In the Morning

The sound of singing birds sounds loud. I slowly opened my eyes. I saw my bedroom window open. The sunlight came in from there. Makes me realize that it's already morning.

"My eyes are very heavy," I complained. I still want to sleep. It's been a long time I can't sleep well. After Zhiqiang Wangye hurt me, I can't sleep well. I often get bad dream's.

When I remember his name, I am aware of something. When Zhiqiang Wangye gave me his inner energy last night, I was sleepy. Unconsciously, I fell asleep.

"No way!" I shouted in panic. I immediately opened the blanket that covered me and saw that I was dressed. My panic increased. I don't know what happened after I fell asleep.

"Miss Zhou is awake?" Meihua's voice suddenly rang out. I turned towards the door. That kind servant just entered. She brought water to wash my face.

"I just slept last night, didn't I?" I asked her with anxiety at heart. I'm afraid that Zhiqiang Wangye will carry out his threat to me. Especially last night, I only wore a duodou.

Last night he said he would help my recovery with his inner energy. However, who knows if he took advantage to did something bad. How ever he is a man and I'm a woman.

"Just sleep?" Meihua asked me back. She looked confused after hearing my question.

"Ah!" She murmured after silent a while. She understand what I mean. She immediately shook her head.

"Don't worry, Miss Zhou. After you being asleep, Zhiqiang Wangye immediately told me to dressed you, "Meihua said while putting the porcelain bowl she was carrying on the table.

Hearing her answer, I immediately relieved. For an instant I felt my heart like being stabbed in panic. Now I'm sure that nothing happened between me and Zhiqiang Wangye. The arrogant prince really helped me and did not take the advantage.

Slowly, I got out of my bed. I walked over to the table and washed my face there. Meihua gave me a cloth to wipe my face.

"Thank you, Meihua," I said to her sincerely.

"You're welcome, Miss Zhou. After you change clothes, Zhiqiang Wangye asks you to have breakfast with him, " Meihua said and I nodded my head.

Although in my heart I did not understand why the man asked me to have breakfast with him this morning. Only this time he invited me to have breakfast with him.

After changing clothes, I followed Meihua's steps. We walked through many rooms and a large enough garden. Finally I can see a new interesting building.

"This is Zhiqiang Wangye's study room," Meihua explained when we arrived. The door was opened. Zhiqiang Wangye was sitting near a round table. There is a lot of food arranged on it.

"Respect to Wangye," Meihua said while posting her body. I followed his actions. Posted my body.

Zhiqiang Wangye raised his right hand and gave me a code so that I approached.

"Sit down!" He told me and I obeyed.

"Leave us alone!" Zhiqiang Wangye said to all the servants who were in the room. They, including Meihua, left the study room. It's only us both in the study room of Zhiqiang Wangye.

"Let's eat!" He ordered me. I nod my head. I hesitantly took the side dish and put it into my rice bowl and ate it. I watch Zhiqiang Wangye's face. He looks calm.

Somehow a strange thought appeared in my mind.

Does Zhiqiang Wangye often see female bodies? Did he not feel embarrassed by the incident last night?

As a woman, I feel very ashamed of what happened last night! Almost naked before him was embarrassing. Even though his intention is to cure me.

"How is your body now?" He asked suddenly.

"Eh?" I murmured.

"Your condition?" He repeated and I became nervous. I took a breath before answering.

"It looks like it's getting better. Because of the inner energy that Wangye gave, I felt my body healthy. Before last night, I will feel tight after walk in a long time. Now I didn't feel tight, "I answered honestly. My body feels healthier.

"Now that you've called me Wangye?" He said to me. This time his eyes looked at me. I bow my head.

Unconsciously, I called him Wangye. Before, I rarely called him Wangye. I often use the word 'you' to talk to him every time.

"Wangye helped me last night, "I told him honestly.

Now I realize that even though this prince never said "sorry", he was responsible for treating me. However, it does not mean that I have forgiven his actions to me.

"I'll give my inner energy again later tonight. Imperial docter Li Shu said that you should be get inner energy for a week. To be completely cured, "he explained.

I was shocked to heard that. I think it is only once I receive inner energy. Remembering the happening last night, I was very embarrassed.

"Should I?" I asked and he nodded his head.

"You want to be completely cured, right? And also still want your martial arts not lost, "he asked me and I nodded my head.

"Because of it you must obey Imperial docter Li Shu advice," he said again and I was forced to nod my head. I agree with his words.

"Why didn't the Imperial docter Li suggest this method of healing from the start?" I asked, annoyed. A lot of my time is wasted in this Wangfu.

"I also asked the same question. He replied that it was too dangerous to use inner energy from the start. Your body is still weak to absorb inner energy. If we forced to use inner energy, that can make your inner wounds worse, "Zhiqiang Wangye explained. I sighed.

"I see," I said softly. I continued my breakfast until I was full.

"When we fight for the first time, I admit that your swordsmanship is very good. And your sword looks familiar to me, "Zhiqiang Wangye after finishing breakfast.

I feel suprised. It's first time he admit my ability in martial arts.

"My teacher is Ma Yue Li. She's a anchoress, "I explained.

"The sword that I use is his gift. The sword was called the Flower Sword in Autumn, "I continued my explanation. Zhiqiang Wangye looked surprised at my answer. He sighed and then drank tea.

"It's strange. As far as I know Ma Yue Li doesn't want to accept students if the student doesn't want to be a anchoress like her," Zhiqiang Wangye said to me. I nodded my head then drank tea.

"My father begged her to teach me and my brother about martial arts. The swords arts I used were actually swordsmanship in pairs. Because of it, I and my brother learn that martial arts together, "I explained.

"Your father must be such a great person so Ma Yue Li obey his words," Zhiqiang Wangye seemed interested.

"My father is an ordinary person. He is just an ordinary trader who is now bankrupt and depressed, "I told him. My heart is sad. My regret appears again. I should not leave my father alone.

"I didn't believed that your father is ordinary trader, Miss Zhou," Zhiqiang said again. He sighed.

"I never asked it before. Could I know your real name? Liu Wei is not your name, right? Because Liu Wei is boy's name," He asked me. Well, he never asked my real name before. And I didn't have intention to reveal my indetity to him.

"My name Liu Fang," I answered him lazily. He nodded.

"Could I know your reason to follow the selection to royal militer academy?" he asked me again. My hearth feel heavy.

"I want to realize the dream of my deceased brother. Actually, Liu Wei is the name of my deceased brother," I answered him. He look at me seriously.

" Do you really love your brother?" He asked me.

"So much," I answered him.

I don't know why? I feel that he looks at me gently. As if he's sorry for me.