
What happened to all?why did you stop?

The confused detectives questioned the bandits and it was clear to them they did stop just of the person who stood facing them.

Her fair fat belly was exposed from the gap of pink short dress she wore which looked like fat

"Your Majesty"

"Your Majesty"

All the bandits lowered their head while kneeling on one leg.

Henry came back to his senses and and saw the silhouette again,The shiloutte's figure gave a familiar feeling but also looked different.

Seeing the bandits call her out with "Your Majesty" Henry's Wisdom told him that this new fat women none other than the rumored new beautiful leader of pink parlor bandits.Henry couldn't be able to see her face as he was behind her.

"So she is the new Queen of Parlor Parlor Bandits"

"No,wonder all of them stopped as they heard the voice of her"

"Your Majesty,That guy behind you committed an unforgivable crime.Your Majesty must bring justice to the Mam Charline"

The old women bandit lifted her head up and said while her eyes were looking at Henry.

"There is not need to punish him for now"

Her voice was neither loud nor small

"But your majesty"

The old woman wanted to say something

But seeing the serious look of the leader of Pink parlor bandits,she abolished the idea of retaliation and lowered her head.

"you pink parlor bandits looked like to be only bandits in name ,Actually you are cowards who can't even raise their voice against the crime"

Following the voice,Crooked But appeared along a big group of detectives.

Crooked But had a crush on Knight Charline, So whenever he got chance he utilized it to get closer and closer now he saw his own dream lover was used by someone,his anger reached the apex moreover that person is none other than Henry whom he most detested.He went out of control and immediately demanded some people from his 10,000 detectives division.

Henry noticed that all these detectives are at Initial and Middle stages of Noob Class none of them are of Beginner Class.TWhat happened to all?why did you stop?

The confused detectives questioned the bandits and it was clear to them they did stop just of the person who stood facing them.

Her fair fat belly was exposed from the gap of pink short dress she wore which looked like fat

"Your Majesty"

"Your Majesty"

All the bandits lowered their head while kneeling on one leg.

Henry came back to his senses and saw the silhouette again,The silhouette's figure gave a familiar feeling but also looked different.

Seeing the bandits call her out with "Your Majesty" Henry's Wisdom told him that this new fat women none other than the rumored new beautiful leader of pink parlor bandits.Henry couldn't be able to see her face as he was behind her.

"So she is the new Queen of Parlor Parlor Bandits"

"No,wonder all of them stopped as they heard the voice of her"

"Your Majesty,That guy behind you committed an unforgivable crime.Your Majesty must bring justice to the Mam Charline"

The old women bandit lifted her head up and said while her eyes were looking at Henry.

"There is not need to punish him for now"

Her voice was neither loud nor small

"But your majesty"

The old woman wanted to say something

But seeing the serious look of the leader of Pink parlor bandits,she abolished the idea of retaliation and lowered her head.

"you pink parlor bandits looked like to be only bandits in name ,Actually you are cowards who can't even raise their voice against the crime"

Following the voice,Crooked But appeared along a big group of detectives.

The group neared Henry,When they almost reached near to the leader of pink parlor bandits leader


"Save me"

Those who were near to the fat leader of Pink parlor bandits bled all over the body with wild shouts as they couldn't withstand the Beginner class pressure emitted by her.

"As rumored you are indeed the new leader of pink parlor bandits and may I know why are you protecting the criminal?"

Crooked Nut's voice was loud.

"It's none of your business"

The rejection to answer his questioned was very straight forward.

"Then you can die along with him,Boys"

Crooked Nut called out.

From the midst of the crowd 5 people began to emit Beginner Class pressure

The people surrounding to them moved some distant away making the 5 people clearly visible.

"Crooked Nut"

The bandits shouted in anger.

"Haa haaa look how pathetic you are,You guys standing up for someone who supports the criminal"

After a moment of silence

"Today he did this to Miss Charline, Tomorrow this might happen to you too,don't you think so?"

The atmosphere became utter calm.

"Now even if you don't want justice for Miss Charline at least don't try to stop us"



The voices of detectives were loud.

The 5 people dashed towards the leader of Pink Parlor Bandits.

They surrounded her while each of them took out their weapons 3 had swords,others had spear and Lance,These weapons in their hands began to emit different colors and pressures.

The swords emitted red colored light along heat while the lance and spear emitted blue color and air currents respectively,The weapons moved at her simultaneously.


