God's Wisdom

Note:-Big Chapter so remember to be patience while reading

The desert seemed to be calm under the bright light of the moon except the sound made by insects,snakes and few small creatures,the night appeared like a paradise of comforting the suffering heart,the blowing winds brought an alluring feeling to ease the physical and mental pain.

In this desert on a certain place a fire lit on wooden sticks,Around it some people sat while drinking and eating,most of them wore a red colored garment which looked like a shirt but it is not a shirt as it had no buttons instead in place of buttons the garment had blue colored small threads whose shape is like a rectangle,At near the shoulder of these men there were circle shaped black badges.

Each badge represented their rank as the one who had two badges were treated more politely by the one with a single badge,they all had a common symbol at their back,the symbol looked like an eagle spreading it's wings imprisoned in a pentagon,On the wings of the eagle the words "The Flow Front Nation" were shining in silver color which overshadowed all the other colors.

Contradictory to their upper clothing their bottom clothing was very normal,they all wore wine colored pants which is very simple and plane and had no design,not too far from there were tents made up of silk,Among all these tents there stood a colorful tent in a circular shape whose size is that of ten times of normal tents.

They were chatting among themselves but at this moment,

A loud female scream filled with fear and surprise was heard,The scream wasn't too loud but still startled these men


"Princess ...."

By yelling out the words these people moved towards the circular tent.....

Meanwhile a few moments ago

Henry and fatty when crossed the portal,they found themselves in a bath tub made up of wood which was as long as normal swimming,The water in the tub was warm which gave a great feeling if relaxation. Henry observed that the water was not only warm but also there were medicinal traces.

Henry's and Fatty's clothes were already wet so henry removed them after he and fatty moved out from the tub and with bare naked body he jumped back into the tub.

"Aahaa...The water is warm and got medical strength this is the best bath I have ever had since I came to this planet"

Henry said in his heart.

"Fatty you should also take bath,the water got medicines it will be very useful to you"

Henry spoke while enjoying the bath

"Brother, I hate bathing ,you enjoy yourself"

Fatty replied in a low tone

then Henry no longer tried to pursue fatty to take the bath and turned around

When henry turned around





A female figure's back whose skin was as white as snow emitting the charm of bewitchment can be seen,she had a perfect figure and can be called as perfectly flawless beauty with no marks,her body was almost hairless which shined under the baptism of moon light falling from the window it made her to look alike a goddess of beauty descended from heaven

Seeing the peerless beauty's back which was fully exposed.Henry couldn't move his eyes away from her body for a while,then he somehow controlled himself and looked at fatty when he saw fatty Henry's excited part lost it's power as he saw fatty didn't even take a glance at the peerless beauty in front of him instead fatty's eyes were on a table nearer to the tub while his mouth was drooling.

Henry looked at the the table and saw it filled with variety of dishes which looked like a royal dinner.

At this moment...

The peerless beauty screamed,Henry's heart clenched while turning his vision towards her

"You,Who are you?"

"How did you get in my bath tub?"

The peerless beauty questioned

But Henry was not able to reply because when he saw front portion her,who stood in front of him,Henry couldn't be able describe her beauty in words anymore.Her chest was not too big nor too small while she was covering her chest with slenderly hands her hairless bottom was fully revealed,it made Henry to fire up,Henry roughly controlled himself as if he may loose his control anytime

After a while when Henry came back to his senses,hearing the questions of her Henry looked at her face then he lost his sense again as her face was way too beautiful overshadowing her perfectly flawless body,The red colored hair on her head were like the extra decoration to her face after looking at the face of the beauty Henry's inner fire subsided,Henry only desired to look at her face and didn't want to move away his vision,her face coupled with her body looked as if she were a living doll.

"How come such a beauty exist?"

Henry's thoughts ran wild.

"You,are you bandits ?"

When Henry heard this question he recovered back to his senses

Henry's wisdom kicked in as he replied "Yes,We are bandits,don't move"

Henry didn't try to take take action as he didn't wear any clothes even he had seen the female in front of him he doesn't want to expose his body to her as he had sense of shame.

But at this moment

"Miss,miss...why did you scream?"

