Stepping into Martial Path

Time passed....

On this a day a silhouette lying on a bed which is made up of soil slowly opened his eyes.

The silhouette sat spreading his legs straight while his back was supported by the wall near to the bed,He looked around and observed that he can only see white fog.The silhouette wore a green colored dress which extended from his tip to toes,It was just plane green in color even had no pockets and buttons it looked alike an overcoat with no buttons and pockets there was just a red colored ribbon tied tightly to his waist.

At the moment he heard a familiar voice of an old man

"You are finally Awake"

"Senior, How long was I unconscious?"

Henry expression was sour when he asked it as he observed his hairs are long enough to reach his shoulders.

The old man opened his mouth and said

"Just a year"

But when these words went into ear of Henry

"A year ?"

Henry shouted out in shock

Even though Henry prepared for the answer of the old man but he still felt his heart being faced with unknown feeling which is similar to sadness and pain,This feeling was like some sense of loss.

A year may b e like a day for the old man who lived for more than 10 million years but to Henry who was just a mortal a year was neither too short not too long period of time,A year might not change the mortal world much but still there would be some changes.

"Did I asleep that long?"

Henry questioned George again

Hearing the question,

"You brat,do you really think someone might have survived if he were in place of you?,Let me tell you that when the black shield disappeared I saw only you lying on the ground with a breath who was almost near to death then I examined your body and found that your newly awakened core dried and there was not any aura of vitality in it like a dried land.I took you into my residence and waited for your last breath but astonishingly you haven't died,a day passed I checked up and saw you still breathing, the next day I checked up again then I saw your breath was no longer resembled that of dying breath at first I thought I were dreaming then day after day I saw your body being recovered after 3 months I checked your body again what I saw is that a blade of the shaft of your had recovered a little at it's peak,The originally vitality less core filled with little not energy and began to recover and moreover if I am not wrong she used the forbidden demonic core devouring technique to devour the potential and energy of your core while using the weakest stage of core before consolidation of the core"

The old man said with an expression which showed his shock

After taking a deep breathe he continued

"It's really is miracle that you survived and it is truly heaven defying that your core began to recover,according to common sense once a core damaged to the extent of it's destruction there was not a single way to recover which applies to even Great Omni Core which is ranked higher than legendary core,and waking up in a year after such the core almost destroyed is like dead guy coming back to life,Do you understand now?"

Henry nodded

"Senior, this junior smells bad,I want to take a bath"

Henry said.


There is hot spring in the next room feel free to use it"

Then Henry freshed up and took some rounds while exploring the residence

The residence of the old man George was no different from a big palace, it's walls are made up a metal which is glowing more shinier than a diamond,the earlier light which was filled the room was actually the light glowed from the these walls which appeared to be as white fog because of presence of a hot spring nearby .The main hall was larger than remaining rooms it has two big doors one of them covered with several ancient patterns and made up of an unknown metal which emitted a powerful aura which can be felt even by standing at the corner of the hall while the other door was completely opposite,it was made up of old wood which was half rotted,the door neither looked any special nor emitted any aura.

After his vision fell on the doors it moved right and stopped all of a sudden


A fat was who looked around age of 20 and had a normal colored skin with silky hairs on his oval shaped head was in deep sleep.

Henry naturally recognized this guy,he was none other than fatty Chao Chao whom Henry befriended during the first trial when he was being chased by Futon.Even though fatty looked like he was around 20,his actual age was 15 which Henry knew.

"Boy,you got a good friend when the trial was closed and everyone left he still remained here and was waiting for you,I tested his patient,he didn't move from the position where I created the arena for about 6 months then approached him while changing my appearance,the later see it with your own eyes"

Following the old voice, George appeared then Henry's saw that his surroundings changed to the the place where the arena was situated.

Henry saw a familiar figure was sitting on the ground while eating a leg piece


Then Henry saw another figure who looked to be around age of 22 and had a well built muscled body with a rough looking face which has a sword cut mark.

This guy approached the fatty and said

"Mr,I see you sitting here daily ?what are you actually doing here?"

The fatty opened his mouth "I am waiting for my brother to return"

The guy spoke "When did you start to wait for him here?"

fatty replied with a sorrowful expression "6 months ago,I did start to wait here for my brother who entered the arena and hasn't returned yet"

The guy's face turned red then

"Don't you think he died?"

The guy's were directed towards the worst outcome.

"My brother did not die"

fatty Chao said.

"How can you be so sure?"

The guy asked in a tone which was neither loud nor low.

"Because he told me that he would give me a treat after the trials..."

Then henry saw the guy turning into old geezer George and explaining his condition.




The scenario changed back and Henry returned to the residence of George.

Now when Henry saw the sleeping fatty near those doors he couldn't describe the feelings which he was going through.Henry slowly stepped towards fatty

"Fatty,wake up"

Henry called out.


