Henry vs ZEE(1)

A large mountain in spite of having very few plants shined with dull green color which contained the aura of life in the vast desolate land of sand,It was crumpled at the base. While it was sky-stabbing at the top, the leg of the mountain was very wide and the peak of the mountain was like harpoon tip. The atmosphere was boiling like a hot potato before the angry sun. Near the peak of the mountain there were tents made up of pink colored clothes,If one observes closely,one could see pink colored vessels, ,pink colored clothes hanged to pink colored strings,pink colored foot wear and also a bath tub filled water containing several pink roses.The tub was surrounded by pink flags,In the tub a a figure of beautiful female whose hairs were as beautiful as the pink roses which covered her body can be seen,she wore a pink face mask extending to her nose even while bathing,Her half face was looked to be in perfect shape,one doesn't need to look at her full face to know that she is a beauty. At the moment she stood revealing a pink colored underwear which was only clothe on her fair legs and her chest was large at least of E cup sized with it's peaks erected with light pink in color.

"Both of you,don't try to runaway or slack off from the work as I will be leaving now"

After taking a single glance at the people in front of her ,The figure spoke while dressing.

"We don't dare"

They replied.

"Good", She did not say anything after wearing a pink colored frock she flew up in the sky and left.

At the same time near the entrance of the mountain

A horse was dashing while carrying a silhouette on it's back,who wore a black robe

"stop,damn you,stop you thief "

Following him

"5 silhouettes continued to shout"

The black robed person looked back at them and said "you fools,you can never catch this great majesty,Chubby let's increase speed"

" Neigh...neigh...."

The horse roared and their speed increased soon they disappeared from the sight

All 5 people who were following the man and the horse stopped while breathing heavily with exhaustion then 4 people of them who were middle aged looked at the 5th person who is in his youth with angry eyes

This youth is none other than Henry and four people were the four who were carrying the palanquin.

Henry does not know what to say...

Being gazed by multiple people Henry felt chill in his heart...

A few hours ago....

"Brothers let's take a break we are almost reached Mount Putai"

A muscled man with moustache said to others

"Kuyun, you are right let's take break for a while"

Another muscled man with sharp brows and scarred face spoke.

"If brother Kuyun and brother Peterson wants to take break then we don't dare to deny"

One of the remaining two people spoke while representing himself and Gudong

"OK,so it is decided we will stop here for a while " Kuyun Brother

They put down palanquin and sat down on ground while taking out a bunch of things from the palanquin which includes fish,wood and wine

Henry naturally noticed this and asked them

"Are we going to rest?but we almost reached Mount Putai"

"Brat,don't you got eyes?we are resting if you are in hurry then don't disturb us, just leave"

Kuyun said in an rudely manner.

Henry analyzed that these four guards are unfilial,they don't even ask their young master for the permission to take rest,Henry no longer wanted involve himself with these unfilial guards and was about to leave

"Little friend,please don't mind my brothers"

The silent statue Gudong spoke.

Henry saw Gudong emerging from the palanquin

"Little friend,young master wants to meet you"

Henry parked his horse near the palanquin and followed Gudong inside palanquin

The palanquin when compared to normal palanquin was more spacious enough to carry 4 people, when Henry entered into it he saw a baldheaded boy around age 10,wore blue and white colored samurai dress.

The palanquin was filled with a lot of gold coins and gold armaments which clearly depicted the status of John family not only in strength but also in wealth and prosperity.

The boy stood bravely with his eyes facing the eyes of Henry.

"I am John Rafi,the only sole son of the patriarch of John family of the Slaved Sword city,Nice to meet you big brother Henry"

The childish voice coupled with words of the boy brought a sweet melody which can't be ignored by even the stone hearted.

Henry looked at the 10 year old boy in font of him and didn't speak for some seconds

"So,It's young master John,Nice to meet you too and thank you for allowing me to follow you till now"

Henry said.