" What happened miss?"

"Princess,Are you OK?"

A series of voices filled with worries sounded from outside of the room which is made up of silk cloth

The figure in front of was about to open her mouth

"This is bad,I think I got no other way"

Henry took his knife which was nearby to his clothes and rushed at the female.

Henry caught her from back by putting his hands on her waist and he'll the knife near her throat

"Tell them that it was nothing but just a cockroach"

Henry ordered in a serious tone.

"Aunt Raphael,cockroach it was just a cockroach"

The beauty who held by Henry spoke loudly.

"Miss,you shouldn't scare us like that for just a cockroach, should I come in to kill it?"

Voice sounded from outside

"Aunt,no need it left,Everything is ok now"

The beauty in arms of Henry said with a polite tone.

"Then I will take my leave"

The voice sounded.

Henry finally relieved then he immediately released the beauty in his arms as he realized that his part Unknowingly touched her bottom part from back,The beauty also relieved after being released but at the moment


A snoring voice was loud and can be heard.

Henry saw fatty after eating the food on the table was sleeping like a pig.

"Damn fatty...."

Henry's heartbeat increased then Henry reached fatty and covered his mouth

"Miss,Miss what's that sound?"

Miss Raphael who was about to leave when heard the snore,her foot steps stopped then she asked

"Aunt,it was just the sound made by the flowing water from the tub which broke all of a sudden for no reason"

The beauty's words were loud.

"So,that's how it is,when you come out I will send some one to repair it"

Henry didn't relieve as he does not know the reason why she saved him

Henry no longer wanted to stay in this dangerous place,he wore his clothes

while ordering her to turn around.

"Fatty wake up..."

Henry kicked fatty


"Let's run it is not safe here"

Henry then sat on fatty's back while gripping his neck like a piggyback

then fatty ran at his full speed while the obstacles were cleared by Henry.





After running a dozen miles Henry heard some sounds..they some how looked familiar...

"Fatty,what's this unusual sound?"

Henry asked.

Fatty did stop running

"Brother this.."

Fatty touched his ring,following a figure appeared in front of Henry,seeing the figure in front of him whose mouth was sealed by a cloth Henry's Jaws dropped.

"Damn,fatty why did you bring her along?"

Henry sounded with rage as he looked towards the figure in front of him.This figure is none other than the peerless beauty whom Henry had met a few minutes ago most importantly she was still naked.


I thought you like her,So..."

fatty didn't complete his word but Henry understood the hidden meaning,Henry's face turned red then he immediately uttered"you idiot ".

Fatty didn't reply as he lowered his head.

" fatty give me a set of your clothes "

Fatty touched his ring again then a set of formal pant and t shirt like clothes appeared.

Taking the clothes from Fatty's hand Henry moved towards the beauty then removed the cloth from her mouth and dissipated the fatty's elemental energy making her to move again.

"You,go back"

While throwing the clothes towards her Henry said.

She wore the clothes of fatty even they were too loose.

"I won't,Aren't you guys bandits?"

She cried out.

"Why do you think we are bandits?"

Henry roared.

"That fat guy put a badge on the table which looked like a bandit badge"

She said.

Hearing this,Henry first thought that how can such a girl who was fully exposed stayed calm and also observed the surroundings back then,

Henry looked at Fatty.

Fatty opened his mouth "So,that thing was badge which was dropped from so called Futon before he fell at the cliff,I thought it as something which can be eaten by unknown process"

"You..." Henry chuckled while looking at fatty.

When these words entered into the ears of the beauty


She shouted out loud.

"You mean,you are not bandits"

She spoke in a dared manner

"We are not,do you got a problem?"

Henry also raised the pitch of his voice.


You guys are not bandits but acted as bandits not only you guys saw my fully naked body but also treated me badly"

Her voice were loud,while pointing her finger at Henry

"Specially you,you even violated me while putting the knife on my neck,ordered me around as you wished"

And you then she pointed her finger at fatty

"You ate my food then grabbed me here in that spatial ring of yours"

Then she took a long breath and continued

"You both don't even know how to treat a lady,after doing all these things you want me to go back alone haa..haaaa...ha.."

