Awakening Core:The magnificent Phenomena (1)

After the voice subsided, the surroundings turned to

a thick forest which neither looked too dangerous nor too safe even the igloo disappeared.

"Looks like the second trial has began"

Henry's words stopped as he heard a bitter voice




This taste of Skew bird's leg piece is very bad....."

Henry turned towards fatty

Henry's eyes went wide instantly.

Henry spoke while trembling with low voice as he doesn't want to make sound

"Damn Fatty,What are you doing?"

In response Fatty Chao Chao looked at Henry with puzzled look since the time when he had met with Henry,he never did talk to him without respect,Henry always called him brother but now he criticized him.

In response,the broken heart fatty shouted loudly

"Are you blind?,Can't you see that I am roasting Skew's leg piece"


Fatty,low your voice"

Henry said in a very dim voice as it can still be heard to Fatty

"Why should I?"

Fatty roared more loudly than before...

Seeing fatty turn red,Henry couldn't control himself anymore

and spoke loudly

"You idiot,look carefully at what you are roasting"


Henry immediately felt his heart ache but he cooled down as his vision fell in front of him.

but before Henry takes a long breath

"I know what I am roasting,you don't need to remind me,I am roasting leg piece


"Let me show you the art of roasting meat"

After boasting out loud

Fatty touched his ring a long sword which bent a little appeared

Seeing the sword

Henry didn't want to involve in the event "I'll be back in a while....."

After speaking these words when Henry about turned around and take step further,


A loud majestic roar of a beast which can suppress the roars of various king beasts was heard.

Following it Fatty's figure which was covered in saliva of the beast

crashed with Henry's back and both of them sent flying a mile away...

The beast opened it's wings and flew up in the sky with another roar..

Hearing the two large roars the surrounding bandits and captives looked towards the source of the sound,they panted and began to run randomly after seeing the giant beast which looked like Red crocodile with wings.

Meanwhile Henry and Fatty landed on the ground with a



As fatty was the one who fell first and Henry landed on his top safely...

The fatty had cultivation base of 2 nd layer of Initial stage of Noob Class so his injuries were not too serious but he was still bled from his shoulder.

This type of wound was nothing to Fatty.

Without wasting time Fatty stood up and Henry folded his hands around the neck of fatty from the back in such a way that it looked like piggyback except Henry's legs which were free....


The beast was closing to them from the sky

The fatty shivered and was remained in shock untill he heard

"Fatty,Hurry up and run"

Without any hesitation fatty began to run....

Everywhere they passed only two black figures can be seen.

"What's that?"

The people who saw them thought in their heart but before they return to their business

A large shadow covered them with along roar.....

When they looked up,they began to pant in fear...

They only felt relief once the shadow passed them.


After 4 hours continuous running

Fatty was exhausted while the beast doesn't even look like exhausted had always been caught up to them.

Every time it neared, fatty used extra effort to avoid it to catch them sooner.

The beast sometimes opened it's mouth and emitted big fire balls but Fatty was able to dodge them swiftly at first.

From the might of the fire balls Henry guessed that the beast's strength is at least at Peak of Noon Class.

No matter how much incredible fatty was, he was still human.

"Brother,I couldn't run anymore"

The exhausted fatty said with a look filled with pain while still running

"Fatty a little bit more"

Henry said

"Brother, why didn't you tell me that I was roasting the tongue of the beast?"

Hearing the question,

Henry had no answer he only remained silent thinking about the stupidness of this fatty


The red colored fly crocodile beast opened it's mouth

"A giant fire ball which is much is 10 times the size of crocodile formed from it's mouth"

Seeing the fire ball which looked like a an image of sun

Henry and Fatty felt despair

"Fatty fast"

"Need more speed"

"We can't survive if get crushed by that"

The big fire ball moved towards them at astonishing speed....

But in the vision of fatty

The life and death crisis bought a change within the fatty

Time seemed to slow down for him and his body began to emit white colored light..

Instantly the Fatty's speed increased two fold and he moved like light avoiding all the obstacles in front of him.


The ball crashed the ground and every plant,animal which caught in blast turned into ash...

Fatty escaped from the direct collision of the ball with a an inch distance but still the impact sent two of flying again....




"Killing this beast gives us the key to participate in the final trial"

A man who wore the attire of Snake Shine bandits instructed.

"Master Futon,we will kill it and take the key to participate in the final trial"

The two mortals beside him shouted.

Futon folded his fingers and moved straight in front of him the four mortals followed..

A green colored serpent was being attacked by Futon and company

After a while


After a while with the cry,green colored serpent fell and turned to a light colored purple crystal and Futon picked it up.