"Big brother,what are you saying? You were already near to the destination when you began to follow us,you do not need to thank me"


Meanwhile when Henry ,John and Gudong were chatting,The gold present in the palanquin slowly began to disappear the incident was not noticeable at first but as more and more gold coins,Jewellery disappeared,Gudong noticed it and was alerted then looked around for clues but he couldn't find any even under his watch the gold was depleting,At the moment Henry did also took notice of it along John,The trio didn't speak but unknowingly they coordinately inspecting the palanquin

Henry took a gold bracelet in his hand and held it tightly then he lifted his head up and turned right he saw the gold ornaments at his right side vanished,then he immediately turned left,then back,wherever he saw the palanquin which was once had gold was now just an empty pit.

Henry had a confused look similarly Gudong and John also had confused look on their face

At the moment Henry's hands vibrated and henry increased his grip on the bracelet but still thoe bracelet was pulled off from his hand ,even though the bracelet was pulled off,Gudong and John saw a tail which looked like horse tail,Gudong rushed out,Henry and John followed.

Henry saw his horse eating the bracelet in first glance but soon Henry realized that it actually did not eat it but somehow stored it in inside it's body.Henry was about catch the neck of the horse


A loud whistle sound was heard

" Neigh "

The horse roared and ran towards the direction of the whistle


Henry went after it

"Hurry up catch that brat and the horse,his horse stole our gold and ran away "

Angered Gudong was no longer polite and spat the words towards Kuyun &co,

The three people immediately stopped drinking and began to chase Henry and the horse

Henry who was nearer to the horse, saw a silhouette wearing black robe and white mask appeared then he saw the horse stopped,The robed person spoke something and sat top of horse and began to run.

Henry's wisdom kicked in

Henry solved the case while him and mink mink transportation as just victims of a culprit who is real owner of the horse.

"The mink mink transportation people were too foolish,they thought that horse had a bad habit of eating jewelry and any valuable item"

Henry thought.Moreover Henry fell that he lost again,he lost again in brain games plotted by someone,Henry doesn't want to be defeated again in terms of wisdom so even though he couldn't catch up to the guy or horse he memorized each and every aspect of the situation

Meanwhile the four people caught up and continued to chase after the horse

Which caused the present situation.


"Brother,his horse stole the gold even though he might be a victim but still it all happened because if him so he is thief let's this brat back with us to the family manor"

Gudong spoke.

"Ha..ha...a victim I don't believe it,he must be collaborating with the thief,we should properly interrogate him"

Kuyun said with vicious smile

"Anyway just let us capture him first"

Peterson said.

The 3 people began to emit first level of initial stage Beginner realm aura...

Under the suppression of powerful aura Henry didn't struggle because he knew he couldn't,he let himself being captured then 5 people while Kuyun carried Henry returned to the pace where palanquin was placed and they noticed the word "ZEE" carved on to the curtains of palanquin.

"You..you...Release Big Brother"

John Rafi shouted while seeing Henry being captured and his hands and legs were tied.

"Little young master,you are too young,You can't understand the crime he committed"

Kuyun spoke.

"I know,Big brother is innocent and did not commit any crime,you don't need to tell me"

Hearing these words Kuyun angrily glared at John

John was frightened


Henry who was silent till now shouted.

"You brat ,What do you want?"

Kuyun said..

"I can not only get your gold back but can also help you to earn more gold with my plan"

Henry words were loud.

"Brat,Don't dare to deceive me"

Kuyun eyes were red when he spoke.

"First listen to my plan "

Saying it Henry revealed his idea in front of the people

Hearing Henry,Kuyun eyes lit up and others also astonished.





The night was calm along chilly winds circulation under the dim moonlight Mount Putai was still emitting the heat,In an area where every object is pink colored wood was set into fire inside the pink colored tents.The surroundings were too calm and near the pink tents amidst of wild plants

"Brother Kuyun,Can I trust that guy?"

Peterson asked with a look of expectation

"Even if we don't trust,he would be acting as decoy so there is no harm"

Kuyun said while smiling.