She laughed.

The sudden change in the personality of her because she confirmed about him and fatty not being the bandits even though both of them stronger than her startled Henry but he couldn't reply as everything she said was the truth.

"Do you know who I am?"

,I am little Princess..."

Her words stopped when she said princess.

"Do you think I will forgive you?

You barged into my bath tub,violated me even kidnapped me"

At this moment the silent fatty couldn't stay calm after hearing the words spoken by her

His eyes turned red he emitted aura of middle stages of beginner class realm as he didn't like her insulting his brother,the insults he took he didn't even bother about it but he couldn't take someone insulting his brother.

even after restrained by the aura of fatty,she still roared

"do you think you can silence me with your strength ?if you wanted to silence me then kill me right now"

fatty Chao Chao lifted his hand and invisible energy formed in his hand which directed towards the princess at this moment


Henry who was reflecting at his own mistakes after hearing the words of princess shouted when he saw the scene in front of him

But it was too late,the invisible elemental energy attack was flowing towards the princess.

The princess really didn't expect that fat guy to attack her,she can feel the incoming attack and she knew she is going die.She closed her eyes while tears are rolling down from either side of her eyes.


Fatty cried out.

Hearing the cry of fat guy she opened her eyes she saw that when the invisible attack about to hit her a silhouette appeared in front of her,she saw him taking on the attack and started to bleed all over the body but the silhouette didn't move even an inch,while standing he said "Indeed it was us who used the wrong method but we were not wrong since if we had let your guards to capture us,we might have died already,We had no other choice except to use you,But it does not mean you were wrong you are more innocent than us.I accept that I treated you in very rude manner and asked you to return alone which might be very dangerous after thinking for a while your words made me to realize that I was very selfish,I did also violate you even I tried my best to control my body,you were too beautiful that my body reacted on it's own,I seek your forgiveness for my rude behaviour.

The silhouette's body was no longer stable instead began to fall

At last,I promise you that I will escort you back to your home when I become strong enough as I don't to be the pray who enters into hunter's den."

This was the last sentence the shiloutte spoke before he dropped to the ground.....

The sentence vibrated in the ear of the beauty and unknowingly a seed of trust is born within her towards the stranger while the hatred was dissipated.

At this moment fatty rushed towards Henry who was dripped in blood,Henry took out a pill from his ring and fed it to Henry.

Henry's wounds began to heal.

Meanwhile in the desert far away...

"Commander fan,it is bad princess gone missing"

Two thin looking guys reported.

"How could it be possible?,weren't you guarding her residential tent?

The man who was practicing a technique halted his movements and shouted out loudly.

" we were but still someone intruded,the only clue we got was this badge"

The two thin guys took out a badge which had the word snake shine embedded onto it.

Seeing this badge,


You useless thrash you aren't even capable of being guardian of her highness

Do you know how serious is the current situation?

His highness second prince will arrive here in one and half month.

We just got one and half month to not only save our jobs but also our lives,hurry up and spread different teams to search for her highness and also found about the organization which ones this badge".

" Crack....crack...."

While speaking the commander punched near by giant rock several cracks formed on it.

Seeing this scene the two guys panted and shouted simultaneously

"Yes sir "

Henry who was unconscious finally woke up after an unknown amount of time then he saw that clothes stained with his blood were completely clean,

"Brother,you woke up"

A familiar sound was heard by Henry,Henry glanced at the source of sound and saw fatty

then he stood up then Henry's vision was searching for some one

"Brother, Are you looking for her?"

Henry nodded

"Don't worry brother,she went out with grandma Riza,when you fainted we walked for around 4 days randomly in the desert then we found grandma was struggling with her luggage,we helped her to carry her luggage then following her directions we reached the nearby village where her home was situated"

"My clothes,are they washed by her?"

Henry questioned.

"No,no your clothes weren't washed by her but they were washed by the princess"



Henry:- "[• •]"

then Henry saw a familiar figure walked in along an weak looking old woman who had face full of wrinkles and white hair which was top knotted,she wore plane clothes which were gray in color.

"Kid... You ... finally .....woke....up."