"Master Futon,you are great"

"The green colored serpent was easily defeated by Master Futon"

"It's strength was compared to 1 st layer of middle stage Noon Class Martial artist,but was still defeated by Master Futon"

"Alas,it encountered Master Futon"

....The four people praised Futon with their heart

Hearing the praises of them

Futon's hear sky rocketed

"Killing the green serpent is just like killing ant to me even if I encounter the rumored deadliest beast of 2 nd trial,the red colored crocodile with wings,I believe I can still kill it but need to exert a little bit more force"

Futon boasted...


At this moment Futon heard continuous cries of two people

Futon looked right then left and when he saw the four people looking at sky

Futon was about to lift his head


He felt like a giant elephant jumped on a mortals body.

Futon fell to the ground.

"Fatty,Are you alright"

A youth around 16 jumped down from the branch of a nearby tree

"Brother don't worry,I am alright"

Fatty Chao Chao replied.

"You fat guy stand up and move away from me"

When fatty heard the voice it looked somewhat familiar.

"Who are you? and why should I stand up?"

Fatty shouted out loudly

"You dumbass,you are sitting on me"

Futon's voice heard again

Henry also observed that it was a familiar voice,after pondering for a while he remembered the owner of the voice.

When Henry was pondering


Looks like,I was sitting on someone"

The fatty thought in his heart but the words still left his mouth

"Yes,bastard now get up"

When fatty stood up,he heard Henry's shout

"Fatty let's run"

Futon who stood up when saw two people who covered in blood at first glance he could not recognize them then he rubbed his eyes and shouted "it's you"

"Ha..ha..haaa Heaven really favours me,I always wanted to cut you two bastards into several pieces today I got the opportunity"

Futon moved forward...

"Master Futon,who are they?"

The four people who was momentarily shocked until now when cleared their conscious asked.

"They are bunch of thrash who only knew how to run like rats after making me as their enemy but today they are injured and can't run this is the best opportunity to take care of them"

These words filled with killing intent came out from Futon's mouth.

Futon took one step,two steps and almost reached fatty

Fatty Chao Chao was still lost in his thoughts and didn't recognize

When Futon lifted his hand to kill fatty he sensed the change in air pressure in the atmosphere

One of the 4 people who was with Futon yelled

"It's... the rumored beast"

Following him another shouted

"The giant red colored crocodile with wings..."

"Hey why are shouting?Master Futon will kick it's ass"

A man with muscled body spoke.

Hearing...the red colored crocodile with wings

Futon stopped his movements in fear then immediately ordered "Run....."

Hearing it the four people didn't hesitate and ran in four different direction

Futon no longer cared about killing Henry and Fatty,For him his life was more important than anything.

When Futon was about to run,A silhouette caught his neck tightly with his hand

"Why are you running? don't you wanted to kill me?"

Henry voice sounded.


Futon tried to get rid of Henry but


When he heard the roar of the red crocodile he began to run while carrying Henry even though he didn't want to as Henry tightly gripped the neck of Futon.

Fatty followed Futon.

Fatty's speed was not slower than Futon instead of being injured

They ran through thick forest filled with several trees.....

Even after running several hours they couldn't escape the pursuit of the beast

After a while

Futon saw the end of the forest

When Futon and Fatty reached the end they saw a barren land, they ran through barren land.After covering a distance of about 500m their foot steps stopped.

It was dead end.

Henry loosened his saw a cliff when looked downwards from the cliff nothing can be seen except pitch black darkness.


With a loud roar the beast was closing distance.

"Over,everything is over "

"This all happened because of you "

Futon looked at Henry with eyes filled with hatred.

"You dragged me into your mess,Now I will kill you before I die"

"Ha haa....."

While laughing Futon tightly held hand of Henry which was on the neck of him.

Henry couldn't react to it as it happened too fast then Futon chokehold Henry.

,Futon used his other arm and wind gathered at his palm,the palm moved towards Henry's vital part.


Fatty cried out.

But at this moment

Seeing it's pray being snatched by an ant,it felt that his presence was being ignored by Futon it was challenge to it's dignity,

the red crocodile roared


This roar was different from previous one.It bought a unseen pressure along it and hit Futon

Futon's body bled and fell down from the cliff while releasing Henry.

Henry noticed that the pressure didn't hurt him he looked at Fatty and concluded that it didn't hit him too.

He now realized that the beast was just playing around with them from the beginning if it wanted to kill them it is just easy as stumping on ant.

Henry looked at Fatty and said

"Brother, last night you told me about the {-⏩⏩ Elemental Transmission ⏪⏪-} you learnt"

{-⏩⏩ Elemental Transmission ⏪⏪-} is a technique learnt by fatty which is used to transfer the elemental energy from one person to other if they have same/similar core.

Hearing the words spoken by Henry

Fatty opened his mouth "Brother you want to do that?but you haven't awakened your core yet'

Henry knew that he has an awakened core which he inherited from the mysterious female but he couldn't absorb QI with it for some unknown reason.

