Trial begins; Meeting Fatty Chao Chao

When Henry entered the cave his surroundings changed....Henry looked at his current surroundings and thought

"How is this possible?"

Henry shocked and he does not want to believe what he was seeing and feeling right now,

The Surrounding were covered in snow and some parts formed with hard Ice contradictory to the scorching sun and heat outside the cave.Morever it was not even looked like a cave but a complete different world of Ice with dim light enough for vision.

Henry saw a group of 4 people in front of him,one of them wore a black shirt with a cloak constraining hat,He had a Blood colored badge at the left side of the chest on his shirt.

Henry concluded that is a Dark moon bandit.

When Henry saw him,he also saw Henry and opened his mouth

"Kid,you might be one of the servants sent here to get the treasure"

"Kid,follow me if you don't want to die early"

Henry was no fool to reject him so he nodded then joined the group.

The group walked further under the lead of the bandit.

When Henry joined the group the other people greeted Henry and also offered some snacks but Henry clearly refused them with smile,Henry does not even bother to know their names.

Henry when he was on earth he had always been a book worm and always carved for knowledge

He was not social,His true friends can be counted in one's fingers and he had only one best friend who died long ago.



"The first trial is endurance"

"The temperature will continue to drop until 50 people remain alive "

"What ?"

The group shocked including Henry.

Henry did not expect that among 250 people who entered in the cave,200 were going to die,

The man with moustache asked" If only 50 members remain alive then they must be Noon level Martial Artists,Isn't it too unfair? "

The bandit's voice responded.

"Good question, the cold we feel is different from you "

"The amount of cold one feels is based on their cultivation level suppose the 2 nd layer of final stage of noob class martial artist experience more cold than 1 st layer of middle stage noob class martial artist"

The 3 people opened their mouth in surprise

Henry also did surprise a little after knowing it,he did not surprise like the others since he already thought that the creator of this cave world is not a normal martial artist if he existed,he must had been a supreme being who stood completely at a different level for such person adjusting the trial's temperature based on one's cultivation is not a big deal make the trial fair.

"Now,where are we going?"

A young looking skinny man among the group asked the bandit"

The bandit replied "There is a hot spring here,The area near the spring is warm.Our survival chances will be higher there"

The bandit spoke no words further and none questioned him and followed him after walking for a while the group saw many plants which grew on Icy land

"Don't touch any plant,some of them are too dangerous"

Alas...but it was too late the man with moustache in the group touched the leaf of a plant soon his blood sucked out of him and left him with only skin and bones.

Seeing this seen even Henry panted.

"Don't go near his corpse let's continue our small journey to the spring"

The bandit walked and the rest followed him.

After walking about an hour

They reached near a suspension bridge made up of wood at the footing and supported by veins which act as ropes,If one looked down from the bridge they can see a hot spring at the bottom which is at 2km distant away.They began to walk on this bridge.When they reached half way to cross the bridge they heard a voice


A silhouette was rushing towards,Seeing the silhouette Henry's face changed.

The silhouette appeared in front of them like gust of wind.

"Big brother Futon,How can I help you?"

The Dark moon bandit shivered.

" know me then things will go smooth"

"Hand over the servant in your group"

Futon raised his hand and pointed his finger towards Henry

The Dark moon bandit looked towards Henry,While pushing Henry he spoke "you go over there,you should feel honored for being able to die at hands of big brother Futon"

When Henry was pushed he caught the rope at the corner of the bridge and jumped down






With the sound Henry entered the hot spring.

"You fool,can't you even handle a single mortal,Catch him"

Futon roared

The Dark moon bandit immediately pushed the other two mortals in the group



With the sound they also did fell in the Spring.

Mean while Henry was swimming in the spring unknown to himself his body began to absorb heat emitted by the spring like a bottom less pit,Henry felt that the inner flame core which was given to him by mysterious female began a to have a change in quality,Henry could feel it being strengthened.

Henry once tried to absorb QI using this flame core but for some unknown reason he wasn't able to,

According to common knowledge one can be able to absorb at least 10% QI without using A cultivation technique (Core directory) but Henry couldn't.



The face of Futon,who was observing the spring dumbfounded.

His face was filled Shock,Terror..... similarly the Dark moon bandit also wore the expressions of shock

They can see the spring being frozen.

The two guys who were chasing Henry also froze into Ice statues.