Her sound was old and weak which had pauses between in each word

"Grandma Riza,thank you

I heard all of the things you had done for the strangers like us "

Grandma Riza nodded as she couldn't want to waste her energy while replying

Then Henry looked at the princess similar the princess looked at Henry

Their vision collided, There was utter silence.

None of them took the initiative to talk with each other.

finally the crystal clear silence was broken by the princess with the words

"My name is Rem,from now I will be following you until you fulfill your promise"

Then she didn't stay there left the scene with hurried steps.

Henry then walked out if old home made up wood and sat under a rock which shielded him from scorching sun and started to cultivate as mentioned in the {-⏩⏩Raging Bull Core Directory ⏪⏪-}.

During the night

For some unknown reason Henry had a severe headache,he felt like his head might explode at any moment,The pain was too severe that Henry couldn't take it,Henry was only one person who was awake in the old wooden home which had only one room and a old fashioned kitchen.

Henry looked around


He saw fatty was sleeping while snoring and beside him,old woman was sleeping and beside her princess Rem slept.

Henry didn't want to disturb them he walked out,the pain increased every second then Henry couldn't take the pain further and fell into a deep sleep

"Is this dream?"

Henry questioned to himself as he saw an object which is in gray color covered with white colors and had pink tinge light on it,Henry after careful analysis deduced it as brain then he saw the brain emitting gray light and saw it split opened the suction force grabbed Henry into the brain then he saw the earth following the earth he saw a figure sitting on a tree while a cat sat on his shoulder.his looks were exact same as Henry,who looked as if he were a clone.Seeing Henry the other guy,who looked exact same as Henry,stood up and moved towards him while walking in the air

"Who are you?"

Henry questioned.

"I am you and you are me"

The other Henry smiled while he was saying.

Henry sensed the surroundings being trumbled.

When Henry opened his eyes he no longer suffered from headache,seeing it was still dark Henry concluded that he wasn't unconscious for too long,Henry went back in the home and slept at his place.

The next day

Henry,fatty and Princess Rem bid farewell to grandma Riza since Henry did not want to cause more trouble to the near death old woman and walked in the village,according to the grandma Riza the village named after once the great commander of Fun Fish kingdom which was one of the several kingdoms under the Flow Front Nation as Shikong village.

Henry,Fatty along Princess Rem were walking in the streets of the village, Princess Rem us as beautiful as ever after walking for a while Henry also noticed that the ,male villagers from children to oldmen,who once passed by them were following like a tail,Henry wouldn't care about them unless or until they cause problem to him,what most important to Henry was currently he concerned about the changes in his senses,perception and thinking capacity. Specially his ability to think had increased in leaps and bounds.

At the moment Princess Rem foot steps stopped as the trio reached in front of a shop of clothes,Rem pointed out a dark red colored mini frock and said "I want that frock""I want that dress" and looked at Henry.

Henry when observed the gaze of Princess,he naturally noticed that the princess needed a proper dress as she was still wearing fatty's dress which were too loose to her.Henry looked in his sleeves he found nothing except two brown colored papers,then Henry was about to speak that he had no money,he saw the saw shop keeper handling the dress to her "Miss,here you go"

Seeing it,"we don't have money" Henry spoke while looking at shop keeper,"You don't need to pay the money,you can take it for free",while saying the shop keeper didn't even glance at Henry,his eyes were only laid on the face of Princess Rem.

"It was the power of beauty" Henry thought to himself,After taking the dress the trio walked further,when they reached a restaurant,a sweet aroma of a dish attracted them.Henry and Rem was able to control himself but fatty couldn't as he rushed in the restaurant while shouting "Brother, let's take a rest",Naturally Henry and Rem followed fatty and sat on his table since the restaurant also had dressing room,Princess Rem went to change her dress.

" Gulp ,Gulp"

Fatty ordered the sweats and ate them like he was eating candies,The people present in the restaurant stopped their movements as they saw fatty eating like a year hungry wolf for a while then they continued.

