like a tsunami inside his body, overflowing with spiritual energy.

Just when he was losing control of the spiritual energies, the sixth meridian showed signs of opening. Like a glass mirror, the meridian's blockage broke and all the spiritual energies gushed inside the sixth meridian. But even the sea of spiritual energy was not enough to fill 30% of the sixth meridian.

Tian finally broke through into Earth Realm, but the moment he broke through, he felt like a sudden electric current was going down his body and his body went limp. All the spiritual energy, blood essence and soul energy in his body started to gather at the center of his body.

He felt like his body was being sucked dry by a wormhole inside his body. Tian kept on absorbing spiritual energy from the surroundings to control the situation in his body, but the rate of absorption in his body was greater than what he could muster.

Tian's will as about to break down, but luckily the suction has stopped. Sweat was pouring down his body, he had never felt so exhausted his life. The mental stress made him fall asleep right where he was sitting.

After a while, the unconscious Little White's body that was lying at a corner of the room started to hover up in the air. A mystifying green blue fog was all around its body's surroundings. The mystical blue fog started to get sucked into Little White's forehead, it was like a whirlpool.

After all the fog was sucked in, a red flame pattern formed on Little White's head. When Little White opened its eyes, they were completely red and it felt as if it were a whole another person and glanced towards Tian's body. Then it closed its eyes again and his body started to descend slowly onto the ground.

No one was aware of the mysterious changes that Tian and Little White have gone through. Outside, Heng Fu was having tour around the sect. He was really impressed by the way the sect was set up.

Heng Fu silently contemplated and finally came to a decision, he contacted Number One and Number Two, and he stated his desire to become a part of this sect. The two brothers were instantly thrilled by the news, having someone so strong as a part of the sect would definitely be a big boost to the sect's power. But they wanted to ask Tian's opinion on this, as Heng Fu was a friend of Tian, they didn't want any misunderstandings with their young master.

A few hours passed by and Tian finally woke up, he felt like he had the greatest sleep he ever had in the recent days. Tian tried to notice the changes inside his body, as he was worried about the suction of energy that happened in his body. To his surprise, Tian found that a dantian has formed in his body and it was filled with the essence of Thunder energy. Al the meridians in his body were linked with his dantian. When he tried to cycle the spiritual energy in his body, he noticed that the speed has increased many fold.

Tian has heard about some mysterious cultivators that possessed dantian. In his previous world, some of the top existences in God Monarch realm were said to possess dantian in their body. But he didn't understand why had such a mysterious element, appeared inside his body.

He tried to summon the thunder energy into his palm, streaks of electric arcs started crawling around his arm and gathered into his palm. It materialized into an energy ball filled with thunder energy and electrics arcs were swimming on its surface. He closed his hand and all the energy returned into his body. Just then, he noticed another presence inside his dantian, it was a wisp of Fire, it was in the shape of a tear drop.

Being curious, Tian probed the fire with the thunder energy. The moment the thunder energy touched the fire, it jumped around like a bunny in panic and came out of the dantian on its own accord, it exited his body and went to hide behind the cauldron.

Tian's mind went blank. He went ahead and tried to grab the fire by its pointy head, to his surprise he was not able to feel any heat from it. The wisp of fire struggled in Tian's hand, trying to escape. Tian flicked his finger at it and instantly the fire started crying tears of flames. The moment they hit the ground, it melted away the floor.

Tian tried to calm it down by placing it in his palms and petted its head, it calmed down a little. It had the intelligence of child and Tian was sure that it was a true fire. While Tian was contemplating, why a true fire has ended up in his dantian and who was the one that placed it inside his body, the Little fire jumped down and gulped down a Six Revolutions pill. Tian was surprised by the sudden twist and grabbed the fire and stopped it from eating another pill.

Tian thought that the fire would became berserk after consuming the pill, to his surprise it didn't show any reaction. Except that it looked like it was going to start crying any moment again, not knowing what to do, Tian fed a second pill to it.

While Tian was feeding the pill to the fire, Little White woke up rubbing its eyes. It was enraged to see that Tian was showing care to someone else other than him, it looked at the one last remaining pill and dashed towards it.

Tian noticed Little White sprinting towards him, but it went past him grabbing onto the last pill and swallowed it.

"Little White!!!! Spit it out!", Tian was worried that Little White would not be able to handle the huge spiritual energies inside it and tried to grab him.

Little White dodged aside and mocked him with a smudge face. Little White showed no effects of spiritual outburst. Tian felt like he was stuck between two devourers that could even gobble the entire earth.

Little fire went ahead to Little White and looked at it curiously. When Little White tried to touch him, it ran and hid behind Tian's legs. Little White scratched his head and took out a spiritual herb from his mouth and offered it to Little fire.

Little fire slowly approached the herb and gobbled it, it fell in love with its taste instantly and came out dancing around Little White. Little White also liked Little Fire and started playing with it by giving it the medical herbs placed inside boxes near the cauldron.

Tian was stupefied, he face palmed and took off to sleep in the couch.


Shortie 011 - The Deal

Number Six was having a really hard time these days dealing with Little White and Piggy. They sneak into the fields every day and steal many spiritual herbs.

Number Six decided to put an end to this, when he caught sight of Little White, he immediately stopped him and took out potions bottles.

"Brother White, from now on I'll offer these potions to you, if you stop wrecking my fields", the potions were made from rare herbs which Little White was not aware of. It was incomparable to a single spiritual herb

Little White immediately agreed. From that day onward, Number Six supplied 50 to 100 potions of all kinds to Little White.

What Number Six didn't knew was that the potions were being used by the beasts in the piggy's den. 'It's power up time!'