
"What's the God's wisdom?" Henry asked.

But the other Henry just smiled and the world went blank,there was nothing absolutely nothing except pitch black.

When Henry's eyes opened again,he found himself in a room which was made up of wood,This wood had better quality than the home of grandma Riza.

Henry saw that there was not anyone in the room except himself as Henry does not want to disturb others he sat cross legged and began cultivation according to {-⏩⏩Raging Bull Core Directory⏪⏪-} .

After 10 minutes Henry was astonished to find that he was about to break through to 2nd layer of initial stage of Noob Class,So Henry continued to cultivate after about an hour hour Henry's body emitted fire along wind currents as sign of breakthrough.Whenever a Martial Artist breaks through to next realm his body emits elemental energy but it wouldn't do an harm to anyone nor even the clothes would be harmed.

Henry opened his eyes and felt the new strength of his body as it was doubled and also his supply of elemental energy 30% more when compared to before,Henry was surprised to not see anyone yet so he stood up and walked out from the room from nearby door,After Henry walked out he saw a counter within the next room,the room was small but not too small,On the counter there is a small girl playing with keys,Henry naturally deduced that he was in a lodge.Henry walked towards the counter,Big brother you woke up.

Henry nodded,"Did you see my companions?"

Henry questioned while putting his hand on the table of the counter

"You mean the beautiful sis and fatty uncle?"

The girl asked.

"Yeah it is them,do you know where did they go?"

The girl opened her mouth while carrying a letter in her hand towards Henry.

"Big brother,a day ago a grandma came,big sis and fatty uncle left with them,while leaving fatty uncle gave me this letter to give to you when you wake up".

Henry took the letter,opened it and read through contents

" Brother Henry,We had some urgent matter to deal with so we are leaving "

Henry confused as he knew Fatty wasn't from the desert nor princess Rem but they left a litter which had no other content except that they had an urgent matter to deal with?

"Too suspicious"

Henry thought then he looked at the girl in front of him and asked

"Did you say there was a grandma whom they followed?"

The girl nodded.

"Did her hairs were white,face was full of wrinkles and wore plane gray colored dress?"

The girl nodded.

Henry immediately thought of grandma Riza who sheltered them for awhile

"Did they go out to help grandma Riza?.

No,it shouldn't be.

If they went to help grandma Riza then fatty should have mentioned that he was going to help her but there wasn't even a single sentence beside that they were leaving.

Is fatty meeting grandma Riza really coincident?"

Henry's thoughts were puzzled.

Henry went back into the room where he woke up ,Henry first decided to check the spoils he gained from Bloody Chess,Henry took out a ring and infused his elemental energy into it with the help of his elemental energy Henry could see that there were gold coins,a sword,some pills and a brown colored paper.Henry's vision stopped at brown colored paper and he took it out and read through it's contents {-⏩⏩Elemental Sword Web⏪⏪-},Henry was very pleased because he found this technique more profound than {-⏩⏩Fire Knife Technique⏪⏪-}.After reading the contents for a while Henry stood up and left the Lodge after finishing the transaction.Henry walked towards the grandma's home.Henry searched whole room but he couldn't find a single clue

"There is not a single clue,what should I do?"

Henry thought.

Henry recalled his fight against Bloody Chess moreover he recalled the last moments of fight where is somehow was able to read the thoughts of Bloody Chess and others.Henry tried his best to get into that state but his effort bore no fruit

Seeing that there wasn't a single time he succeeded,Henry closed his eyes and took a long breath then he calmed down and didn't try to force himself in that stage.

After 10 minutes

Henry's conscious became so calm.Worries,Tensions,Fear was no longer present even a snake slided on Henry's body from the roof but as if Henry was not in this world he didn't even notice it.

Henry when entered into this state,he recalled every action of grandma Riza from his memory

He saw the scene when he met her first time to last time what more different was that Henry observed saw grandma in different view in his vision.As he saw a pink colored cloth under her gray plain clothes which was even smaller than needle almost invisible to naked eye.Henry saw it only once but at the moment the scene changed again and Henry found himself in a restaurant then he heard the words""Did you hear?The pink parlor bandits were recruiting a new leader at mount putai"

again.Henry's thought flickered with yellowish white color while he opened his eyes while saying

"Mount Putai,I am coming".