"Brother Kuyun is as wise as ever

But This attire really irritates me "

Gudong said with gloomy look.

"For now cope with it,let's see we will divide the loot equally"

Kuyun spoke while looking at the tents

"The brat is going to make a move,hurry up and be prepared"

Peterson spoke in a manner which is can only be heard by people adjacent to him.


In the tent which looked a little different from the rest,most of the female bandits gathered and they began worshipping a mini rectangular sealed pink box while outside the tent two guards stood on either side of the tent

A shadow passed from in front of them

"Sis,Did you see something?"

One of them asked the other

The other nodded

"Ush ush ush...."

Again shadow passed from in front of them

"Who's there?"

One of them asked but there wasn't a reply

Then a mist appeared out of now where,the sudden appearance of the mist startled them,They had been staying here for more than 3 days but this is the first time they did see mist,Even though they were startled they were the bandits who faced many life and death challenges before so they still stood there firmly


"Kre kre"



Insects &snakes moving towards them,Seeing it they felt surprised but still didn't move a way from there



They began to kill the insects and snakes

"Sis,this not illusion"

One of them said.

"Yes,it is not "

At this moment they felt foreign hands on their shoulders

"How are you Ladies?"

The voice followed

Those two turned around and at first glance they saw a dead human body which looked like zombie placed his arms on their shoulders


They cried out in panic then they closed their eyes and but when they reopened eyes the dead human disappeared. Fear began to linger in their heart.

Henry successfully entered the tent after deceiving those two female guards,Henry saw the pack of females worshipping a rectangular box while their eyes being closed.

"So this is the rumored great treasure left behind by that Pink QueenHaa..Haa great chance"

Henry thought..

Henry slowly walked towards the box but when he neared it his footsteps halted as Henry saw invisible elemental energy protecting the box.Once a martial artist reaches the beginner class,they can make their elemental energy invisible but this energy barrier can be breakable as long as it did not have it's owner to supply with the help of an external object if the object is powerful than the owner of the energy since this ownerless energy barrier can also be considered as an object.

Henry took out his knife and infused his fire and wind elemental energies into it,The knife glowed with flames and emitted wind pressure,The knife collided with invisible energy


With a sound the whole tent shook Henry even under the dreadful pressure able to grab the box

"Success" Henry Sighed but the moment wasn't good to celebrate as he saw countless eyes watching.Henry ran without wasting time,the female bandits finally got out from shock and shouted

"Thief,thief it's a thief,He stole the sacred box"

"Catch him"

With roars the pack of females began to chase after him even those who were in other tents came out and chased after Henry.

Henry ran through the path he did plan,He knew sooner or later he would be captured so he was prepared When Henry reached a slope area he stopped. The chasing females saw the black robed person thief standing there without running, This was naked provocations to their dignity and strength

"You damn thief,let me cut you into pieces"

"How brave of you to steal something from Pink parlor bandits?"

"You must be tired of living"



Hearing shouts of them,Henry only smiled.

When the females almost approached Henry

"Rumble Rumble....."

The giant boulders of the mountain began to fell towards them

"This is bad"

One of the bandit cried out and stepped back while many got hit by the boulders,most of them got injured while there were about 5 deaths.

After the boulders fall subsided they searched around for 2 hours but couldn't find a single trace of Henry as if Henry vanished...

They finally gave up and retreated to their temporary base when they about to reach their base

A female figure who wore pink dress similar to them rushed towards them on horse

"Reporting to Knight Charline, The situation is worse all our gold and supplies were stolen"


A pink dressed figure with veil walked towards her and sat on the horse and rushed back towards the tents,The others followed.

When they returned they saw their tents were empty,ornaments,Jewels,gold coins,weapons and food supplies all were gone.

Then they saw a pink dressed silhouette with veil was sitting in front of a white colored big flag while

touching her hands on forehead.

There were words "ZEE" written on the flag in black color.