Henry vs ZEE(2)

***Few of you might have already the chapter before,This one is little edited and some new content is added after the old content,The last chapter was very disappointed one so I corrected it,Hope this edited chapter won't disappoint you***

Henry diverted his attention from the matter regarding ZEE for now and began to focus on his cultivation,Henry is currently at second level of Initial stage Noob class,he wanted to reach the 3rd level of initial stage Noob class as soon as possible.The whole day Henry spent his time in cultivation,The next day Henry continued to cultivate until the afternoon before hunger pangs hit him.

Henry opened his closed eyes and saw that there was only him in the tent.Henry who was cross sitting stood up and walked out.

"Oh..Isn't he the renowned detective,who found a clue of the case in no time"

"Yeah,he is the imposter,After hitting the luck,he went into the tent and slept like a boar till now"

A man who wore red shirt with blue pant spoke.

Henry was calm as usual and did not mind his words.

Seeing him being ignored the man felt that he was being looked down a lot,even worse than ant.

He moved towards Henry

"You kid,you have got great balls to ignore this great detective Crooked Nut."

And spoke with in manner which showed his pride being detective.

"Crooked Nut?"

"Crooked Nut,Don't tell me he is that Crooked Nut?One of the division leader of 10,000 detectives division"

One of the detective spoke loud with shocking manner

"10,000 detectives division"

"10,000 detectives division"

"Am I dreaming?"

"I couldn't believe my eyes that I am seeing a division leader of 10,000 detectives division's leader"

The crowd shouted to the extent of stooping their

"What the heck is 10,000 detectives division?I don't care"

The silent Henry shouted out loud.

"You,you...Are you really a detective?"

"Looks like Crooked Nut is right,you are just an imposter"


At the moment a horse carrying a silhouette barged in to the territory of pink parlor bandits

"Who are you?"

The guard bandits shouted

"I am a detective,I have come here to help you to catch ZEE"

The silhouette on the horse who wore a mask and red robe said.

The detectives attention immediately shifted to the new guy from Henry even Crooked Nut's attention was shifted towards this new detective.

"How rude of you?,Barging into Pink parlor bandits territory and not giving us face"

Knight Charline's voice was not small depicting her rage.


"So, are you their new leader?"

The man asked.

"Fool,You doesn't even know Knight Charline"

The bandit who stood beside Knight Charline spoke.

In reply the man took out a whip from the bag which was tied to horse with


Sound it landed on the bandit's left side of left hand


The bandit cried out,Charline was not able to react as this scene occurred in less than a breath of time.

The crowd's pupil bulged out and thought

"Who is this guy?not only he did barge in to pink parlor bandit's temporary territory but also hit one of their member with a whip in presence of Knight Charline, Is he clearly challenging them"

"How dare of you?"

Knight Charline's face turned red with anger and was about launch an attack

"Yo you guys wanted to know my identity right?I am ZEE"

The man spoke.



"Isn't the famous thief whom we are searching for is ZEE right"

The crowd first confused then shocked and then thought "no wonder he dared to barge in the territory and hit the bandit in their territory"

Even Knight Charline who was boiling with rage shocked for a moment,Henry's thoughts were also similar

The surroundings fell silent like a vaccum,

"Stop lying"


With loud voice along horse's cry another silhouette who wore a blue robe along a horse barged in

The silent environment was broken

The crowd thought "who is this guy now?"

They looked at the newcomer with a look of anticipation,

While being looked from all directions "He is not ZEE but I am"

"Another ZEE?"

"The fuck,who is the real one?"

The crowd chatted

Before Knight Charline speak a word




Three more horses barged in

Similar to two previous uninvited guests,three men who wore robe appeared infront of the bandits and detectives

"Don't believe them,I am the real ZEE"

"No,I am"

"Don't believe him,he is the fake"




"Fuck what's happening"

"Who is the real one?"

The bandits and the detectives began to chat loudly

The atmosphere soon filled with countless voices which are making Henry to have a headache

Knight Charline's situation was also same

"Shut up"

As Knight Charline couldn't take it any longer she shouted out loudly while emitting beginner class martial artist pressure.

