On the way

####********Dear Readers,Thanks for your support first of all,I apologize for the late update,recently I have been too busy *****####

After deciding to visit Mount Putai,Henry began his preparation to depart from the Shikong Village, Henry approached a building which is made up of rocks,It had 3 floors,At the entrance of the building there was board carved with words "Information Guild".Henry walked in,The hall was spacious and the walls had inbuilt selves on these selves around 5000 books were present,The counter was situated beside the steps to reach higher floor.According to Villagers,Information guild has several branches not only villages but also in big cities which provides information and documents which carries some data like maps in exchange to currency,weapons or any valuable item.Today Henry visited the guild probably to get a map of the kingdom and also in inquire about the bases of Bandits.Henry approached the counter and saw there wasn't anyone,Henry's vision fell on a bell on the table of the counter it looked like a bell made up of gold,Henry shook the bell

" Ting Tong Ting Tong"

The sound was heard following the sound "Hello customers what do you need?"

A silhouette of youth around 20 with skinny body and visible bones appeared while pronouncing.

"I need the map of the kingdom"

Henry answered while his eyes showed pityness for the youth in front of him who looked like a living Skelton.

"It costs around 50 gold coins"The Skelton like youth replied.

Henry touched the ring on his finger and took out 50 gold coins and handed it to the Skelton youth,The youth took the gold coins and provided Henry with a map.

" Can you provide me the information where bases of Bandits were located ?"

Hearing the question from the youth replied "Of course we can but it will cost you a lot of gold coins,

For the rough location of one base it costs 5000 gold coins and for detailed information it will cost around 20000 gold coins".

" Too expensive " Henry thought inwardly then he looked in his ring and counted his current wealth and found that he had only about 2k gold coins.

"Too bad,I am poor " Henry's face showed his disappointment.

After acquiring the map Henry went to another shop with board indicating "Mink Mink Transportation"

When Henry entered the shop he saw ithat it had 3 divisions, The first division has a stable where horses are stationed,The second division also had a stable in which camels are stationed and the last division is where wagons,customers,carriers and the workers are present.

The atmosphere filled with noises

Henry observed the 3rd division,At the entrance of third division A robust man who looked to be in his 30s wearing dhoti while upper body was naked stood aloof.Henry when entered in the 3rd division

"Welcome,welcome I am Robert, the care taker of Mink Mink transportation of Shikong's village,How can I help you with?"

The voice was dominant.

"I want to buy a Ghod horse"

Henry's reply was direct but not dominant.

A Ghod horse is a special breed of horse whose speed specially in desert was much faster than any other horses.

"Customer,A Ghod horse costs 1000 gold coins"

Robert said with disdainful look as he thought that this guy whose clothes weren't even good wants a Ghod horse,he might be simply playing with him.

Henry didn't speak instead took out 1000 gold coins from the ring and handed it to Robert.

Seeing the gold coins and the ring which was at first glance looked to be normal

"Customer,please come inside and sit down"

Robert's way of speech instantly changed.

Henry went in and sat down in one of the chair allocated for the customers.

Robert called two workers then the two workers went into the horse division and brought a well looking muscled horse.

Henry stood up and checked the horse thoroughly and gave a smile of satisfaction.

"Brother,Are you the one who bought this horse?"

A young worker of the mink mink transportation wore a look of surprise.

Henry nodded

"Brother, let me warn you that horse has a bad habit,so be careful"

The young worker warned Henry.

Henry really did believe the young worker as he had not no reason to lie to Henry.

"Chu Tong ,mind your words"

Robert,who came beside Chu Tong while he was warning Henry,hit him over the head with the words."Bad Habit?"

"What could it be?"

Henry thought in I his mind.

At this instant

"Customer,indeed the horse has a bad habit but it won't cause much trouble to you if you don't want the horse then you can return it and take your money back since we don't have anymore Ghod horses,the rest are just normal one"

Henry had no other choice so chose the horse in front of him.

After buying horse,Henry subdued it easily and began to did begin his journey towards Mount Putai.

Henry and the horse travelled through the desert,they crossed several villages in 10 days and also Henry didn't slack off his cultivation and practice,he focused more on his {-⏩⏩Fire Knife Technique⏪⏪-} which is now at middle stage and Henry also learnt {-⏩⏩Elemental Sword Web -⏩⏩} to beginner stage.

Henry naturally did not notice any problem with the horse.and didn't bother with the horse

On this day

Henry reached a city which was not big nor small,Henry observed that the houses and buildings here made of mud.Henry and the horse travelled through the city as Henry was hungry he reached out to a hotel while he tied his horse outside to the wall of the hotel.

"Oh...have you heard about the new leader of Pink parlor bandits?"

"I did,rumors say that she is too strong"

"Not only she is strong but also looks very beautiful"

"I heard that she got recently chosen at Mount Putai "

"Yeah,I saw her with my two eyes,she is very hot and sexy"

"She might be staying at Mount Putai for a while"

The whole hotel filled with the discussions related to new leader of Pink Parlor Bandits.


"No,Rem is not strong"

Henry thought when the words of the people fell into his ears.