"Did you hear?The pink parlor bandits were recruiting a new leader at mount putai"

When Henry heard he widened his ears and listened to the the people sitting in nearby table

"Really?what happened to the pink Queens?"The man who wore a Jacket asked

" Ragbi,You should know more about the world,at least about the bandits who rule over the Bloody Hell desert then let me tell you,A month ago the Queens of pink parlor bandits disappeared in thin air" The man with Cap told.

Henry didn't sit idly with fatty instead he moved to the next table,while standing in front of the table he said "Greetings seniors, I am called Henry,I want to know about the current situation of bandits groups too,if you don't mind can I sit with you ?"

The man who wore cap said "of course,is it really a thing to ask? I will be very glad to inform you about the current bandits groups of the desert"

Henry took the chair along with him and sat next to the person wearing coat,

"First of all let me introduce myself and my brother, I am Vikas and he is my brother Ragbi,Rabbi lives in this village while I crossed the desert and made a name for myself in Ink Link Manor of Fun Fish Kingdom"

The person with cape introduced himself.

"So it's senior Ragbi and Senior Vikas,nice to meet you "

Henry said in a humble tone.

"You don't need to be courageous,you wished to know about bandits right

The current desert had 4 great bandits groups,They are

1)Snow Silk Bandits

2)Dark Moon Bandits

3)Snake Shine Bandits

And the last but not very least

4)The Crazy Cats Bandits"

"What?" Henry's sudden question interrupted Vikas.

"I never heard of Crazy Cats Bandits"

Henry's pitch of voice was low.

"It is very normal you may not heard of them,the Crazy Cats Bandits was popped up in during the previous year and it is not created by humans but cats later some human bandits also joined.

The cats may be powerless but when attacked in group they can be able to loot the travellers of desert smoothly and perfectly without need to engage in actual combat,A year ago a group of cats looted many travellers in the desert and according to rumors their leader was a cat with brown ears,if it acted it is said that you won't even know when or how your possessions were disappeared,All those cats had a brown paint at the edges of their tails as a common point which represented their identity as Crazy Cats Bandits and later many human bandits also joined them."

As Vikas explained when Henry heard a cat with brown ears a familiar silhouette appeared in his mind and Henry thought "could it be Eliza..?, I haven't seen her for a while I hope she is doing well"

Then Henry asked "Senior, may I know what's situation of Snake Shine Bandits and JoJo?

Henry naturally asked this question as he had no interest of knowing the situation of other bandit groups since he needed to save Dolly and others

" So you are interested in Snake shine bandits"Vikas was about to speak further

"Don't you know?JoJo died,moreover he was assassinated by a mysterious person"

Ragbi's voice was loud.

"Then who is current leader of Snake Shine Bandits"

Henry asked with a gaze which is not filled with any shock

"It is someone named Khilja, It said that when he become the leader in the name of ceremony he cut down at least one limb of most of the slaves they captured,it was too cruel and it also said he had a rectangular Iron box which he treated like his own flesh"

Vika's words made Henry to turn pale following it Henry was worried about that cute little girl Dolly who always played with him and called him big brother who made him to remember his sister,"Khilja I won't let you alive if dared to do something to Dolly" Henry shouted inwardly.

....at the moment a man rushed in the restaurant while breathing heavily, He shouted "senior Vikas this is bad,The Fear Fall Manor sent their people to capture your parents"

Hearing it,Vikas who was sitting stood and emitted an aura filled with killing intent





All cups broke from his aura alone,This was the strongest person Henry had seen till now.

Following him Ragbi stood up.

"Sorry Henry,But we have to go"

Henry nodded he can discern the seriousness of their situation.

After they left Henry went back to his table where he saw fatty was still eating even after he completed more than 30 plates of sweets.

After a while,A young lady around 16 who had slightly red colored hair which resembled her clothes who looked like a doll when she revealed her snow white legs along either shoulders coupled with her beautiful face emitting charm of bewitchment walked towards the table of Henry.

When she appeared all the customers in the restaurant regardless of gender couldn't move their eyes off her.They had no lust or bad intentions they just desired to see her face again and again.

When she sat down,Henry opened his mouth "Currently we are lacking money,we should think of away to earn money"

Princess Rem was about to open her mouth,a group of women who held sticks,brooms,Metal pipes entered the restaurant and surrounded the table of Henry.