Under the pressure of beginner Class martial artists the atmosphere turned calm again

"I don't care who is real ZEE among you or Is there really ZEE among you but you all barged into the pink parlor territory without permission and also caused the current scenario and specially you "

She pointed her finger at the man who was holding the whip

and continued

"You did not even give face to me forget about us in front of my presence you hit my subordinate"

The man was sweating from his forehead his expression showed as if he inwardly cursing someone but he didn't rebel with words this time as fear can be seen in his eyes.

"Arrest them"

The bandits moved and was able capture all the ZEE's with ease by the help of Charline and they were escorted to nearby tents

After finishing the work,Charline moved towards Henry and said

"Mr.Canon sorry for the trouble "

"It's OK"

As Henry replied his words cut by

"Haa..Haa..Miss Charline Why are you apologizing to an imposter"

"Mr.Crooked Nut,Mr.Canon is our esteemed guest just like you so please don't try to drag me between your conflicts"

Charline's reply was straight forward.

"Nah..Nah..Miss Charline,How can I do that ?Anyway I will take my leave now and will see you at yearly banquet"

Crooked But didn't stay longer and left.

After Crooked Nut left,Charline turned around and said "Mr Canon,you should be vary of him.He himself might be weak but behind him is a big organization that you can't imagine"She warned Henry.

" Miss Charline,don't worry I won't make any trouble anyway I am hungry"


Henry said while his stomach made sound.

"Mr Canon please follow me"

Henry followed her into a tent

The tent was bigger than remaining tents and the most important factor isn't the tent but the cloth while remaining tents were made up of normal clothes while this one made of a special cloth whose natural color itself seemed to pink and it was too smooth and silky.

Henry then saw small legged table which only a two inches above the ground on the table under order of Charline few bandits came and placed some dishes filled with food.

Henry saw these dishes his eyes were glittering he immediately sat in front of the table and took a roti which is round in shape from a dish tore some part of it ,while coupling it with fried chicken from another dish he began to eat....

"Miss Charline What's the yearly banquet that Crooked But spoke about?"

Henry asked while eating

"Every year all great bandit groups of the desert gather together along some influential powers at the territory of Dark Moon's Territory for the banquet hosted by them,looks like Mr.Canon interested in it"

She said while standing near to Henry

"Yes I am interested, Any way Miss Charline do you know who is the leader of 10,000 detectives division"

Henry's second question followed as he didn't want yo ask her directly about the what's is 10000 detectives division "

Hearing the question Charline replied"Are you joking,right?how can insignificant me knows who is the leader of 10,000 detectives division whose influence is not only limited to Flow Front Nation,Anyway I can take you to the yearly banquet as my guest which will be held in the after 5 days"

"Thanks miss Charline"

Meanwhile Henry completed his meal and stood up and said

"I will take my leave and also I want question those ZEEs at today night"

"Mr.Canon I believe in your intelligence,you will surely able to capture the real ZEE,leave that matter of arranging meeting with them to me"

Henry bid his farewell and returned back to his tent.

"You sure treated him with good meal"

A black clothed man appeared behind Charline from shadow

"After all it is a ritual to feed the pray before slaughtering it "

Charline said.

"Good and don't forget your promise"

The man spoke.

"Don't worry,This Knight never had been went back on her word".




Henry who returned to his tent naturally did not know anything about the conversation between Charline and the unknown man.He returned to his mode of cultivation and circulate the QI into core according to {-⏩⏩The Raging Bull Core Directory ⏪⏪-} .Time passed Henry nearly lost himself in his cultivation at some point he nearly felt that he is almost near to the third level of initial stage Noob realm but whenever he tried to breakthrough he felt he was still farway.Henry opened his eyes

" it's already night?"

Henry shocked as he felt it had only been 10 minutes since he last took the meal.

"Cultivation is really like mathematics where the time will fly if you get struck at a problem"

Henry thought.

"Mr.Canon we have arranged you to meet the ZEEs according to Knight's order"

A series of femine voices sounded from outside of the tent

"OK I am coming" while saying Henry walked out and saw few bandits who wore pink dresses, Henry followed them to a tent.

Thus tent wasn't big nor too small but very bad in condition when compared to other tents,In front of him Henry saw the 5 ZEEs lying down on the ground while their bodies were beaten to pulp,their faces can't be seen clearly as they looked like red inflated fruits.