" Brother, the {-⏩⏩ Elemental Transmission ⏪⏪-} will be too rough on the bodies of even who are at same level of Martial Artist as me but you are still mortal"

"It doesn't matter if we don't give it a try then we will die anyway"

" A man should die while fighting rather than running "

"Believe me"

Henry replied with resolution.

"As you wish Brother "

When fatty looked at Henry now he felt confidence even though he knew that Henry is a mortal and a lot weaker than him

The fatty said then put his right hand on his chest and left hand on the chest of the Henry then the fatty began to emit white light again,the white light transferred from fatty to Henry.

Henry felt that the foreign energy being forcefully entering into his body then it entered into his inner world.Henry perceived that his body might collapse but he forcefully withstood it even though the pain was similar to his body being eaten by countless ants.

The flame in his inner world began to observe the white light

Fatty was astonished by feeling an awakened core in Henry and most important thing is that it is clearly a flame core but it observed his elemental energy like a hungry fish.

Fatty knew that there was nothing wrong with the flame core but the phenomenon related to his core.

Meanwhile the red crocodile reached in front of Henry

Henry's whole body began to emit white light.The fatty fell down after giving all his energy to Henry.

Henry moved towards the crocodile.


This roar contained the unseen pressure which moved towards Henry,Henry took out a knife from his pocket and focused the elemental energy on the knife and span his body many times

This is the spinning posture of {-⏩⏩The Fire Knife ⏪⏪-} technique.

The white energy transformed into thick flames which looked like half vortex.

When the pressure from the roar fell on the vortex it shook a little and withstood the pressure following it the vortex neared beast and disappeared

A silhouette jumped into the mouth of the red crocodile before it closed it.

All this happened in a single breath of time.

Henry after jumping in caught the big tooth of the beast and started to cut the Jaws of the beast with his knife just by infusing the flame elemental energy in it as he knew that using the other postures of {-⏩⏩ Flame knife ⏪⏪-} technique it will be only waste of time and elemental energy than benefit.








The red crocodile cried out in pain,it flew randomly and hit rocks plants

When it opened it's mouth

Blood oozed out from the Jaws of the crocodile.

It opened it's mouth widely then Henry that the temperature inside the mouth of the crocodile getting hotter and hotter

"This is bad"

Henry thought in his heart

Immediately Henry jumped out from the mouth of the beast and unexpectedly landed next to the fatty who was lying down on the ground like a dead body.

Henry looked around he saw that he was still next to the cliff,he clearly sensed that the beast flew randomly when he was inside it's mouth.

but Henry had no time since he guessed that a fireball will be coming towards him but contradictory to Henry's thoughts the beast's body emitted heat and the next instant it fully recovered.

"It's self healing"



Henry's pupils constricted.

Instead of being afraid Henry's mind became more clear,He didn't panic instead he studied overall situation and counted the possibility of survival

His wisdom kicked in

He moved towards the powerless fatty and said

"Fatty if I don't return,promise me that when you become strong you will destroy the Snake Shine Bandits to rescue Dolly and Miss Mia "


The fatty wanted to say something but he got no chance as...


With a long roar which sounded in the whole whole barren land the beast drifted towards Henry

Henry,who had reached the edge of the cliff,smiled while looking at the incoming beast while mocking

"You damn creature come follow me if you dare"

Following words Henry took one more step back and fell down from the cliff while facing the sky

"No...Brother No..."

The fatty shouted,he felt unknown pain in his heart,the fatty knew that he was stranger to Henry two days ago but unknown to him he developed with Henry an emotional relationship.


The beast roared and followed Henry






After falling for a while Henry sensed that he landed on something he knew that he did not land at the bottom of the Cliff,Henry who fell down stood up and looked around and saw that he fell on a giant rock which attached to cliff in a horizontal way.Henry's body wasn't too damaged because of falling down from a certain as his body was temporarily compared with 2 nd layer of initial stage Noob Class martial artist.


Following the roar Henry looked up he saw the beast which looked alike giant crocodile with wings was closing in...

"I ,Mark Henry will no longer be afraid of death,I saw destruction of my planet and death of countless beings,I lost my sister,grandma and whole family...I got no family in this world.If I perish today my only regret will be I couldn't even be able to find the reason for the destruction of my home and my planet Earth"

"Father,Mother and Eliza your brother will be coming to meet you"

Henry uttered these words loudly while the the beast reached in front of Henry

It opened it's Mouth to swallow Henry.

Henry wasn't like he was,he did not close his eyes like he did when he first faced with death on Earth.

When the beast almost swallowed Henry,

He heard a familiar voice....

Note to the readers:-Guys,I am beginner and my mother tongue is not English. Sometimes I think my grammar might be too shallow for you to understand,I want to improve myself so I welcome your suggestions and criticism in the comments.