Come to daddy!

Cheng Ran and his two subordinates faced off against Heng Fu and Little White. Heng Fu was having his hands full, dealing with two experts by himself. Little White kept flying on Piggy's back and was being chased by another expert.

The expert chasing Little White was getting annoyed by it, he was not yet in Sky Realm so he was not able to fly, but Little White was flying on Piggy and it was hard for him to land any attacks on them. He kept releasing energy attacks but they were easily dodged by piggy.

Piggy flew dived towards the expert and released fire breathe like a dragon, he used energy shield to defend it but his entire vision was filled by fire. The moment his vision cleared, he saw piggy and instantly launched attacks again. By the time he noticed that Little White was not on piggy's back, he felt an intense pain travelling down his body.

Little White hid itself on the ground during the fire attack and when the experts full attention was on piggy, it launched a full powered kick on his crotch. Even though Earth Realm experts have very resilient body, that part was sensitive no matter what. The attack delivered so much pain to the expert that he instantly lost his consciousness and collapsed on the ground with foam coming out of his mouth.

Little White gave a proud look glancing at the expert who's body was twitching in pain unconsciously. The moment everyone saw that attack, a shiver went down their spine, they unconsciously covered their crotch with their hands. Even Heng Fu felt a chill when he looked at the collapsed man. Xian Li was feeling awkward looking at the scene and turned her head away as her face turned red.

Little White joined Heng Fu to face off against Cheng Ran and the other expert. The tides turned once more and Manager Xie was feeling very anxious. If they failed at this stage, he would be utterly devastated. Manager Xie acted on his own for this battle and didn't inform to the higher ups in the clan, if he loses this battle it could potentially risk his position.

The six brothers were also faring well and gaining upper hand over the enemies, with the beasts attacking them continuously the Cheng Clan members were facing defeat. Cheng Ran gritted his teeth, Heng Fu was advanced Earth Realm expert and Little White was primary Earth Realm expert. With both their strengths, they were able to completely defend Cheng Ran and other expert's attacks, they were on the winning side of the battle.

Cheng Ran decided to flee from the battle, he pushed the other expert towards Heng Fu and sprinted as fast as he can. The others were surprised by Cheng Ran's sudden move, the expert eventually got defeated under Heng Fu and Little White's attacks.

The battle finally came to an end, the six brothers went ahead and captured the merchants who initiated this attack. Manager Xie was able to successfully able to escape using artifacts he possessed. The position of Rising Chaos sect instantly spiked up in the minds of those powers residing in Huang City.

With the outside threat defeated and the spies in the sect cleaned out, their momentum got increased even more. Number Two organized all the disciples and cleared out the battle field, there were no casualties from the sect. With the potions prepared by Number Six and his disciples, they were able to recover immediately in the battle and didn't sustain any large injuries.

The gains for the sect this time were immense, they took over the medium sized merchant stores and forced a contract with their owners. Although they were defeated, they were not in such a bad mood as the contract that the Rising Chaos sect proposed will give them some benefits as well.

The beasts started to retreat into the part of forest near the sect. Everyone was curious about those beasts and how Little White got them under its wings. Piggy and Little White stayed back in the sect. When Number Six saw piggy, he immediately ran towards it with a huge smile and wide arms.

"Stay away! you demon!", Piggy dodged him by flying into air and released fire breath on his butts, Number Six jumped around and rubbed his butts against a pillar to extinguish the fire.

The other brothers and Heng Fu were completely surprised by this. Never in their lives have they seen a talking pig, also it looked at Number Six as if a wife looking at a cheating husband and Number Six was trying to get close to Piggy, "Brother Six, do you know this pig-....Beast expert?" Piggy was having huge wings, sharp horns and had an object stuck between its eyebrows.

Number Four was in a deep thought, 'I have seen this object somewhere....but I don't remember where....'

Number Six patted dust off his robes and walked in a proud demeanour towards them, "This Piggy is my creation!", he waved his hands in a showy manner like a magician, trying to show off.

"Creation your mom!", Piggy spewed another load of flames at Number Six

"Aww Aww Aww Aww Awwww.......Let me explain, you damn pig!", Number Six was getting irritated when his show was getting disturbed. "Hmph....", Piggy finally ignored him and flew onto a couch where Little White was sitting.

"I wanted to create a potion that can instantly make anyone slim. I started researching and came up with some formulas. When i saw the poor piggy that was suffering from his fat body, i wanted to help him", Number Six turned towards Piggy, but when he saw its angry gaze he gulped his saliva and looked away instantly.

"S- So, I sta- started to make potions and made piggy drink them"

"Did the potions work?", Number three asked in a dumb manner. Number Six instantly gave a death stare to Number Three, 'can't you see that the pig is fat as an elephant?! Damn brother three, either you are blind or you are pulling my leg'

Number Six cleared his throat and said in an awkward tone, "Well....the potion did work, but it didn't make it slim. Instead it gave him wings, horns, fire breath and some other mysterious things that i still need to research. He is a proud creation of mine", Number Six turned to Piggy and spread his arms wide, "Come to daddy!"

Piggy instantly went berserk, "Who the F*** is my daddy!", he went ahead and started spewing fire on him. Number Six escaped and fled outside while being chased by Piggy.

All the people inside the room looked at one another in a awkward manner, all their minds had a single thought, 'No wonder the piggy wants to roast him, the moment he comes into its sight'

"Now I remember!", Number Four jumped up with excitement and looked in the direction on Number Six and Piggy, "The Object on its forehead is a spirit tool I made, it is used for telepathic communication, I thought it was a failure and threw it in a corner of my lab. But how did Piggy get it's hands on it?". Little White instantly turned its head away and started eating the fruit in its hand with a awkward feeling.