Near to them Kuyun &co stood.

Henry moved towards a person who looked little more stronger than rest,his body was emitting the aura of proudness,This guy is none other than the first ZEE.

"Tell me who sent you to pretend as ZEE?"

Henry questioned him.

"Haaa..haaaa a brat like you want me to open my mouth,dream on"

The man replied with a laughter.

Henry didn't reply instead looked at Kuyun,Kuyun moved forward and exerted his beginner class martial artist pressure.

"Stop...stop....I will tell you everything"

The man cried out...

But Kuyun instead increased the amount of pressure on him

The man vomited a mouthful of blood.

"I was given a 5k gold coins by a person,He is the one who told me to pretend as ZEE and insult pink parlor bandits,He promised me to take care of the later situation but he ..."

Saying up to this point


The man coughed out another mouthful of blood.

Henry waved his hand indicating Kuyun to withdraw his pressure.

Kuyun did withdraw it then one by one Henry questioned other fake ZEEs in similar manner.

All of their statements were almost matched.

"Brat,did you figure out anything ?"

Kuyun asked with anticipation

"Nothing much"

Henry's reply left him in disappointment.

Henry then walked back to his tent and began to ponder about the actual plan of ZEE.

"Let's not think too much about it for now and continue to focus in my cultivation"

Henry went back to his cultivation mode again using {-⏩⏩The Raging Bull Core Directory⏪⏪-}

After some unknown amount of Henry felt being to close to break through again this time Henry's focus was completely at a singular point which can be seen only by him,his conscious in the pitch black reached the singular point which emitted crimson red color,As Henry's Conscious neared the point,it became bigger and bigger.Soon Henry's conscious entered the point.

"Third level of initial stage Noob Class"

Henry opened his eyes while his body was emitting red flames along air currents.

"Congratz Mr.Canon for a successful break through"

Following the femine voice,Knight Charline walked in

"Miss Charline,May I know the reason for you to personally visit me?"

Henry asked.

"It's a problem, ZEE showed up in nearby area along the sacred Treasure box "

Charline said in a hurried manner.


Henry questioned to himself then he stood up and walked out

As Henry saw no living soul,he asked "where is everyone?"

"They went to search for the ZEE all over the mountain"

Charline replied in a normal manner

"I don't want to sit idly either"

After saying this

Henry began to walk further and further away from the pink tents and was followed by Charline,After travelling for a while they stopped. Henry saw a rectangular box which was similar to the real sacred treasure box in his pocket lying on a plant similar to cactus

"How is this possible? When did ZEE see the box to replicate it?

Henry's thoughts were wild.

Seeing the sacred treasure in front of her Charline directly moved towards the plant,unknowingly she stumped into something.

" tak" a sound of breaking something was heard

" Watch out"

Henry shouted then immediately moved towards her and pushed her,A long blade in semicircular shape almost grazed Henry

"That was close"

Henry thought but before he realaxed he saw rain of sharp edged arrows falling towards them.

The arrows first seemed to be normal but almost when they neared Henry felt invisible elemental energy pressure from them.

Charline who was dropped to the ground after being pushed recovered her nerves and formed a barrier made of sand across herself and Henry.

The arrows passed through the sand barrier but their elemental energy is almost depleted when they reached Henry ,So Henry was able to take care of them.

"There are many traps,don't rush in"

Henry said to Charline.

"Mr.Canon thanks for your life saving grace,I might have died if you haven't pushed me"

Charline showed her gratefulness


A shadow passed from in front of them and took the sacred treasure

"Haa...haa..this sacred treasure is mine now"

While holding the box he laughed.

"Hand over it to me"

The voice of Charline was loud

"I won't,The man turned around"

Charline wanted to take a step further but stopped by Henry.

The man opened the box







Sorry to disappoint you,contradictory to your expectations there was not the explosion that you expected but an explosion of loud sound along black smoke.

It was very tough to breath in the smoke,Henry put his hands on his nose and resisted the unknown effect caused by the smoke,his vision turned blur.Even though surroundings were not visible clearly Henry did not panic at all,He stood at the same place like an inbuilt statue.

Slowly but not slowly the surroundings began to return normal

"So,you are the one who challenged me?"