Henry naturally knew that this city was nearest to Mount Putai and also it was named after Mount Putai as Putai Hood City.Henry didn't want to waste time further and left the city with his Horse.

The distance between Putai Hood City and Mount Putai is very less which is about 20kms

After travelling 10km,Henry saw four people carrying a palanquin on their shoulders.They all wore plane white clothes and palanquin didn't even look any special.


Without warning a Sandstorm appeared.


"This is not good..."

The four people immediately dropped the palanquin and tried to run

"You,you where are you going? I will tell my dad if you abandon me"

A childish voice came out from it.

Henry didn't want to get caught in sand storm so he also shifted his direction but at the moment


The horse roared and dashed towards sandstorm

Henry who had complete control over the horse when saw the horse got out of control he tried his best to control it back but the horse didn't listen to Henry as if it was possessed and went straight at the sand storm.




"My head aches..."

With a pain Henry looked around after being transported by the storm

Henry looked around,his face turned pale as he saw that he was in the sky where he could see the clouds in the surroundings,he was standing on the ground which looked like to be floating in the sky and he saw small rectangular rocks about size of 200 cm carved with ancient text were placed in two columns separated by a 20meters distance,When one looked carefully they can see that these rocks are showing a straight path towards a buildings which looked like a church made up of black colored ancient stones.

"Bow wow..."

Henry who was surprised to find himself in an unknown place which is a like a floating island in the sky came back to his senses when he heard the voice

Henry turned towards voice and felt chill as he saw one of the four men who were carrying the palanquin behaving like a dog.

"Meow, meow"

With another roar another man who was carrying palanquin appeared and started to fight with the man who was behaving as dog


They were fightingas if they were a real cat and dog.

Henry deduced that he was not only the one who is affected and reason must be his innate ability.

Henry didn't bother with them and followed the path which leads to the mysterious building

The entrance of the building has big gate which opened itself as Henry neared it.

Without a second thought Henry moved in

Henry saw a fruit in front of him some distant away placed on small piller then Henry didn't take step further as there might be traps.

Henry took every step carefully but he saw there was not a trap nor any danger so he sped up and took the fruit.

When Henry lifted the fruit up

"Rumble ,rumble"

A passage to next floor where steps can be seen appeared

Henry climbed up and in second floor and saw a liquid filled bottle on a small piller at the end

Henry again alerted and took step carefully and when he noticed again as there were no dangers Henry causally walked towards it and put the bottle in his ring then passage to another way opened

Henry entered it too,similarly he saw another object in this floor and grabbed it with zero effort.

"The owner of this place is very generous, he is giving me free rewards"

Henry thought but Henry didn't know that the owner of this place left a wisp of his soul in the building whose heart was aching as he was seeing Henry to pick the rewards like picking fruits from a tree.

Henry passed 4th and 5 th floor,when Henry entered the 6 th floor he saw a map lying on a pillar but this one was little different as it has lamps around it. Henry no longer inspected for the dangers and casually walked towards the map and was about to grab it


With a loud sound the lamps exploded,Henry retreated

"Get the hell out of here,You aren't the the destined one for it"

Henry felt a pressure pushing him towards the entrance of the fifth floor.

The voice was loud but Henry couldn't see a figure.


Henry who crashed to the ground stood up while saying

"Senior, May I know why aren't I destined one?"

Henry questioned.



I can see your destiny threads,the map is bound to someone but not you"

The voice filled with might replied.

"Senior,I don't care what the crap destiny threads are,but the thing I came here proves that I am the one who is destined even If I am not I will steal the destiny related to the map"

Henry stood in a manner which showed his resolution and started walking towards it.


The voice roared and exerted pressure which covered the floor,

Henry found himself in a difficult position to move,but he still took steps towards the map.

"You human,you bought here by me along them through sandstorm for the sake of becoming my pets but I didn't expect that my innate ability had no effect on you"

The voice was more luder than before.

"So that's how it is"

Henry's wisdom kicked in and he continued to speak

"But you didn't stop me from taking the rewards from the previous floors,So I guess you can't hit me physically for some unknown reason,right?and also looks like you were waiting here for the destined person of the map and previous rewards should also belonged to him but I took them so I will take this map too"


Indeed you are wise but do you think if I can't hit you, can't I send you back?"

Henry increased his speed and rushed at the map and almost touched it again but he suddenly felt suction force from his back,Henry took out knife and stabbed it at the corner of the map

The suction force increased


The map tore,it tore into two pieces


The voice roared.

while half piece was taken Henry and other half flew into the the suction force

Henry saw his surroundings turning pure white then he found himself back sitting on his horse in the desert and near him a palanquin carried by four people.

One one the four people asked "who are you? And why are you here?"

"I am Mark Henry,Just on the way to Mount Putai,as I saw you guys I came here to ask for directions"

Henry managed the conversation with his wisdom.

"Oh,I see..I am Gudong and we are going to Mount Putai too with our young master,you can follow us"

Gudong spoke in reply.

Henry nodded and while looking at the half map in his hands

"No one remembered as if it had been never happened"

Henry murmured.

Henry put away the map in his ring and began to follow them.