
"Great,This is good harvest"

"Hahaha...we no longer are poor"

In a cave around fired wood 4 people were chatting.

"Yes brother Peterson,I never expected that brat to sacrifice himself for us"

"Hmm..He might have been captured by the bandits"

Peterson said.

"Anyway let's not think about and enjoy the drink"

Kuyun lifted a wooden glass up and drank a full glass of wine in a single gulp.

"You guys really think that they can capture me ?"

Along the voice,A handsome silhouette with small beard on chin and black eye brows as sharp as blades of knife appeared. His facial color is little darker than his body's color,he wore a black robe and emitted scholarly aura.

" escaped from them"

Gudong asked with an expression of shock

"Thanks for the nearby villagers helping me out to carry the plan so I could escape safely"

Henry said as if he knew that they would help him

"Aren't those villagers refused first?,How come they helped you?"

Kuyun's voice sounded

"I don't know either but must have related to little John and his teacher"

Henry replied,here little john was referred to John Rafi,the yougmaster of John family of slaved sword city of whom these 4 people serve and the second person was naturally his teacher,John actually come to Mount Putai to meet his teacher.

Kuyun and others looking at Henry with weird eyes

"Hey...hey don't look at me like that,As promised I won't have any share and also I still have to fulfil the promise by returning the original gold which robbed by the ZEE "

"Do you really believe that he would come?"

Peterson asked on a surprised tone.

"Yes,he will but his appearance will depend on the move which will be made by pink parlor bandits, So let's just wait for the next plan"...

Henry replied while smiling

Far away from the cave,nearby Pink tents around a flag the female bandits stood.

" Knight Charline, I did not expect that ZEE to have enough guts to rob us"

one of the bandit spoke.

"What do you mean?you know him"

"Knight Charline, it is not at all a secret some days ago a rumored thief ZEE appeared in various villages near Mount Putai and robbed thei richest persons"

One of the bandit said.

"Yes,It is true Knight Charline "

All female bandits said at a time.

"Knight Charline,Should we inform about the incident to the Queen?"

One of them asked.

"No need to disturb the queen,we the great bandits can handle such a trivial thief by ourselves we don't need to trouble the Queen"

Charline's voice dominated.


Others replied in slow pitch.

"Now,first I order recruitment of detectives and those who can help us to capture ZEE will get 5000 gold coins as a reward,Advertise it nearby villages"



The Next day

In an hotel of wind dead village of Mount Putai

"Have you heard about ZEE?"

"How couldn't I ?He was after all the rumored thief"

"Do you know what happened yesterday?"

"Is the matter special?"

"Of course it is,ZEE not only robbed the sacred treasure of Pink parlor bandits but also robbed them out of gold and food supplies"

"What the heck?"

"Shocked right? And most important thing is he was able escape from under noses of them including Knight Charline of pink parlor bandits"

"Wow Awesome,I should idolize him to become a perfect thief"

Two people chatted..




Nearby table's chair was kicked down by a silhouette who wore black robe and mask.

All the customers glared at him at that instant

"Who is this guy?"

"He dared to spoil the mood"

The customers thought

The silhouette stood up

"Excuse me customer,What are you doing?"

A waiter rushed nearby him.

"Sorry, sorry it wasn't intentional anyway do you know anything about pink parlor bandits?They aren't going sit idly after their pride was trampled by ZEE,Aren't they?"

The black robed youth grabbed waiter's collar and asked while his eyes facing waiter

The waiter trembled by seeing the eyes of black robed youth and said in trembling voice

"They are recruiting detectives to find clues and catch ZEE with a reward of 5000 gold coins"

"Oh I see "

He released the collar of the waiter and left the hotel..

Waiter sighed.

"Who was that crazy guy?"


The customers returned to their previous selves.

In the cave

"Nice move made by them"

Henry said as he listened to the Gudong

Now what's your plan?Peterson asked

Henry :- "We will join them as detectives"

Kuyun:- "What about the qualification? do you got certificate?"

Henry:-"No,I didn't but leave the rest to me and prepare for the journey back to their temporary base"



On the Mount Putai,nearby pink tents several people have gathered some them came here to be detective,some came here to try their luck while others came here as spectators,The crowd was increasing as time passed.At noon the atmosphere of the Mount Putai was as hot as Oven.

"Did you see that white flag on which ZEE words carved with blank ink?"

A boy around 7 asked other boy around 6


"How awesome may be that ZEE to rob a whole bandit group?"

other boy replied.

"Little fellows he wasn't awesome but the bandits were too brainless"

A loud voice carried by a silhouette who wore blue garments said

His voice naturally heard by the bandits nearby

"How dare you?"a female bandit infused blue colored elemental energy in the stone and threw it at blue garmented youth.

The stone was fast but before it reached the youth it was destroyed by invisible energy.

" who are you ?" The female realized that she hit a mountain this time and asked while her nervousness and fear can be seen.

"I am detective Canon"

The blue garmented youth replied.

"Detective Canon?who the hell is he?never heard of him" The crowd chatted

"Haahhaa...Ofcourse you bumpkins never heard of the name of our young master who is famous in entire Flow Front Nation"

One of the muscled man who wore a red colored robe near to the youth spoke.

"Damn who cares of his identity? If he is a great figure he should have already found the clues shouldn't he?"

An old man from the crowd shouted


Several voices followed.

The blue garmented youth was silent pretending to not to hear the voices of crowd.