Fatty didn't move even a inch then Henry called out again successively

"Fatty,wake up"

"Chao,wake up"

"Fatty if you does not wake up then I will eat all the leg pieces".

Hearing leg piece,

" leg piece ,leg piece where is the leg piece? "

The sleeping fatty stood up like rocket and cried out but more importantly his eyes were still closed.

Henry firs thought that fatty can sleep walk when he saw him standing but the next moment he saw

that fatty took out a roasted leg piece whose size in terms of height compared to normal human hand



Fatty was eating leg piece while sleeping.


Fatty's actions dizzied Henry for a moment.

Henry then slapped,kicked and beat the fatty to make him awake,Alas Henry's effort was futile whenever he kicked or beat the fatty,he felt like he was hitting a big giant with a pebble.

Henry then remembered something

"Fatty,that damn crow is here.It grabbed a large piece your roasted leg piece"

When Henry's words fell into the ear of fatty,Fatty's eyes opened instantly and were red in color,fatty aura was emitting killing intent.

"Where is the crow?"

With a loud sound fatty's words resounded in the room.

"The Crow did not came here,I just fabricated the last sentence to wake you up"

Fatty calmed down then he looked at the silhouette in front of him and his face which was filled previously filled with anger turned to a face filled with Joy


Fatty hugged Henry tightly. .

"You damn fatty,release me I may die of suffocation"

Henry struggled while he was being hugged.

"Fatty,you got a lot stronger since I last met you?what's your current core level (cultivation level)?

Henry asked fatty after being released from him.

"5 the layer of Beginner Class (2 nd layer of middle stage of Beginner Class)"

Fatty replied.

Hearing this


Henry called out,when Henry first met fatty was still at the initial stages of Noob Class but now he jumped over a whole class and reached the middle stages of Beginner class just in a year was too shocking.

At this moment George appeared in front of them

"Haa...Ha...I never expected this guy to wake up after hearing crow,I wonder what type of crow can make him go serious to the extent of emitting killing intent"

The old voice filled with laughter.

But when this time,A crow was mentioned Henry remembered a scene


Henry words weren't loud but can heard by George and Fatty

"Why did you suddenly remember her?"

George asked.

Henry was silent as he did not concentrate on the question of the George instead he was lost in his thoughts,he remembered the scene when he awakened his core then suddenly stabbed by Riku and eventually his talent robbed by her then he remembered her turning into crow before dissapearing.

When Henry returned to his consciousness he said

"Before I fainted I saw her turning into a black crow".

" Could she it is not possible, She couldn't be a Master Class Beast who can take human form as she was pure mortal recognized by the arena.Then there should be only one explanation "

George said with a dignified look.

"Senior, what could it be??"

Henry's thirst for knowledge kicked in.

"She must be a half breed"

After saying here George did not stop here after facing with many questions Henry.He naturally understand Henry so he continued to speak

"A half breed is even rarer than a legendary core,A half breed is born between any two different races for example Riku must be a half breed of a beast and a human and her being the half breed clearly explains her innate ability and physical fitness which surpassed humans"

"Senior,Is half breed really superior?"

Henry asked with curiosity.

"Yes,They do but not except some of them who born with unique core made up of core of two combined races which is very hard to awaken but if they somehow awakens it then they become a genius even in the Almighty Realm"

When Henry heard Almighty realm from the mouth of George he did also remember the Brahma realm which he heard from the mouth of Riku.

Henry immediately asked "Senior, what's Almighty realm?"

Henry wanted to know more about the world and looked at George with eyes full of curiosity but he was disappointed as George said "Brat,you haven't even stepped into martial path you want know about higher realms?first you should focus on reaching 1 st layer of Noob Class (1 st layer of Initial stage of Noob Class) which can improve the recovery speed of your core"

Even though Henry left with disappointment,when he heard the old voice,he tried to absorb the QI with his broken core which only recovered a half blade of shaft the other parts were still dry.Henry can sense an unknown energy being observed into his body through his sweat glands and nose,He can feel that this energy when reached his core most of it was dissipated only a small amount was absorbed.

Seeing Henry trying to absorb the QI,The old man opened his mouth

"Kid,this is not the proper way to absorb the QI,Take this Core directory(Cultivation Technique)and try to absorb it using the instructions of it,I will be in seclusion for following 5 days in my room you sit here and cultivate without slacking off"

George took out a brown colored paper as he spoke

After handing the paper to Henry,he left.

After George left Henry looked at the contents of the Core directory (Cultivation Technique)

He saw {-⏩⏩ The Raging Bull Core Directory ⏪⏪-}.A Core directory directs the QI in a certain path such that the amount of absorbing QI was more by the core.

He read through the core directory (cultivation technique) and began to absorb the QI according to it.

This time Henry felt a little shock as his core can absorb 60% of QI while in his previous attempts he couldn't even absorb 5% of QI.