At this moment

" You also go and catch that guy"

When the Dark moon bandit heard it,he hesitated but then he felt a force at bottom part of his back

While falling he turned towards Futon and shouted


he knew that he was kicked by Futon.


Following the sound a solid statue of Ice appeared.

"Even 3 rd layer of initial Noob Class Martial artist froze to death"

Even Futon hates Henry,he doesn't want to gamble his life to catch him after all he is just a 2 nd layer of middle stage Noob Class martial artist. So he stayed on the bridge while observing the spring.

In the Spring

Henry Swam like a free fish then he reached at one corner and dived up,felt infinite coldness when henry turned around he saw the spring being frozen.

Henry didn't hesitate immediately climbed up on the ground and ran.....

Seeing safely escaped Henry from bridge Futon stood up

"This brat's luck is really good but he won't live long"

He sighed in his heart then Futon followed took another way to catch Henry.

Henry was running like a deer when it sees a tiger,

After 30 mins.

Henry was exhausted and stopped.

First he looked back seeing not a single shadow following him he took breath

But before he complete his second breathe


Following the sound at about 500m away he can see a silhouette

Seeing the silhouette Henry stood up and started to run again...

He ran and ran....

But the distance between the two people closed every second




With the sound Henry felt Soft and Chubbiness,he took his steps a little back the he lifted his head a little upward and saw a big stomach like a barrel followed by big chicken leg piece as big as normal hand of a human,The chicken piece covered the face of the fatty so Henry couldn't see his face clearly

Henry had no time to waste but it was already too late Futon caught up to him.

Henry went at the back of the fatty and hid himself.

"Move "

Futon roared while running towards fatty

The fatty ignored Futon like he did not hear and continued to eat the leg piece.

Seeing him being ignored by the fatty,Futon exploded with anger

"I said you to move aside "

While shouting Futon lifted his hand,his fingers were half bent then air is gathered around his palm,the palm landed on the leg piece


The leg piece exploded into countless pieces.

Seeing his food being tore into countless pieces the fatty roared

"You dare to destroy the food of this Majesty"

Seeing the situation turned bad Henry went around and hid back of nearby rock,

The fatty while beating his fat belly,spread his right hand at right side his fingers were straight,his hand did not even tremble slightly even under cold then the hand moved up countless after images of right hand can be seen followed by right hand his left hand also produced after images both the hands combined at top


Following the sound Futon saw several fat hands coming towards him,he couldn't even able to tell which is real and which is not.

Futon thought that he hit Iron this time but when the hands landed on him he felt only a little bit pain which is almost negligible then Futon noticed that fatty in front of him is only at 2 nd layer of initial stage of Noob Class


The fatty face turned pale

"Ha...ha...I should praise your courage to challenge a 2 nd layer of middle stage Noob Class Martial Artist with just being at 2 nd layer of initial stage Noob class"

Seeing the attack of fatty had no effect on Futon,Henry's thought he lost his last hope of survival....

but he was about to run again

"Take this"

Futon's voice followed by an attack filled with elemental air energy.

Henry thought that fatty will be injured fatally....

But contradictory to Henry's expectation the chubby looking fatty moved like lighting and dodged the attack..


Henry opened his mouth widely in shock

"How can a fat guy move like that?

it might be my mistake of my vision"

Henry rubbed his eyes and looked at them again

Henry was dumbfounded

Each and every attack of Futon was dodged by the fatty swiftly,Futon couldn't touch his hair

Every time the fatty dodged Futon's attack Henry can only be able to see his shadow


Henry praised fatty

Then he saw fatty taking out big leg piece from the ring on his hand and dodging the attacks of Futon while eating the leg piece.

Seeing this Futon enraged to the point of splitting blood then his attacks became more aggressive and powerful

But it did not effect the fatty at all he continued to dodge them like a leaf dodges the knives when it fell onto them.

After an hour

Futon was totally exhausted, he knew if stays here even a mortal can kill him right now so he said

"You fatty,I will cut you along that brat later "

then left.

"That brat??"

The fatty turned around and saw Henry who is coming out from behind the rock,he had not noticed the presence of Henry till now.

Henry came in front of the fatty and said

"Brother,I am Mark Henry, I was powerless against that guy,So I used you please forgive me"

"No,not at all"

Hearing these words Henry's heart thumped

"You don't need to worry about it,he provoked me by destroying my food..