As they were about to land on her figure,a hammer blocked them.

The hammer looked completely at different quality than the weapons in the 5 members hands.when the hammer appeared Henry naturally recognized it.


Henry's sound was low but was still heard by the fatty who wore female dress and has long hair.

"Yes,Brother it's me"

Fatty replied while facing the five guys.

"How did you become leader of them?and what about your outfit?"

Henry questioned

At the same time

"Crooked Nut,It is the personal matter of us,outsidersn like you do not into interfere"

The old woman said.

"Old hag Feru,I am not at all interfering,just could not be able to sit idly like you who couldn't even bring justice to your comrades".

" All fellow brothers present here listen to me,let's kill that Canon and raise the flags of Justice"

"Yeah,Kill him"

"Kill him"

The people roared and walked towards Henry.

"Brother,I will answer them later,first you need to run I couldn't handle them while handling these 5"

Fatty warned Henry with glint of worry.





With series of sounds Fatty pushed the 5 men back for a while and waved his hammer towards the incoming crowd,The pressure from hammer halted their moments.

Seeing the opening created by fatty Henry did not hesitate and began to run

"Look he is running"

"Let's go after him"

Those who were not affected by fatty's pressure started to chase after Henry

The 5 men got their grip back and restarted their assault on fatty.

The other detectives also recovered and followed the foot steps of those who were chasing Henry,some bandits also collided with them and went to chase after Henry.

On the dried land of the hill,A figure was running and behind him about 150 people were trying to catch him all of them had weapons in their hands as they ran and ran soon the dried terrain turned to sand but still present on the hill.

Henry entered the land of sand without hesitation but when the chasers saw the sand.

"Stop"The front portion of them shouted

"What happened?why did you stop?"

Voices came from the back

"It is Myriad Valley"

"He entered the Myriad Valley"

Hearing the words the crowd began to sweat on their head.

Myriad Valley is one of the forbidden places of the Bloody Hell Desert it is rumored that after entering into it,one would encounter mirages after mirages and these mirages h

Henry who naturally entered the sand area did notice that the people stopped at the border between dried and sand land and thoroughly deduced the reason behind it.

His wisdom kicked in

"Don't you want to cut me into pieces,then why are you standing there like statues?"

Henry yelled out loud.

"Bastard Canon,we won't fall to your provocation"

The detectives uttered while gritting their teeth in anger but none of them dared to enter the so called Myriad Valley even though the distance was less than an inch.

"Ha ha ha ...You can't even take a single step further and dream to butcher me,laughable"

Henry laughed.

"Bastard,wait you wait we will kill you for sure for the sake of justice"

Detectives showed their determination for the justice

"Justice, my ass,do you think you have right to decide who is right or wrong ?"

Henry did not feel bad for rude talk as these guys just wanted to kill him in the name of justice but the actual reason was Jealousy of their inferiority.

"Guys,Don't be afraid,The Myriad Valley won't harm those who are at the sided to righteous path and most importantly it is outer periphery of Myriad Valley which is not dangerous at all,if you don't believe then can you at least believe your own eyes that bastard standing there safely and has not been effected a little,For your assurance I will go first"

After Crooked Nut said the words,he began to walk from the mid of the crowd,The people around him moved aside and made a passage.Crooked Nut walked and followed by him the detectives he brought walked

"Yes,Sir Crooked Nut is right,I am going,Justice surely will protect us"

One of the detectives said

"I am too"

"Me too"

One by one all of them followed.

Henry saw himself being surrounded by about 150 people from all directions, He had no escape route.His face turned pale.

"Haa..haaa haa....bastard your mouth was loud a few moments ago and now what happened ?we are here face us if you can"

One of the detective laughed while taking out Hus weapon

Henry had no way to escape,He observed all of them taking out their weapons

Henry naturally knew that all these people are Initial,Middle and Late stages of Noob Class Martial artists,he himself at 3 rd layer of initial stage of Noob Class Martial artist,Forget about winning,he did not even got a way to survive,but still Henry had to fight,he can never go back on his principle "A man should die while fighting rather than running". Henry took out two weapons from his ring,One was small naturally his knife while other was a sword which was obtained from Bloody Chess.

Seeing Henry taking out weapons

" Bastard do you think that you can get out of here alive?Justice will prevail today your grave will be built here in the Myriad Valley"

A detective said.

