Awakening Core:-The magnificent Phenomena(3)

Riku did not want admit her loss,she couldn't believe that she lost to a country bumpkin who ddin't even knew about legendary core.She had always been proud and arrogant since she was born with Innate ability.She killed countless mortals for fun,she was like a devil in human form.Her heart was unwilling to admit defeat.

"No,it is not over,I refuse to admit my defeat"

Riku shouted loudly.

Then she felt pressure unknown pressure which made her to close her mouth.

George looked at Henry with hint of surprise and questioned

"Brat,What's your name andc9c,dark, how did you learn a hyper grade technique?"



"Hyper grade technique"

"Hyper grade technique"

These words were like thorns in her heart then she thought no wonder she lost because her opponent knew a hyper grade technique.

"I am called as Mark Henry,Indeed Senior guessed right It was a hyper grade technique lent to me by my brother"

Henry paused for a while then continued to speak

"But I don't know what a hyper grade technique means,can senior explain it for this junior"

Hearing this old man George thought that this guy doesn't even know about the grades of martial arts techniques even after learning a hyper grade technique.

George touched his beard then spoke

"The grades of martial techniques divided into

1)low grade

2)Mid grade

3)High grade

4)Hyper grade

And 5)Star grade"

The might of each grade depends on the practice and comprehension.

Based on individual's capacity they can practice the techniques to

beginner stage, initial stage,middle stage, greater stage,perfection stage and finally master the technique,You have reached the perfection stage of the technique without using elemental energy once you use elemental energy after awakening the core you might directly reach initial stage success of the technique"

Hearing it henry thought that a hyper grade technique is superior to a high grade technique so this explained how it can be able of face the roar attack of the red crocodile beast which was at least at

8 th layer of Noob Class (2nd layer of final stage Noob Class).

then Henry politely bent his head

"Thank you,senior for your explanation"

Henry's words were polite.

"This was not anything.

Then now I declare Mark Henry as a victor and successor of my master Honda Cadmer"

The old man shouted out loud, his voice vibrated in the entire plane.The people who were outside of the arena all heard it including fatty Chao Chao.

"I knew brother would be succeed "

fatty spoke in a low voice with an expression of joy and happiness.

The old man flicked his hand the tower which is present at mud of the stage disappeared then a oval shaped golden colored seed appeared in his hand,The old man tossed it towards Henry.

Henry caught the seed and saw that the seed is not in golden color but actually in gray color what makes it to look like a golden color were the patterns on it

"The legendary core seed is made artificially after sacrificing at least 100 legendary cores which means at 100 geniuses of their era has to die to produce a legendary,The legendary seed doesn't actually awakens a legendary core but it converts your core to legendary grade which is no different from a true legendary core now consume it"

Henry sat down cross legged and put the seed in his mouth and swallowed it

The next moment Henry felt his body began to flow with wild energy.He felt pain from all over his body specially from his chest.The air pressure around surroundings increased.

"Hmm...So this brat born with Feather core"

The old man who was witnessing Henry's awakening of core thought.

then Henry began to emit Air currents,His clothes torn a part revealing his muscled naked body.

The currents emitted from Henry increased soon these currents spread whole arena.

The old man grabbed Riku near to him and used some shield type defensive technique.

The currents increased again now they spread to half of the plane.The sky turned dark with the dark colored clouds the beasts roared then the currents stopped to expand and air around Henry began to revolve around him with a great speed

"Rumble, Rumble"

Several tornadoes formed with air which began to suck the nearby people around arena

Chaos spread near the arena,the people began to run but the fatty sit there like a stone and didn't move an inch.

Then suddenly everything calmed down following the calmness a white colored light surrounded with air flew out from his chest.The white colored light when it reached certain height in the sky it turned to a giant white feather which has sharp shaft surrounding the shaft has blade like branches which are usually called as barb.

The old man thought "it finally did end"

But at this moment he saw another light flew out from Henry's body,It was red in color and surrounded by flames it reached in the sky and stood in front of the feather by turning into a giant flame which has little dark attribute to it,her appearance was similar to the mysterious female.

Soon the temperature of the plane turned hot and was still increasing.

"This..".the old man felt that this flame gives him the pressure which slightly inferior to the legendary feather.

" How is this possible?It isn't emitting the legendary light like feather but It is no way too much inferior to legendary feather,Unless it is...."

Various thoughts ran through the old man's mind.

"Don't tell me that this brat is from Almighty realm"

The old man thought for a while but he discarded it since this Henry was just a bumpkin who doesn't even know of basics of Martial Arts.

What old man saw next was he couldn't even understand

The feather turned to a fully white colored handsome youth,who was around 16 years old and emitted a scholarly aura.His muscles were small but looked solid,his hairs were extended to his forehead and he looked like a white death god.This phantom was Henry.

And the flame turned to a red colored beautiful women,she had pretty face which attracts countless of men.Her body was perfect in shape and most important thing was her pupils are in red and yellow color which looked like flame.

Then they began to fight,

Every time they exchanged their attacks the ground shook,Fire collided Wind the arena was being destroyed from the impact of wind and fire following that they turned to red and white light again and flew while occasionally colliding with each other wherever these lights passed the collision destroyed the area,The most of the forest turned to ash.The bandits ran randomly everywhere they couldn't understand the current phenomenon as they never witnessed the awakening of a legendary core they only knew that a core awakens in inner world of a person but it won't come out of him moreover if it comes out,it definitely won't cause havoc.The bandits only thought that the red and white light to be Martial Artists at higher level who were fighting.

Nor feather or the flame gave up they continued to fight they had their own pride and consciousness they do not want to share the same body.