"You bitch,what did you do to my husband and father?"

"You..you why are you so beautiful?"

"Return my son to normal state else I will break your legs and destroy your beautiful face"

"Even my 5 year children were following you from the morning without eating food,undo your black magic from them"





A series of cries and questions were heard.Henry realized the seriousness of the situation

"fatty "

Henry called out but fatty was immersed himself fully in his art of eating,he couldn't hear Henry.

Henry did not hesitate,he immediately grabbed the hand of Rem without her permission and used his elemental energy to clear the way out from the restaurant and began running.

Seeing them run the pack of women roared

"You wait"

"Bitch,do you think you can run off?"

"No matter where you run off to,I won't let you go today"

The women chased after them.Henry and Rem ran through streets,aisles and also passed through some houses while the pack of women chased after them like pack wolves chases their pray,they chased after them on streets,aisles and some of them even jumped from one roof of the shops to other roofs,Some even threw the brooms,stick whatever they held when they were chasing Rem and Henry towards them.Henry had always been dreamed about being chased by women but he thought now that this should not be like this,it was completely different from his dream where he was chased for his handsomeness and charisma and the women who would chase him might held flowers but not tools and brooms."Beauty brings disaster "Henry naturally now understood meaning behind these words.Henry increased his speed and finally able to evade them when he sensed the pack women almost caught up to him he looked around then at the corner he saw a familiar silhouette he was the shop keeper who gifted Rem her dress,The shop keeper signalled Henry to get into his shop,Henry didn't have time to think as he heard foot steps sounds rushing towards him,he hurriedly went into the shop along Rem.

When Henry entered the shop before he takes breathe, he heard " Are you tired?"

Henry nodded then he felt a force on his chest following the force Henry's chest pained and he spat a mouthful of blood while Rem was grabbed by the person who sneak attacked Henry.Henry eyes blood shot and he looked at the person in front of him


Henry's words stopped as he saw that this guy is a member of Dark Moon Bandits.

"Haha...you recognized me or my attire"

The youth in front of him laughed.

"You are from Dark Moon Bandits"

Henry uttered these words

"Yes,you are right but I am not only a member of Dark Moon Bandits but also the little brother of Dark Moon Bandit's leader and also Bloody moon,This young master took a liking to this girl so you should scram or die in my hands,I wasn't able to take the action before since that fatty was always with you he emitted an aura of middle stages of beginner class,so I awaited for the right opportunity and your current situated is also indirectly created by me and you were just a pawn and insignificant character in my plan."

This was the first time Henry lost,He did not loose in hand to hand combat but still he lost since he wasn't even be able to detect a single clue of suspicion.This shows the terrible strategy skills of the youth in front of him,Henry can't be blamed as every clue was covered by Rem's beauty.

It was very hard to discern between true or false when some one admired one's beauty unless they are not strangers.


The youth roared and charged towards Henry with his punch again

Henry dodged the punch,then he took a knife out from his sleeve

"Haha..A mere first layer of initial stage Noob Class martial artist wants to struggle against a 3 rd layer of initial stage of Noob Class martial artist "

The youth laughed while lifting his leg to kick Henry,Henry didn't avoid the kick instead he cut the sole of his foot with the knife charged with fire type elemental energy.


The youth cried out while Henry stood there like a statue..

"This knife is not simple"

The youth thought since normal knives should not work on his foot which was covered with the elemental energy.

"Do you think you are the only one with weapons?"

While saying this,the youth took out a long sword whose blade was shining like a star.

When the elemental energy from the youth infused in the sword the sword's blade looked like water.

"See it for yourself,My core is water while yours is flame looks alike we are naturally born enemies"

The youth announced.

Henry couldn't keep his silence,he broke his silence with a simple sentence

"Do you think I got only one type of elemental energy?"

Then Henry displayed the wind elemental energy on his knife,Henry doesn't want to use combined elemental energy of fire and wind as he knew it would cost him a lot of elemental energy in less time while his supply was lower than the opponent due difference between their cultivation levels.