"All for Justice"

No one knows who shouted first

"All for Justice"

"All for Justice"

While chanting Justice slogans the pack of detectives who looked to be righteous charged at Henry.

Henry didn't panic, he was calm as ever,henry put down the sword and held only the knife.The knife turned to flame knife,Henry threw the knife at one of the incoming detective,The detective when saw flame knife approached him panicked as he was just at 2nd layer of initial stage Noob Class,When the knife almost reached him,The intensity of fire around the knife began to increase,His vision filled with only flame then it darkened.The knife pierced through his skull.Henry who threw knife unknowingly had already reached at the dead body and took out the knife from his body.This was the Fire Follower Movement,the last posture of {-⏩⏩The Fire Knife Technique-⏩⏩}.

Seeing this scene other detectives also panted as their vision was also effected by the intensity of fire the knife emitted.

These detectives and bandits do not know the grade of techniques as they never learnt a proper technique specially detectives as they do not need to fight.

"This is a hyper grade technique"

Crooked Nut face was little pale as he knew about ranks of techniques for being someone from a background.He himself does not got any hyper grade technique.

His eyes soon filled with greed and shouted

"Kill that bastard,don't be afraid,He may know a hyper grade technique but he is still the initial stage of Noob Class martial artist"

Hearing it one of them said

"Yes,Sir Crook is right.Today Justice will prevail no matter what he got"

"All for Justice"

"All for Justice"

The chants began again and currently the group looked more furious than before as if they are hungry wolves.

They leaped at Henry.Henry held the knife in his hand and infused the elemental energy into it,This time his body rotated while the flame emitted from the knife a fire vortex formed

The second posture of {-⏩⏩The Fire Knife Technique-⏩⏩}




One by one dead bodies fell,This was currently the strongest attack that Henry had as he reached the initial stage success of {-⏩⏩ The Fire Knife technique ⏪⏪-}.

"Hold on"

"Justice won't lose"

The crowd comforted themselves.

Henry did stop the vortex posture as it consumes more elementary energy.Then Henry stood defenseless while spreading his arms on either side.

"Looks like Bastard realized that he can not survive"

"Coward,He is giving up"

The sounds vibrated in the atmosphere.

"I'll kill him for the sake of knight" a female bandit rushed towards Henry with sword in hand,The sword cut through the air and when it almost reached Henry,He dodged it by kneeling,Henry stood up at the same moment the female fell down without giving sign of life,Blood was being oozed from her neck where it left a burned mark,This was the the Hidden Stealth of {-⏩⏩The fire Knife Technique-⏩⏩}.When Henry stood up his neck was almost cut by another sword,He dodged it but was wounded and blood was being dripped from his neck fortunately he avoided fatal strike and used The Fire Follower Movement of {-⏩⏩The fire knife Technique-⏩⏩} and killed that guy.

One,two, by one 50 bodies fell most of them at initial or middle stages of Noob Class.The surroundings were covered with red sand giving out odour of blood.

"Damn,,You useless thrash can't you even kill an initial stage of Noob class martial artist shame on you"

Crooked Nut who was watching the scene from sidelines shouted out.

"Sir,Crook we are indeed useless in combat please help us"

The remaining crowd showed a hint of fear while saying this as they saw the blood soaked youth in front of them who killed more than 50 people but still couldn't be wound fatally.

Henry's situation was worse his supply of elemental energy is almost depleted.


Hearing the indirect command some detectives came forward and gathered around Henry,All of them emitted the the aura of late stages of Noob Class,Among them there were two dreadful auras which almost reached the Beginner Stage. Henry neither did panic nor thought of escaping he grabbed the sword from the ground and infused his elemental energy into it,while it's sharp blade exactly face 90 degrees to the ground,The sword's blade emitted flames soon strings made up of flame in form of circular web of diameter 5m formed.

"Another hyper grade technique"

Crooked Nut greedy eyes shined more brightly.

"This Canon is not simple" Crooked Nut thought inwardly.

"Whatever sooner or later all his secrets will be mine"

Crooked Nut's greed reached apex.

The flame web wasn't not strong nor emitted any deadly aura due to lack of sword intent in them.With a thought from Henry the surroundings strings moved towards the late stage Noob Class martial artists.