Henry looked at Fatty who was also sitting nearby to him


The fatty held a big leg piece and eating it.

Henry was surprised not by seeing fatty was eating but by sensing a QI gathered around fatty which was too dense and what really surprised him was when fatty took a bite of the leg piece a large portion of QI was absorbed by fatty and no QI was emitted back

"100%,100% his core can absorb all the QI which his body inhales"

Henry's thoughts ran wild,Henry can clearly sense QI now as he began to direct it towards his core by relaying on { -⏩⏩ The Raging Bull Core Directory ⏪⏪--}.

Henry wanted to ask Fatty about his Core directory but he doesn't want to disturb fatty so he planned to ask him later.

day by day....

4 days passed...

On this day Henry's body first began to boil then flames emitted from him along wind currents.

"Congrats for the brother to step into the fist layer of Noob Class"

First layer of Noob class was beginning towards the large mountain of Martial Arts.Many people will step in to first layer of Noob class in a day while geniuses take only few hours to step in first layer Noob class the reason why it took Henry too long was his core was damaged as a result his rate of absorbing QI was very slow added to peculiarity of his core which contains both fire and wind attributes.

When the flames and Currents subsided Henry felt his body being reborn he can feel the current strength of his body."So this is first layer of Noob Class"

Henry face filled with joy and determination to get more stronger while uttering these words.

"Brother fatty as promised I will give you a treat tomorrow after leaving from here and going back to " The Bloody Hell Desert ",I wonder how things are going on there"

As Henry spoke to the fatty,he remembered the day when he was captured by Khilja and being dragged by him.He still felt hatred towards Khilja even though it was less than the hatred he currently feel towards Riku but it can be said that Khilja was second most person whom Henry currently hated then he remembered about a little girl Dolly,when he remembered Dolly his expression showed a strong resolution.

"It should be big celebration filled with different types of delicious food"

Fatty's words showed his desire for food.

Henry nodded then he began to consolidate his unstable core.

The Next day

Fatty and Henry stood in front of room of the George


With a thud sound the door of the room was opened and a silhouette appeared

He was old and had a white beard extended to few kilometres.

Seeing this silhouette Henry and Fatty bowed


Both of them about to open their mouth simultaneously a loud voice was interrupted them

"So you both decided to go back"

Henry and fatty nodded

"Good,Take these weapons they will help you in future"

Following the words a knife and a hammer appeared in the hands of Henry and Fatty respectively.

"Senior this .."

Henry wanted to ask about these weapons

The old man who guessed the intention of Henry spoke

"These are high grade spirit weapons crafted by grand spirit weaponists,As you learned a knife related hyper grade technique then this knife is most suitable to you and hammer is most suitable for the little Chao,A spirit weapon is a special type of weapon only can be crafted by the Spirit weaponists who uses the spirit QI from unknown world just remember this you do not need to know much more for now,In future as you adventure you will probably learn more about them,A spirit weapon has a wisp of a spirit or a whole spirit of unknown world sealed in it,To use these weapons you need to form a blood pact with them and also to use their full might you need to make the spirit in it to submit to you,Now let me help you to form the pact"

Then old man told Henry and fatty to concentrate their elemental energy at the tip of their fore finger

With a thought from the old man the tip cut a little and two blood drops fell on the two weapons one the drop when fell on the knife,the knife emitted flames and air pressure while the hammer emitted a white light.

Seeing the white light,the old man felt something but didn't dare to show off in front of these two guys.

"The blood pact was successful,So you can feel the connection to your weapons.Now it is the time for you to go"

After saying it,the old man closed his eyes

A yellow colored portal appeared in front of them,the yellow color gradually faded and an endless desert can be seen in the portal.

"Thank you senior for your gracefulness"

Henry's tone was humble and filled with sincerity

"He.he..No need to thank me,You ate the successor of my Master,It is natural that I would treat you with courtesy,Any way take this"

The old man threw a ring towards Henry which looked alike a normal copper ring.

"This ring can be used to open portal anywhere which leads to the Honda plane.Once you have enough strength you would be able to use it,don't forget that you have to return here to obtain the inheritance left by my Master and don't die too early out,It took me 10 million years to find you.I can't wait for another 10 million years as my life span is nearing it's end.Promise me that you won't forget this old guy and return here"

Old man's words were conveyed a lot of information.

Henry was not a fool to not to obtain the inheritance left by such a powerful person who created his own plane which is like an artificial planet.

"Senior, This junior definitely return once I get strong enough to be qualified to obtain the inheritance and also to return senior's favor"

Henry spoke in a low tone with politeness

Then Henry and Fatty once again bowed to George , entered the portal,left the plane.

After they left the old spoke

"I did not expect that fat guy had a core with an unknown attribute which looked stronger than the attributes I have seen till now,In my entire life this is the first time I have met with two freaks".