"This...haha I did not expect to you awaken dual core,well It doesn't matter since I am going to kill a prodigy like you today"

The youth moved towards Henry with his sword similar Henry didn't stay in defense he also charged since Henry knew that if he stay in defense his probability of winning is almost zero.

The sword with water elemental energy and the knife with wind elemental energy collided 5 to 6 times,whenever they collided they produced shining water bubbles while Henry had always been disadvantageous as he sometimes injured and some times forced to defend because of overwhelming difference between power of him and the youth,in terms of speed Henry had upper hand which helped him to avoid the fatal attacks of the opponent.

Henry knew if wanted to win he couldn't delay the fight further so he had to use his trumpcard

{-⏩⏩The Fire Knife Technique ⏪⏪-} but the thing he did not dare to use this as the opponent can easily block fire with water but he had no other technique in his hand so he infused the fire elemental energy in the knife while he also infused little bit of wind energy into the knife the fire which was supported by wind looked like an alive fire,

Seeing the opponent infusing all his remaining elemental energy into the knife,the youth knew that Henry is going to use his ultimate attack


The youth didn't attract instead stood there as he was announcing to the world that he can take the ultimate attack of Henry head on.

Henry appeared in front of the youth again his knife and the sword collided following the collision Henry spread his both arms to left and right side and exposed himself defenceless,seeing defenceless Henry the youth pointed his sword towards heart of Henry but at the moment Henry's left hand twisted and he moved while the sword pierced his right hand,Henry knelt his twisted hand approached the throat of the opponent,the youth realized that he couldn't dodge the full powered attack and it can even pierce through his throat which would cause absolute death ,he regretted to underestimate the opponent but he didn't panic,with a thought from the youth a water barrier formed at his neck which is not simple water barrier from elemental energy but it was perfectly constructed as if it was designed by a civil engineer,The barrier had 5 water cubes which is not ice but water surroundings water cubes there is water elemental energy and each cube was much denser than preceding cube,The knife which powered with fire collided with the cubes


The first cube broke and evaporated




The 2nd,3rd,4 th barrier also evaporated but the knife when hit the fifth cube


The barrier shook but did not completely evaporated.

"Haa....haa It was good that I learnt a high grade defensive technique from my brother BloodyHell else I would have died here today in your hands"

The youth laughed as he saw Henry was totally exhausted with no elemental energy and his right arm was injured.

Henry retreated a few steps while removing the sword from his right hand then Henry saw the youth charging at him even Henry had no option of survival or elemental energy to fight he didn't panic and remained calm and put all his focus into this thinking capacity,when the sword about land on Henry


With a crack sound Henry felt the shackles to something broken within him,when he concentrate on the youth,he realized that he can read the thoughts of the youth.Henry was surprised but he had no time to enjoy this feeling,he easily dodged the incoming sword.,following it the youth tried to hit Henry with more sword strikes but Henry was able to swiftly dodge them as he can read the thoughts of opponent

"How is this possible?"

The youth thought then he continued to strike but the result was same Henry dodged each and every strike like a child's play,every time Henry dodged he also injured the youth with his knife.

"Stop running, all you can you do is just dodging face me head on if you got guts"

The youth tried to provoke Henry but Henry was still calm as he never heard the sentence of the youth,he continued to dodge the attacks and inflate the damage to the youth

"You like to dodge,don't you?Let's see how can you dodge the next attack"

The youth then pointed his sword at the ground,the sword shined in sky blue color then a big blue colored web formed which spread in a circular manner with a diameter of 5m,then the youth took out a talisman,By reading the thoughts of the youth Henry knew that this technique is called as {-⏩⏩Elemental Sword Web⏪⏪--}It uses elemental energy as base to form web with strings but the sharpness of these strings depends on sword intent, Henry does not know what sword intent is but he knew that the talisman in the hands of youth had sword intent stored in it and it can only be used once with a single attack.The youth put the sword intent talisman on his sword the next moment the blue colored strings emitted terrifying aura such each of them can cut down whatever neared them.

"So this is sword intent,the strings looks completely different from before,if even a string touched my body then it might be cut into two pieces " Henry thought.