But they were broken easily by the lower grade techniques of them,Meanwhile Henry held knife in his other hand and continued to butcher the rookies whoever neared him.Henry knew that {-⏩⏩ Elemental Sword Web ⏪⏪-} us useless without sword intent but still he used to buy sometime.

"Haaa....haaa this is pretty trick but very weak this is all you can do"

One of the late stage Noob Class expert infused his elemental energy into a circular weapon which has several blades, The blades began to spin while emitting air pressure,He threw the weapon,The weapon moved around cutting the flame web.The air currents increased and the web soon cut into several pieces.

As the web disappeared due to backlash Henry fell down.

"Brat,Are you done at?"

The late stages Noob Class expert who is almost reached the beginner class asked out.


There was no answer for few time

"Looks like you are done,Now die"

The man moved while holding the wheel type weapon containing blades



Henry coughed out mouthful of blood and stood up while saying "Not yet"

"Good,let me see what you got" The man threw his wheel like weapon towards Henry's head which was still facing the ground.

Henry's head moved a little to the right swiftly dodging the strike, The weapon returned back from the behind Henry,Henry dodged it by lowering his head without even glancing back as if he had eyes at back side of his head.

"Interesting..." A few miles away away from the place a silhouette who was watching the fight said.

"This can't be possible,Me the the big daddy Pouch never missed my target specially when I use my striker wheel,Must have been your luck,you can't be possibly lucky again.Let's see how you dodge the next one"

The man caught the striker wheel and infused all his elemental energy into it,The blades moved a lot faster than before and the aura emitted by the weapon was itself terrifying he lifted his hand to threw"


The man cried out,he was bleeding from the neck even after placing his hands on his neck and the striker wheel is missing


Another man who is near to break through to Beginner Stage of Noob Class called out

"You bastard I will kill you"

The enraged man jumped at Henry,

"No,don't come"

Pouch said with his last breath but he was too late


The neck of the man separated from his body by a rotating wheel.

The striker wheel returned to hands of Henry and it still got enough power to kill two more people.

The crowd gulped air with fear as they saw this scene,No one present here wanted to die

"Monster, He is a monster"


The crowd began to run but whenever they decided which direction they should run Henry appeared there as if Henry can see the future.

Henry's clothes,body and hair was red in color,He looked like death God to the crowd.

"Where are you running off to?,Don't tell me you gave up on seeking Justice?"

Henry said while his eyes focused on the crowd and his tongue licked the blood on the knife.

"You wicked one we didn't give up justice we will kill you for sure but currently we are no match for you so temporarily retre...."


Before the bandit completes her sentence her neck was sliced by the strike wheeler.

"Is there anyone who still wants Justice?" Henry's voice was low and polite but to the crowd it looked like death sound.

"No,we were wrong,we don't need justice"

The detectives and bandits said while panting.

"Oh...then I can kill every one of you,After death you won't seek me for justice right"

Henry said while showing his thirst for blood

"Maniac,he is gone mad run...."

The crowd this time ran in random direction without thinking.


"Spare me...."

Henry killed some them mercilessly.while those escaped even though Henry couldn't find them at first but as they began to think he can be able to locate them under distance of a km.

"Looks like we have escaped"

A group of detectives thought but before they could take a breath a silhouette covered in blood appeared in front of them


"Don't kill me sir Canon,I will be your dog forever..."

Henry did not stop and killed them while saying "Like if I would believe you" Henry naturally can read their thoughts so it was almost impossible to deceive him.






Wherever Henry's figure was seen there were cries and blood and bodies fell

"Hahhaaa....I escaped "A man laughed while standing on a dry land,he emitted late stage of Noob Class pressure.

but his laughter was short-lived as he saw a striker wheel moving towards him.


The man died while his head separated from body.

All 149 people dead except one person who is currently standing before Henry while shivering, Henry's foot steps moved

"Don't come near me,if you kill me then 10,000 detectives division won't let you off"

The last survived person said.

As if Henry did not hear him moved forward

Crooked Nut moved back while facing Henry,his leg slipped and dropped to ground

Henry held knife in his hand and lifted it up

"You don't know whom you will face if you kill me,leave me so at least I won't trouble you anymore"

Crooked Nut cried out but there was not reply from Henry

Henry moved his knife downwards and about to kill Crooked Nut,

"That's enough"

His hand stopped not by himself but another silhouette standing beside him.