Awakening Core:-The Magnificent Phenomena(2)....


Following the voice Henry saw a white cat which has brown colored ears somehow appeared on his shoulder.

Various thoughts ran through Henry's mind.He doesn't want to know how the cat came in the cave nor he wanted it to die along with him,he met the cat just before his planet was destroyed.If he die today then the cat will be the sole survivor of the Earth.

" is dangerous"

Henry spoke with the last bit of his remaining strength.

But by the seeing the following scene Henry dumbfounded

The silhouette of cat jumped jumped out from his shoulder by using claws it pierced through the upper Jaw of the beast to the outside.


The roared of of the beast wasn't imposing as before but filled with pain and fear


The cat moved again.

Seeing the incoming cat which looked like a death god,The beast retreated and wanted to escape towards sky and started to flew up but the cat was way too fast,it jumped on the rocks attached to the cliff like it jumping on normal walls soon the cat pierced through the body of the beast like a needle passes through a cloth.

This time it pierced the heart of the beast.

Everything happened in half breath of time.

Henry who was forcefully standing even his body couldn't take the pain anymore sighed after seeing that the cat didn't die instead it killed the beast collapsed.



Near the cliff

Fatty who was lying powerlessly on the ground recovered some of his energy,With the support of nearby tree he stood up then slowly walked towards the edge of the cliff then Fatty looked downwards from the cliff,after looking down for a while the fatty thought that the beast must have died,If his brother is alive then he will surely climb up.

Thinking about the possibility of Henry being alive the fatty sat down near the edge of the cliff and decided to wait.

Time passed....After some unknown hours of time

Henry who was lying unconscious opened his eyes,when he woke up he saw all his injuries were healed like he had never been chased and injured by the beast,then Henry recalled that he fell down from the cliff and lured the beast,he clearly remembered that the beast almost swallowed him...

then he couldn't recall further details.

Henry sat cross legged and tried to recall the missing memories but no matter how much he tried,he couldn't remember a single thing as if the the memories were erased.

Henry was no fool he knew that some expert saved him and also his recovery related to the one who saved him.

"The one who saved must be wanted to hide their identity and somehow they either erased or sealed my memory related to them"

Henry thought. Henry no longer tried to recover the missing memory rather he focused his on the glowing purple colored crystal which is in shape diamond in front of him.

"What's that?"

Henry questioned to himself in his heart.

Henry didn't know that it was the key to participate in the third trial

With his wisdom,Henry concluded that it was important so he put the crystal in his pocket

After keeping the crystal in his pocket Henry looked up and began thinking about the way to climb up....

Henry continuously thought of various ways to climb the cliff,first he thought to climb up with the help of pebbles and rocks attached to cliff's uneven surface,the next moment Henry rejected the Idea as he was just a normal mortal even if he luckily fell again on the the horizontal rock which attached to the vertical cliff he would die as he used up the borrowed power.

Henry continue to to think

30 minutes passed

Henry's brain didn't catch any good idea but it doesn't mean that Henry couldn't think of any idea but he couldn't apply it since these plans are very dangerous,a single mistake can take the life of Henry.

Henry doesn't want to gamble with his life so he discarded them.

Henry gave up about thinking the way to climb the cliff temporarily and sat down while keeping both of his straight in the same direction

"Rumble Rumble"

The rock started to shake.....

"What's happening?"

Henry who was relaxing while sitting thought when he sensed the shaking of the rock..

The rock separated from the the cliff and began to flew up

Henry no longer sat down and looked around he observed that not only the rock on which he is currently standing but also other rocks were flying up.

The rock slowly reached the end of the cliff.

Fatty who sat cross legged near the edge of the cliff when saw Henry

his expression turned from sadness to happiness.

Henry jumped down from the rock after calculating that he would be sage if he jumped.

Similarly several boulders and rocks flew up in air and all of concentrated at a point in the sky and following that a giant arena made up of rocks and boulders formed in the air.

The arena looked like a half sphere where the circular section was facing the earth which can be seen through naked eye,It looked like small floating island in the air.

The arena didn't stay at fixed position in the air a and began to float.

"The Trial of Life an Death did end,Those who acquired the key to participate in the last trial catch the arena in 10 minutes and use the key to enter into it"

Voice echoed in the whole world again....

Following the voice a pill appeared in the hands of all people who were alive.



Near the cliff

"Big brother, I am glad you are alright"

The fatty hugged Henry tightly while crying like a baby,tears flowed down from his eyes.

"You damn fatty,Let me go.Are you trying to kill me?"