With a thought from the youth a string moved towards Henry,Henry dodged the attack as he knew which string will come then he dodged 2nd,3rd string,The youth's mind went blank with anger then he suddenly sent 3 strings simultaneously towards Henry.Henry dodged two strings while the third one cut his left shoulder a little,the youth enraged to the point of splitting blood then he sent 4,5,6,7 strings simultaneously at Henry.Henry was able to dodge most of them and was injured by some of them but no string was able to wound him fatally. No matter how much powerful the attack was the youth was still at 3rd layer of Noob realm so he couldn't display it's full might even after using sword intent talisman,the youth realized that he was almost out of elemental energy and couldn't defeat him so he focused all his remaining energy in a single string but he didn't direct it towards Henry but towards Rem who was watching the fight from the side


With a roar Henry appeared beside Rem while carrying her into his arms he dodged the attack.

The exhausted youth lost his footing and fell to the ground this was the price he had paid for using the sword intent talisman which is immobility for 20 hours.

Rem who was being carried by Henry like a prince carries princess felt some unknown feeling.

Henry after putting her down walked towards the youth.

Each step Henry took was like nightmare to him

"Please forgive me and let me be alive"

The youth begged but who was Henry?Henry can read his thoughts

He saw through the youth's evil intention and didn't hesitate to slice off his throat.

Henry killed a living person,This was the first time Henry killed someone but he didn't feel bad nor joy.

After killing the youth Henry took his spatial ring and erased his elemental mark on it and established ownership,He didn't look the spoils for now because he had some unfinished business "You,you killed young master Bloody Chess" while shouting The shop keeper held a long Iron rod in his hand as he appeared behind Henry but the shop keeper didn't expect that when he appeared to help Bloody Chess his heart would be pierced by the sword which once followed Bloody Chess,The shop keeper was just a mortal so he died instantly.

Henry then took purse of the keeper and moved at Rem,he held Rem's hand and said we got something to do can't stay in this shop much longer

"Your wounds.." Rem wanted to open her mouth but was interrupted by the voice

"Don't worry about them"

When Henry and Rem existed the shop ,the next moment a woman saw her and shouted

"I found the bitch "

"She is here"

Then one by one women came and surrounded them and shouted

"Bitch,I will burn your face"

"Get the hell out of the village"



"fatty "

Henry shouted loudly

Like a ghust of wind fatty appeared before them,fatty when saw Henry's condition asked

"Brother, what happened?,Is it them?"

"No,they are not the one,I will explain about it to you later"

Seeing a fat guy who can run like a cheetah the women dumbfounded

And didn't dare to utter a word as all of them can the dreadful pressure emitted by the fatty.

In the crowd Henry pointed his finger towards a woman,she looked to be in her forties and was neither beautiful nor ugly.

Seeing her being pointed out sweat was dropped from her forehead.

"All of you,do you think Rem did some black magic or something to your men ?then you were wrong,it was all fabricated by her.I know you may not believe me but you can at least see my wounds I guess so,she planned it out with other person to kill me but somehow I survived,and the thing that your men following Rem is all because if her beauty and I know most of are jealous of her beauty and want to ruin her face but may I ask you who gave you the right to do so?,Those who wants to ruin her face I can say that they are not only ugly with looks but also ugly with their hearts and I apologize that I am too poor buy a veil for her if you think you still wanted to ruin her face then go ahead first you need to face me before doing it so"

Henry's words were loud.

No one dared to think that he was lying,those who were fooled in the name of black magic looked at the woman,following they beat her until she went unconscious

Those who wanted to ruin the face of Rem left while feeling being wronged

And those who left one by one approached Henry as Henry told fatty to cover his pressure

Thses women put some gold coins in a cloth in front of Henry

"Little friend,forgive us we were wrong these are our compensation buy a good veil for your girl friend"

The women spoke.

Henry nodded then one by one all the women left,after all of them left Henry who was forcing himself to being conscious fainted.

In the dream

Henry saw himself again,the other Henry moved at him and said" Congratulations for unlocking the Thought-Reader ability of ("God's Wisdom" )"