Seeing the destruction caused by these lights the old man's face turned pale.

Then old man saw the two lights returned to the arena and Stood above the arena turning into Henry's and the female's phantom.

Henry's phantom lifted his hand and air around him began to change and currents formed these currents revolved in the palm of him and formed a giant air ball filled with deadly currents.

The old man felt despair he could sense the power of this attack it has the power to destroy the whole plane.

Following that the old man saw the female's phantom's eyes began to emit deadly aura the temperature of the plane became hotter and hotter.The metals nearby melt.

"Over,it's over"

Old man despaired in his heart he never would have thought that awakening a legendary core could possibly destroy the plane

At this moment another white light flew out from the female's phantom and it stood between Henry's and the female's phantom.This white light was pure milky white in color,it's aura far surpassed the aura of both them combined. Under suppression of the aura from the milky white light the both Henry's phantom turned to white feather and the female's phantom turned to flame then the white light grabbed both of them and pulled towards it.The feather and the flame collided with each other and white light covered whole sky.....when the white light subsided a brilliant scarlet colored feather which has a sharp shaft and blade like branches can be seen,On the shaft a milky white colored thin pattern can be seen which connected to the branches,it emitted a divine light which filled with heat and wind pressure.

When this core appeared

All nearby bandits spat out mouthful of blood and felt their core being trembling like a dying chicken except one person he looked like he wasn't even affected by it as he leisurely ate leg piece.

The Martial Artists of various realm felt their core tremble

In Brahma Realm...

A giant statue who held pen in his hand and sat cross legged opened his eyes,In his eyes if one looks then they can see a universe filled with stars and planets...

The statue spoke "I feel inferiority"

In Shiva Realm....

A silhouette stood on a snow hill,his whole body was in blue in color,

He has half moon on his head which us attached to his hair and he did not wear any cloth except his thighs which covered with a cloth made up of skin of an animal. he looked up in the sky,if and shouted

"Ha...ha...haa... Interesting"

In Vishnu realm...

A Blue colored silhouette who was in bed with countless females stood up.

A female who emitted divine aura spoke

"Lord,what happened?"

The blue silhouette said "It's nothing"

Then he jumped back in the pack of females....

In Almighty Realm....



Sound of a table being broken was heard

"I killed countless geniuses and devoted their core and finally made my core as powerful as the great Omni core but today someone awakened a core which is stronger than mine,I refuse to believe it"

A silhouette who wore a black armor roared...

Several such incidents happened in various realms....Henry naturally didn't know about them he was feeling relaxed currently after the pain.

The old man George who saw the formation of new type core was shocked and next felt Joy as the successor of his master will not remain ordinary,he isn't just a genius but a peerless genius.

The giant feather turned small and small and slowly descended in the chest of the Henry.

Henry felt his whole body was reborn but before he could feel happy


Along the sound of air a katana pierced through chest of Henry.

Henry opened his eyes and spat a mouthful of blood.Henry saw a familiar figure wielded Katana.

Henry's eyes were blood shot he shouted "Riku"

The old man who lost in his thoughts when observed the scene in front of him,he angered to the point of going mad and roared

"How bold of you?"

He lifted his hand,the arena shook and a boulder appeared and it moved straight towards Riku.

Unexpectedly Riku touched a ring on her finger an unknown talisman which has several patterns appeared.Riku bit her finger and poured a drop of her blood on the talisman a black energy shield which covered her surrounding area of 5 square meters formed

When the boulder collided with the shield the boulder turned to dust.

The old man again launched another attack but it also failed,following he launched many attacks including his strongest attack but the shield didn't even crumble.

The old man calmed down a little then he recognized the shield

It was Yoka demonic shield the ultimate defense shield formed by talisman made by emperor Yoka of the Almighty Realm.

Then the old man's thoughts stirred he felt Henry was in grave danger.

Inside the shield

"Hahaha...You must be curious about my background bumpkin, but you have no right to know my background not only you nor even anyone from this Brahma realm has right to know of me,So that bitch gave her core to you before she died".

Riku spoke with eyes full of resentment.

Henry's thoughts stirred when he heard " that bitch" from her mouth.He guessed that Riku recognized the mysterious female's phantom.

But Henry couldn't utter a word as he was feeling pain not only from his chest but also from his newly awakened core.

"Well,it does not matter,Finally I should at least thank her for giving me this opportunity,what surprised me that you fused the Omni core with legendary core and produced a new core which can rival the Great Omni core because soon everything will be mine"

Then she put her hand on the chest of Henry while slowly pulling out the katana.Henry was bare naked as all of his clothes were torn apart.Henry tried to struggle but she kicked him in that place....Henry's pain was increased.

When the hand landed on Henry's chest he sensed that all the energy present in his body being sucked away then he saw the vitality and energy of his core being sucked by the hand of Riku


Henry cried out in pain.

"Good,good Now I no longer will be thrash but a peerless genius with no rival "

Riku laughed out loud...

After 30 minutes...

Henry's core has lost all it's vitality and he no longer felt pain but sense of loss as he neared the death.

Riku removed her hand from his chest she satisfied then with an expression full of happiness.

Henry who thought he would die felt anger towards Riku and ignited a strong desire to live which unknowingly ignited the white colored pattern on his core then Henry felt his vitality being returned but he was still feeling dizzy


Henry roared out loud...before he saw in his last vision that Riku turning into a black crow while emitting black light dissapeared

Henry finally closed his eyes.

Note:- The characters in the novel are independent and had their own personalities even some of them may resemble the religious gods along their names..They aren't the religious gods but characters derived from their appearance and name that's all.The novel does not hurt any religious sentiment or target any religion