Henry who was being hugged by the fatty when couldn't breath shouted.

fatty Chao Chao finally released Henry.

Henry who was finally released took a long breath then asked the fatty

"What's the key to third trial?"

"Brother,I don't know"

fatty Chao Chao replied.

"May be we should ask around on the way.

Let's go"

Henry looked towards the direction of arena which was floating in the sky.

Fatty didn't utter a word as he understood that Henry is going to participate in the final trial

The duo moved but not towards the direction of the arena but in a direction which was guided by Henry.

After a while,the foot steps of Henry and the Fatty stopped.

"Let's rest here"

Henry lied down on the soft grassland.

"Brother, why did we come here when the arena was in the other direction?"

Fatty asked with a puzzled look.

"The arena will come here in 5 minutes"

Henry spoke in a relaxed manner.

"Don't you believe me?"

Henry who was lying down on the grass land turned his head towards the fatty who is still standing and asked.


I believe you"

The Fatty's words were loud.



"Looks like,I am not the first one" a femine voice which is pleasing to ears was heard

Following the voice a silhouette emerged from nearby tree,she didn't have snow white skin but it was fair enough to charm the guys,her lack of snow white skin was replaced by her charming beautiful face with slender eye brows,she wore a dress which looked like Chinese traditional dress which revealed her perfectly smoothly shaved legs and the perfectly shaped shoulders.

Seeing the woman who looked in her 20's

Fatty asked "Who are you?"

The woman opened her mouth and said "I am Riku,a captive of those Bandits"

Hearing the words Henry recalled the day when all bandits were gathered.There wasn't a single women whom in the captives brought by the bandits.

Henry stood up and warned "Fatty,don't go near to her,she is lying"

in low tone.

Fatty nodded.

"Don't Joke around and tell me who you are" Henry words were loud as he did not care about her beauty. Henry felt that she is a wolf in beauty.

Before the woman who called herself as Riku opens her mouth

The pressure in the atmosphere changed and the arena appeared in sky above their heads

Riku smiled...

Then she took out a purple crystal while holding it with both the hands she pointed it towards the arena,she turned to purple light and disappeared into the arena.

"Fatty,take care until I come back "

Henry's words filled with worry.

Then Henry also took out a purple colored crystal and disappeared into the arena...



The Arena wasn't too large nor too small,it extended to an area of 500 sqr meter,It is filled with various beautiful flowers.To be frank the arena was more looked like a garden of flowers.

On this Arena Various silhouettes appeared,They had different faces,different clothes and different skin colors.

But they had one thing in common they are all men under age of 25 and were pure mortals.

except one person.

When Henry appeared he also noticed the flowers,following Henry few more silhouettes appeared then all of a sudden the arena shook and the middle area of the arena split opened,A large tower grew from there at the peak of the tower an eliptical seed which was emitting golden light can be seen.

"What's that?"

"It looks like a core seed"

"But why is it glowing? More importantly its color is different"

The crowd chatted.

When Henry heard core seed he recalled the Fatty's words that if a mortal has to step in martial path first he need to awaken his core,core seed is used to awaken the core.

"It couldn't be....

It is....

It is...

It is the legendary core seed whose records I saw in the history books"

A person cried out loudly.

"Legendary core seed"

"Legendary core seed?"

Some felt shocked while some had question marked look

Then one more person shouted

It is legendary which said to be used to awaken a legendary core"

Even though the people might not know the significance of a legendary core but the name itself depicts it something that far surpassed normal core.

Greed can be seen in the eyes of everyone,even Henry wasn't an exception.

Everyone's brain filled with mud due to temptation brought by the legendary core seed.


A man cried out which broke the silence then they saw the man was stabbed by another man who wore armor and has well built body.


"I will be the one who will obtain the seed "

"It won't be you but me"

The crashing sound of weapons and shouts of people can be heard.

A wild bloody battle began.

"Kid,die for me"

A Muscled man who wore normal clothes dashed out his sword towards Henry,Henry dodged the attack then Henry took out a knife made of rocks

Hidden stealth

Henry's spread his right arm to right side while twisting his hand he charged his hand towards the throat of the muscled man.


With a putch sound the throat of the man was stabbed by the knife.

This is Hidden stealth the first posture of {- ⏩⏩ The Fire Knife ⏪⏪-} technique.

Then Henry carefully and slowly moved away from the battle area and stood at one side of a corner while observing the progress of the battle.

The people fought like wild beasts and killed each other.Among 25 members who were fighting only 17 were left alive but still they continued to fight at this moment

Henry saw the figure of Riku appeared in front of everyone.

