The Great Bandits Gathering

In the Bloody Hell Desert,under the scorching Sun about 500 people gathered on a desolate mountain. Among them many wore similar dresses with similar badges based on their attire and badges one can deduce that they are divided into four different groups.

Any person from Flow Front Nation immediately will recognize them as Snow Silk Bandits, Snake Shine Bandits and Dark Moon Bandits.

These names are enough to shake nearby powers.Today they all gathered on this mountain for some unknown reason.

Henry who stood at one corner saw around him there were around 150 people who stood along him,they were either muscular or skinny and their age was under 25.Henry understood that they had been brought here for a specific reason.




"Make a way,Master Jojo is coming"

All the Snake Shine bandits dropped to their knees.

When Henry saw that middle aged man,he immediately recognized him as the person who was sitting on the majestic chair when he was captured, he is one and only one leader of Snake Shine Bandits.

When Henry's vision fell on one of the three bandits beside him,he gritted his teeth in anger,he felt hatred towards him.

This guy is none other than Khilja who treated Henry worst than butchering animals when he was captured.

At this moment,

"Jojo you were as strict as the others say"

following the voice a girl around age 18 appeared, she had pink hairs,wore pink frock,had pink nail paint.

even her face was concealed within pink veil.

Behind her 4 other females came into appearance they also wore wore pink frock and pink veil but only difference was that they didn't got pink hair.

Seeing pink,pink and pink

Henry immediately identified them as self proclaimed Pink Parlor Bandits.

He heard rumors about them,about two months ago some girls popped out from now where and one of them challenged the preexisting Green Lotus Bandits leader and defeated her.

Green Lotus Bandits leader couldn't accept her defeat and challenged the weak looking one among the girls,she thought she could win with ease but unfortunately she lost more bitterly then she challenged all the girls,one by one they all defeated her with ease,loosing a lot of face in front of all the female subordinates made her angry enough to disband Green Lotus Bandits after disbanding the organization it is said that she vanished in thin air.

Most of helpless formal Green Lotus Bandits who does not know any other method of surviving except robbing and killing requested these girls to establish a Bandit Organization, Under pressure of them the girls established Pink Parlor Bandits.


Your esteemed self must be the Fairy Queen of Pink Parlor bandits and beside you must be the other queens of the Pink Parlor Bandits"

Jojo spoke politely.

"Of course we are"

One of the queen of shouted out loudly.

Hearing it,

All the members of Snake Shine Bandits stood up and gazed at her with hostility.

Seeing the disrespect to Jojo,Khilja came forward and about draw his sword he was stopped by Jojo.

"Miss,you must be the Cold Queen"

Jojo said humbly.

"So what if I am"

Cold queen sneered.

"Stop it Tuna,we are not here to fight don't forget about the business for which we are gathered"

Fairy Queen looked at Cold Queen while saying it.

"Sorry sis...."

Cold Queen gladly accepted her mistake.

"Yes,Miss Fairy Queen is right,we are not here to fight"

Another majestic voice sounded.

"It's Bloody Moon"

"Bloody Moon also came"




The crowd cried out in Alarm.

Henry naturally heard about bloody moon,the brother of leader of the Dark moon bandits,he was the known strongest expert in the Bloody Hell Desert once the Red Crocodile Sect disciples targeted Dark moon bandits around 60 people from Dark moon bandits were dead then Bloody Moon appeared and trapped all the genius disciples of the Red Crocodile Sect who came to to exterminate Dark Moon Bandits,he single handedly slaughtered 250 disciples while those who were able to escape severely wounded.From then his legend was spread in the Bloody Hell desert.

"Mr Bloody Moon,you seem to be impatient"

An old man's voice echoed then people saw an old man with long white beard.

"Who is he?"

Some bandits sounded

"You fools,he is our leader "

Snow Silk Bandits said.

So looks like the rumors were true Snow Silk Bandits Organization at least has more than 100 years heritage

Henry thought.

"Nah,Mr Yash I am not in hurry if you want us to to wait I am ready to wait for a whole day"

Bloody Moon said in a humble tone while bending.

Henry thought that this Yash might be stronger than Bloody Moon.

Old man Yash simply ignored Bloody Moon and moved towards centre.

Other leaders of Bandits followed him towards centre.

At the centre of crowd,

Fairy Queen,Bloody Moon,Jojo and Yash faced towards each other for a while then Yash turned towards the crowd

"Everyone I think you all wondering about our purpose of gathering here"

"It may be already clear we are going to hunt for a treasure ,There is a cave at the bottom of the cave on which we are standing right now,The cave was restricted to the people under the Beginner class martial arts.After researching for a about last 2 years we concluded that the cave has 3 trials,Once you complete them then you can get the treasure and the most important information is only pure mortals under age of 25,can participate in the final trial"



"Omg...we are going to participate in trials"


The crowd lost in their thoughts including Henry.



The voice continued

"Every year the cave will be opened on this day and won't be closed for next 5 days,In 5 days you have to complete all the trials and get the treasure"

"You may even die in trials so you need to be careful"

"After obtaining treasure,you can trade it with your freedom else you will be doomed"

"I think everyone understood"

.....The old voice even tho wasn't loud but can heard by everyone.

After old man's speech

Jojo opened his mouth

"We all have decided to send some of our weak brothers who are Noon class martial artists with you to warranty your safety till 2 nd trial"

"Now let's go"

While saying it Fairy Queen moved following her other leaders of bandits moved,

The remaining bandits followed their leaders along captives,Henry followed the crowd.

People began descending the mountain,on the way Henry saw a familiar figure

That figure also noticed Henry then he neared Henry,Seeing that guy nearing him Henry felt his blood boiling.

The figure opened his dirty mouth and said

"Oh..,Isn't it the thrash who overestimates himself?"

Henry shouted "shut up"

The figure moved and kicked Henry in the stomach.

Henry fell to the ground

"Look at you,you are too pitiful,You can't even take a single hit from me there is not much difference between the past you when I punched you on your face twice and now"


Henry said with difficulty while looking at him with fearless eyes.

"Futon,What are you playing around hurry up else you might be the last one to enter the cave"

A voice can be heard.

"Kid,you are Lucky"

"Pray the god that you wouldn't meet me in the trial else I will pluck your eyes"

Futon showed his killing intent along his actions and words then left from Henry's line of sight.

After Futon left Henry stood up and shouted "You better don't let me meet you in the

trial else it will be your last day "

"Ha...ha...ha..." The gradually moving away phantom laughed and said nothing.

One by one

People descended at the bottom of the mountain

When Henry reached at the bottom he observed that he was the last one to descend then his eyes moved around and saw

A giant door made up of some gray colored metal,it had some unknown words carved on it.

"It is about time"

Bloody Moon said.

"Rumble Rumble"

The ground shook and birds revolved in the sky around door.

The door began to split from the middle slowly it opened.

When Henry saw the opened door no matter how much he tried he couldn't peek inside an unknown barrier was blocking his vision.

Yash yelled out "The door has been opened, go....."

People began to enter the cave one by one...seeing them enter in the cave easily Henry didn't hesitate and entered the cave.

Total 150 pure mortals along 100 Noob Class martial artists entered in the cave.