Crazy battle

The next day Tian spoke with Heng Fu for a while, he informed Heng Fu that he would return after a days, as he needs to go home. Before leaving Number One has notified Tian of Heng Fu's matter of joining the sect, Tian was not against it as he knew Heng Fu was someone who keeps his words and there was no issue with him joining the sect, so he agreed to it.

After Tian left, the six brothers along with Heng Fu gathered for a meeting. Number Two got information from his networks that the Cheng Clan along with some other medium sized merchants are going to attack their sect.

Number Two's information network was something not to be trifled with. He has spread his network wide and deep in the Huang city, every single thing that occurs in the Huang city is under his radar, it basically is a underworld organization in itself.

All the brothers were thinking on how to face off against the incoming wave. According to the information they received, all the experts that are participating in the attack are Energy Advancement realm and below. They were confident that they could completely wipe out the enemy forces, they started to gather all the inner sect disciples and informed of the matter. Heng Fu decided to stay idle in tomorrow's battle, he would only make his move if there was someone above Energy Advancement Realm in the enemy forces.

Number Six and his disciples were tasked with making spirit recovery potions and strengthening potions, while Number Three was laying formations all across the sect. Number Two also kept tabs on the spies in the outer sect, it was the right time to get rid of them. The atmosphere inside the Rising Chaos Sect was getting intensified. Even Little White's instincts sensed that something bad is about to happen, it then ran off into the forest near the sect.

The next day, Cheng clan and merchants forces have arrived near Rising Chaos Sect and have prepared for an ambush. Everyone inside the sect acted how they do everyday, but on the inside they were alert and were waiting for the enemy forces to make their move.

Suddenly, the warriors from Cheng clan made their move, followed by all the other warriors on their side. There were many Body Refinement and Blood Refinement experts, led by a few Energy Advancement realm experts. They were looking at the disciples as if a predator looking at its prey.


The attacks started, but the ones who got injured were not from the sect, instead they were the opposing forces. The disciples instantly launched their attacks on them. The spies tried to harm the disciples of the sect, but before they could do that, a spirit pulse radiated from their tokens and they were immediately immobilized.

The enemies were in a complete disarray, "Keep attacking!!! They won't last long, our numbers are higher than theirs. We will win! Attack!!!", the Energy Refinement experts kept encouraging their subordinates. Their forces contained 1700 odd members, while the Rising Chaos Sect had only 400 odd disciples.

Just when they thought that things will work out, many of their experts released sudden cries. They enemy forces have stepped on some array formations and they got activated. These were setup by Number Three, all the disciples knew where the formations were laid down. They lured the enemies to the locations and then activated the formations.

Tens of experts were defeated by each formation, Some were burnt crisp by flames, while some were struck down by electric current, many even got stuck in earth trap formations. It was a scene to see, hundreds of enemies were down in an instant.

Then Energy Advancement realm experts finally decided to make their move. They dived in to attack the disciples, but were stopped by the six brothers. They faced off against the Energy Advancement experts, but were outnumbered. The enemy forces had 13 Energy Refinement Realm experts, while they were only 6. They were battle formations and defending themselves.

As the battle went on, the enemy forces were slowly gaining hand over the sect. Many disciples were slowly getting defeated by them, Number Two was suffering from the battle and was not sure if he could endure any longer.

Manager Xie and the others were grinning, as they saw the helpless situation of Rising Chaos Sect. Victory was within their grasps. One of the experts from Cheng Clan, noticed that the ground suddenly started to shake as if an earth quake was coming. Everyone started to hear sounds of marching.

The six brothers and all the disciples felt their heart beats drop, Heng Fu was about make his move and save the sect in case things get worse. Dust rose in air, as the marching sounds from the forest kept nearing. The sect disciples and the enemy forces were looking towards the forest, no one knew what was going on.

As the dust began to clear, they saw something that made a chill go down their spine. It was a mini beast tide, there were hundreds of beasts marching towards the battle. Everyone concentrated on the beasts and were getting ready to attack them.

The moment those beasts neared the battle, they started attacking fiercely and went on a rampage. But the shock to everyone was that the beasts were not attacking the Rising Chaos Sect disciples at all. Everyone was dumbfounded, even the disciples and the six brothers didn't understand what was going on.

Then they saw a monkey riding on a flying pig that was spewing out flames like a flame thrower at the enemy forces, It was Little White! Finally everyone understood the situation, the supposed beast tide was under the control of Little White, almost all the disciples have seen Little White in the sect during its fights with Number Six and knew that it was a part of the sect. Some of the strong beasts in Energy Advancement Realm started aiding the six brothers.

With the sudden addition of beasts, the tides began to turn against the Cheng Clan. The hidden experts of Cheng Clan finally decided to make their move. Three Earth Realm experts came out and directly launched attacks on the beast tide. It was Cheng Ran and his aides. He came here in order to find and kill Wang Tian, he knew that if he captured the six brothers, then he would definitely show up.

He was having fun, watching the sect crumble under the might of Cheng Clan and alliance's warriors. But the sudden explosions of formations and then the beast tide made him surprised. He wanted to end this quickly, so he decided to move into the battle field.

No one was able to block the sudden attacks of Earth Realm experts, Heng Fu immediately dashed towards the Earth Realm experts and Little White also steered Piggy to dash towards them.

The deciding fight of this battle was about to begin.


Shortie 012 - Zhang Tie's love

Zhang Tie and Huang Si were madly in love. But Her father, the city lord could not agree to them.

Huang Si's Grandfather wants her to be tied up with Wang Tian. The moment he saw Tain, his mind was fixed on pairing them.

Huang Si was locked inside the manor, forbidden to roam outside.

While they tasked the guards to beat up and throw away Zhang Tie, whenever he shows up near the manor.

Still Zhang tie went to the manor daily in hopes of seeing her face again