He moved forward but immediately stopped by two bandits

"Mr,Show us the proof of being detective"

They said.

The youth did not answer.

"Some useless thrash dared to question the identity of the young master ? He is not like the garbage detectives who were behind you,you understand don't you?"

Another muscled man beside him said while emitting terrifying pressure of beginner class martial artist

Most of the bandits are Noob class martial artists,so they couldn't withstand the pressure

The two bandits opened their mouths

"Pardon us,we understand and We..we don't dare to question his identity"

and moved out of the way.

" expected of this unknown detective, he does not even got qualifications but wanted to solve the case of ZEE"

The old man laughed out.

The self proclaimed detective Canon didn't mind instead he moved towards the flag,standing near the flag he closed his eyes for a while then he moved towards a tent.This was the same tent where the sacred treasure was placed then detective Canon came back from the tent after a while and said

"The thief wasn't alone,The helper may be a human or animal"

"Fuck...what about it?all of us already guessed it,even a 5 year old can say it"

One of the detective mocked.

"The foot prints are still fresh,so I guess it had not been too long since the incident took place and I can also say that the thief was chased by all the bandits and somehow was able to escape"

Detective Canon voice was loud

"Haaa haa haa...."

"Haaa haa haa..."

The crowd went into laughter,

"Great Detective??my ass he is clearly fake"

The old man's words sounded again.

Even the four muscled men beside the detective were sweating on their forehead but the one who is the reason for all was as calm as steady water in the ocean.

"You two go and bring the bandits who were guarding this tent back then"

Detective canon ordered.

"No need to call us" followed by the voice

two bandits appeared since the time the pink parlor bandits hired detectives to search for the ZEE,they had never able to even eat properly whenever a new detective appears,he calls them and questions them.So naturally they found a way to know themselves whenever a new detective appears and attend him before he calls for them.

"I am going right to the point,Did you see any mist back then?"

Hearing the question the bandits in front of them were shocked as every time they were the one who told the detectives that they saw a mist first but was not vice versa.

Not only them but also the crowd who were laughing fell silent

" what?,everyone here already knows that it they saw mist,the old man spoke again"

As expected detective Canon did not pay attention to the old man and continued

"Then,I guess you might have also observed insects moving in a single direction may be towards you"

The two bandits nodded.

Then detective Canon stood up,went near to a tree

"Dholu,Bolu,Cholu,Molu did this ground"

Detective Canon ordered.

"Yes young master "

The four people began to dig

"Hahaa...that stupid digging there..."

The old man mocked but he realized that none supported him and were silent then old man took a glance at the area where the four people were digging, the old man was also felt silence

as he saw

A cylindrical object of half size of humanwhich has many holes filled with some type of liquid being pulled up.

"Bring some water "

Detective Canon said.

The bandits brought a glass of water.

Canon held the object and poured water into it


With slow sound from the side holes of the object the must began to form.

The crowd were astonished, The bandits were shocked and the next moment their eyes were glittering and specially the old man who always mocked detective Canon had bad expression.

"That thief used the glycerine concept to make mist and using mist he used incense which can only be smelt by insects to attract them towards you"

As Detective Cannon said the words,he waved his hand following a transparent liquid from a small bottle fell on the clothes of the two bandits then some parts of their clothes turned to blue in color while some part even there the liquid fell remained unchanged.

"The blue color is where the incense"

Canon said.

At the moment

"Sure,Mr Canon is great detective,I would like to beg you to help us capture ZEE"

A femine voice sounded.

"Of course,I am here to solve it but I don't need your rewards"

Canon replied.

"I know,Our rewards are too poor to held the interest of Mr.Canon "

As the voice neared a silhouette can be seen.

"Greetings Knight"

"Greetings Knight"



All the pink parlor bandits lowered their heads.

"Yes,you are right I rather interested in this fellow ZEE so I will solve for my pleasure, it had been quite a while since I saw cases as complicated as this one"

Detective Canon's eyes shined with brilliance and interest

"Mr Canon let me escort you to the guest tent specially prepared for you"

Knight Charline said with a smile

Hearing it,the nearby detectives who were working here from the morning was jealous, The bandits treated them just as tools none of them were even polite to them but for this detective who doesn't even got qualification they turned from rude to being polite to the extent of offering him a tent.

Canon nodded and followed Knight Charline along his four body guards,their foot steps stopped in front of a tent which wasn't any special but little spacious when compared to others

"Mr Canon,this is the tent we can offer I hope it is not too disappointing"

Knight Charline said.

"Nah,more than enough"

Canon said.

" This tent is very bad to think that our young master will be living here,You bandits should be grateful"

One of the four muscled man said with disdain.

"Mr.Canon then I would take my leave"

But Knight Canon did not bother with her face filled with smile she took her leave

Knight Charline when walked some distant away and reached her tent.

"Knight Charline,you were too courageous to him.."

A man spoke while he stood nearby her

"Ofcourse I am,How should I let escape my prey? moreover I want him to complete his goal before I slice him to half"

The man turned around and left and Knight Charline returned to her tent


In the tent where Canon stayed

"Brat,we have successfully entered into tiger's den,what's up next?"

Kuyun asked.

"Let's wait until he appears?"

Henry who wore blue garments replied.

"Are you sure he will appear?"

Peterson asked.

"Of course I am"

Henry said while his eyes showed his desire to defeat ZEE in both physical way and wisdom.