The fatty spoke while eating

Now Henry realized that the fatty wore a white T shirt like dress and white pant made up of cotton which looked more like pajama,he wasn't look like one of the captives since he had gold chain on his neck and a ring which can store goods.

"Brother, you don't look like anyone from the 4 bandit groups of Bloody Hell desert,How did you come here?"

Henry spoke with curiosity from the time he came to this unknown planet he only met bandits,he had never met anyone other than bandits or captives till now.

"This happened due to that damned crow....

My name is Chao Chao,people call me fatty Chao Chao or Lighting Fatty.

I am the prince of a certain Nation.One day I went to forest to enjoy meal while I was eating the Skew Bird's leg piece a small portion of it which is half size of finger fell down,when I was about to take the piece from ground to wash it before eating,A crow grabbed it with it's leg I shouted it to stop and asked it to give back the piece but it looked at me with mocking smile and ate the piece "

While saying this sentence Fatty gritted his teeth then fatty continued

"I was angered and chased after it day and night for about 20 days,I passed through deserts,villages,cities and forests finally when I thought I lost track of it,I sensed shaking of ground the heard a noise I lifted my head and saw a giant door which was opening then I saw that damn crow I thought I could catch it this time but suddenly it entered the cave and I followed it.Thus how I ended up here"

Hearing the story of Fatty,Henry wanted to laugh of loud but he controlled it with difficulty

"This damn fatty wanted to wash and eat a small portion of meat,not even at size of half finger, which fell to the ground "

"Ha..ha.. Haaa...."Henry laughed in his heart

" Then a crow stole that piece and ate it,to take revenge he followed the crow day and night for about 20 days"

"Haaaa haaaa" Henry couldn't help but laugh while remembering the story narrated by the fatty.

But he did not dare to laugh out loud.

But at this moment Snow began to fell

Henry said "Brother the snow is falling which might turn into snow storm we need to find a good place before it happens"

Fatty Chao Chao nodded then they began to walk towards east

After walking for a while Sam and Fatty reached a place filled with snow

Fatty Chao Chao opened his mouth "Brother Henry why did we come here? This land is fully covered with snow"

Henry said " Brother Chao,Believe me"

Then Henry lifted some snow and started to make block with them

Fatty imitated Henry and built blocks

After 3 hours.....

Henry joined all blocks and built an igloo

"This house made with Ice is too beautiful"

Fatty praised.

"Let's go in "

Following the voice Henry and Fatty went in...

Inside Igloo,

Fatty said "It feels warm"

"Brother you are genius to design such a house"

"It was nothing"

Henry responded and continued

"Brother Chao,Can I ask how can you move too fast?"

Chao Chao looked at curious Henry

and spoke "It is a secret and somehow related to my core"

This what my master said when I asked him.

"What the fuck?"

This damn fatty did not even know about his secret

Henry thought.

Henry guessed that the master of the fatty wanted to hide the secret,he knew that this fatty is stupid and will announce his secret which may indirectly cause harm to him.

Henry then said "Brother Chao the move you used before,I want to learn it"

"Brother that move is not suitable to you"

"You haven't even awakened your core yet so you can't be able to learn that move or any move but I can feel fire power in you and can say that your core is about to be awakened so I got a fire type technique which I happened to earn it by chance"

Fatty touched the ring on his left hand and a brown colored paper appeared

Henry took the paper and read it "The Fire Knife technique"

The paper contained various postures with knife along their description.

Henry was attracted to the paper and said loudly in joy "Thank you Brother Chao,I will give you a treat after completion of trials"

With the help of fatty Henry built a knife made up of rock and started practicing {-⏩The Fire Knife Technique⏪-} even tho he did not awaken his core but still practiced the moments,posture and force


Two days went by....Outside the igloo the snow storm was like wild snow engulfing lives but inside the igloo a silhouette wielded a knife like rock on his right hand and moved his hand to the right upper side while twisting,at first the it looked like normal arm with closed fingers but soon sharp edge of the knife appeared in the palm which is twisted this can be the fatal attack and it is one of the posture of {-⏩ The Fire Knife Technique ⏪-} .

"Clap clap...."

" Brother you learned two postures in two days without slightest flaw and it is almost reached the perfection stage"

"I haven't seen anyone like you who can learn a Hyper grade technique to perfection stage in a day "




Fatty said while eating.

" Brother you are flattering me"

Henry expressed his shyness with heart

But at this moment.....

"The Trial of Endurance did end"

A loud voice sounded in the whole world.....