"Iye...spare my little life,I will do whatever you guys tell me too"

Riku spoke while showing a look of fear and helplessness.

One of the man who bathed in blood uttered

"Then undress yourself and submit to me then I might not take your life"


Riku replied and began to undress bit by bit.....

Seeing such a scene the people who were battling with one another stopped their moments and turned towards Riku and looked at her with lustful gazes.

Riku slowly untied the thread which held her traditional dress to the body present at back,slowly the dress was removed and her normal colored skin can be seen by everyone except the private parts then Riku touched her breasts and was about to remove the cloth which covered them...

Henry's wisdom kicked in.

He thought something is not right


With a loud sound of slap vibrated in the ears of Henry.Henry slapped himself.

Then he looked towards the place where they were battling.

He saw a female silhouette,She had a katana and she was cutting the heads of the people like a watermelon while the people didn't even tried to resist.

Henry felt chill in his heart if he hadn't realized something was amiss then his fate might have been similar to these guys,dying at the hands of this bitch without even knowing their killer.

Henry didn't feel elemental energy coming from her,moreover only mortals could enter in the final trial.So Henry guessed that it is not a martial arts technique.

After finishing off all the people Riku looked at Henry and surprised.

She moved towards Henry while saying "You,How did you resist my innate ability?"

Henry didn't reply he held the knife in his hand tightly.

She almost reached in front of Henry just distant away while holding katana

At this moment they heard a voice

"Good,Very good

I almost waited for 10 millions of year for this day to come"

Following the voice an old man appeared in front of them

Henry and Riku both of them shocked when they saw this old man, he had a white beard extended at least as long as 2km,his head was clean and shiny like a newly made steel.

His clothes are also white in color.He held a stick in his hand.

Henry greeted "Senior"

Riku also followed and greeted the old man

The old man shook his head and spoke

"You two are good seedlings, One of has already awakened their innate ability while the other is almost reached the last step to awaken his innate ability".

" Innate ability "?

Henry heard this word again,he didn't know what an innate ability is?

" Senior, This Junior lacked the knowledge and does not know what an innate ability is"

Henry politely said while looking at the old man with curiosity.

The old man opened his mouth

"Innate ability is not a secret,When people born you may know that they born with their core but there are cases when people born not only they born with core but also a special ability. We call it as innate ability. The beasts with innate ability are common but humans with an innate ability are rarer than the legendary core.To put into words a legendary core appears once in 1000 years while a human with innate core appears once in a 100 millions of years,But today I found two people with innate ability."

Henry understood the point and he immediately recalled his wisdom was always above others it might have been related to his innate ability.

"Senior,This junior doesn't know what legendary core is?"

Henry's words are filled with curiosity.

The old man opened his mouth again

"A legendary core ranks above rare core and can rival an Omni core"

"Senior what's Omni core and Rare core?"

Henry asked again.

"You brat,you don't need to know about them for now just remember that a legendary core is very valuable which is even desired by Gods"

Henry no longer continued to ask the questions.

"Now let me get to the topic,My name is George,you can call me Senior George or Uncle George.I am the guardian of this plane.All the trials you have participated till now are to select the successor of my Master. The final trial which is trial 3 does not exist it is made only to check the whether a human has an innate ability or not.If there is no mortal with innate ability was present then the mortals made to kill themselves and the survived one will eventually die because of wounds.

When both of you entered the arena the arena had already detected presence of innate ability but to get rid of the thrash who were along with you and check your innate ability the trial had continued till now"

After speaking up to this,The old man looked at both of them closely and continued

"The problem is that,I have got two candidates but the inheritance was one so you both have to fight among your self to get the inheritance and also the legendary core seed"



"is it really a true legendary core seed?"

Riku who had been silent spoke to clear her doubt

The old man replied


Riku's eyes filled with greed,She did not want to waste time and she held the katana and moved it directly towards throat of Henry.Henry who saw the Katana which coming straight at his throat he Stealth

and dodged it.The katana passed through empty air then Riku moved the katana towards right again targeting the throat of the Henry who leaned a little.Henry moved his left hand upwards and used

Hidden Stealth

Riku saw a twisted a left arm which reached on her neck she glanced at while uttering

"You overestimate,yourself you think you can defeat me with just by your bare hands...because I am female


But the next moment her pupils constricted as her neck had a small wound and blood was dripping like water drops then she saw the hidden knife which injured her.

She felt fear,the fear of dying.

Meanwhile Henry pulled out the katana from her right arm and said

"You lost"

{ Support me with power stones if you liked it,The next chapter will have a twist but I don't want to spoil it for you}