A domineering voice which has little traces of youthfulness was heard from the smoke

"ZEE,ZEE nice to meet you,Alas during our first meeting I can't see you but remember that I will the one who will capture you"

Henry shouted out loud while releasing his breath

Henry tried his best to search go ZEE in the smoke but it looked as if ZEE was not present in the smoke but rather somewhere.

"Haahhaaa capture me,Try it if you can,

I bet that you will never know me even if you live 100 more lives"

At the moment the smoke started to dissipate

"Well,time to go,see ya later"

The voice subsided,the vision began to come back to life


The sound was fast and very slow and can only be heard by Henry,with the sound Henry felt something on his chest,Henry moved his hand and it landed on something

"What's this smooth thing?"

Henry inwardly questioned to himself but as soon the question arose in his mind his eye sight cleared and he got the answer but he did not feel happy about it because the smooth thing he touched just now were a part of the silhouette who is currently unconscious as if she was drunken while lying her head on the chest of the Henry.

The most important thing is not that she was in drunken stage but there were no clothes on her body which were rather torn and can be seen on the ground.

"Awww,You animal, what did you do to miss?"

While shouting out loudly

A pink parlor bandit appeared

"Sister what happened?"

Another bandit appeared gaze of her sister she also looked at Henry

"Oh my God!

You beast you..How dare you?"


She shouted out loudly

"What happened ?what happened?"

With series of footsteps more than 20 bandits came similarly they also shouted and gathered more and more pink parlor bandits

Among them an old women came forward

"You brat,You should be boiled in oil for doing for doing such a hilarious crime"

Henry wanted to open his mouth and prove his innocence but there was not any evidence that he was innocent.

"No,boiling him in oil will be too small of punishment it might be better first we cut his limbs then make curry of his limbs in front of him then feed them to our pets"

Another women said.

Henry who naturally heard all this felt chill run through his heart meanwhile he looked at the silhouette who was now unconsciously sleeping among the bandits and no longer was naked.

"Brat,I thought that you would come here to find ZEE but never expected you to cause such trouble"

A man dashed out from the bandits and stood in front of Henry.

The originally silent character Henry no longer wanted to take the blame and opened his mouth

"Believe me,nothing is happened between us,I am being framed here"

"brat do you think you can deceive the eyes of this old one?,I have seen countless men every single of them was lecherous,that's type of species you men are"

The old women's voice filled with anger and hatred.

"You damn men all are same"

"Stop lying"

"You caught red-handed sand now you say you did not do anything? Only fools will believe you"

The female voices were not sweet as they were normally.

"Shut up,I am innocent" Henry shouted out.

"If you are really innocent then prove it"

A detective said.

"Yeah,prove it"

"We want proof"

The crowd shouted.

Henry thought for some time then said

"Wait,I got the proof"

Henry looked around and saw a man sleeping nearby crowd Henry moved towards him


Henry slapped him

"Fuck,Who the hell dares to disturb me?"

The man woke up while uttering loud


"Oh,You finally woke tell them everything a an hour ago what did you see here"

Henry said.

The man turned and saw many detectives and bandits looking at him with an anticipation of his answer

"An hour ago,In search of ZEE me and my fellow friends divided,with the chosen by me I came here and saw that young master Canon and Miss Charline looking at small box,I thought that the box was sacred treasure of Pink parlor bandits so my selfish desire rushed and I thought to grab it but the moment I saw young master canon convincing Miss Charline to drink a red liquid then the next thing I saw that young master tearing the clothes of Miss Charline bit by bit,I rushed to save miss Charline but was knocked out by young master"

Hearing it Henry's eyes turned red "You...you

Stop lying"Henry moved at the man

" Save me sisters"

The man rushed into the crowd

"Shameless "

"First you rape our Knight and lie to cover it"

"Beat him"

"Beat him to death"

Henry was powerless as he saw the crowd moving at him in group

Henry looks at Kuyun but he also turned his gaze down as it met with Henry. stood some distant away


Henry shouted while clenching his fist

The crowd almost reached Henry


The sound was loud , a silhouette appeared from now where

When the silhouette appeared the violent bandits movements stopped and they were all tensed

Henry saw only back of this figure which gave him very familiar but he couldn't recall it as his concentration was completely lost in his his thoughts of ZEE.