His Love Story


1. [ )* mŭ hòu: mother-empress. All children of the emperor has a di mother, the empress, who they refer to as muhou and for those born of concubines, who is their shu mother, they will call them mufei]

2. [ )* guifei: imperial concubine, the highest of the fei. ]

3. [ )* mŭ fēi: mother-consort or mother-concubine. Mother who is also an imperial consort. They cannot be simply referred to as mother because socially, the mother of the imperial sons is the Empress ]

4. )* The Butterfly Lovers is a Chinese legend of a tragic love story of a pair of lovers, Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai whose names form the title of the story. The title is often abbreviated to Liang Zhu. }


We've finished our breakfast. However, both of us did not leave the study room. Zhiqiang Wangye also didn't tell me to get out of from the study room. Instead it, he asked me a lot of question. Especially, about my brother.

I told him about my brother's desire and why he couldn't make it happen. Zhiqiang Wangye frowned when I explained that my father forbade my older brother to take part in the selection of the Royal Military Academy. He also looked sad when I told him about my brother's death.

I don't understand, why I can easily chat with him casually like now. Before this time, I really hated him and felt uncomfortable when he was nearby with me. Maybe his curiosity about my older brother made my attitude soft to him.

Maybe actually, I also need friends to talk a lot about my thoughts. I just told my brother to Xiaoying before. I also told her about my love for my brother. But, now I could tell Zhiqiang Wangye about it too.

"It's already noon. We better take a walk in the park. Do you want to accompany me to walk in the park? "Zhiqiang Wangye asked me politely. I was surprised by the change of his attitude. Accidentally immediately nodded my head.

Both of us left the study room.

We walk to the garden near his study room. I just found out that there are many small garden in Zhiqiang Wangfu.

There are several tables and chairs made of stone carvings in this small garden. It is located under a lush tree. Zhiqiang Wangye invited me to sit there.

I feel cool air. The wind also blew lightly. Make a good mood.

"I understand now that women have a great sense of brotherhood like men," Zhiqiang Wangye began our conversation. I frowned at my words.

"What do you mean, Wangye?"

"I was amazed after heard your great affection for your brother, Liu Fang. You are willing to endanger yourself to fulfill your deceased brother's dream, "Zhiqiang Wangye explained. I smiled at his funny words.

"Do you think that women don't love their brothers?" I asked him.

"I'm not even sure that women can love their sisters," Zhiqiang Wangye sighed.

"I still don't understand your words, Wangye,"

"I don't have a sister, so I don't know how a sister loves her brother and sister," Zhiqiang Wangye began his explanation.

"Besides Xiaoying and Muhou)*, all the women I know are more often selfish. They have the heart to hurt their fellow women. Not even reluctant to lie to everyone including one country for their own purposes, "Zhiqiang Wangye continued his explanation after drinking a sip of tea.

His words still made me a little confused.

I can understand that Zhoqiang Wangye said that she did not have a sister so she did not know the magnitude of the affection of a sister.

Women hurt fellow women? I hear there are many examples of such conflicts in the Palace. It's not strange.

However, women can lie to one country for their purposes? I just heard it.

"Why do you look confused?" He asked me. I took the tea cup and drank the tea. I looked at him.

"Lying to all people in a country, I don't understand your words, Wangye," I spoke honestly to him. He smiled. However, his smile was looks forced. His eyes look a little sad.

"That's about my mother. Maybe you never heard it. My mother is Bixia's Guifei)*. Before Huangtaihou (empress) married Bixia, my mother first got Bixia's love and attention. However, after Huangtaihou married Bixia, Bixia's feelings changed, "Zhiqiang spoke slowly. I feel that the story he is about to tell is a sad story. Zhiqiang Wangye's face looked sad when he started the story.

"My mother poisoned myself and accused Huangtaihou of doing it," Zhiqiang Wangye laughed, but I knew that it was forced laughter to cover up her sadness.

"I almost died then," Zhiqiang continued his words.

"That's terrible," I spoke frankly. I could not imagine a child who loved his mother, betrayed by his own mother.

"Right. Very terrible. However, Heaven seemed unable to accept my mother's actions. Heaven keeps me alive and tells Bixia the truth, "

"So Your Mother, Wangye?"

"Mufei)* was given a death sentence with drinking poison. I still remember, she met me before being punished. She cried and said that she was guilty of me, "

"Forgive Mufei, my son. Forgive Mufei. Mufei loves you. Really! Mufei is carried away with anger and jealousy, "Zhiqiang Wangye imitated his mother's words and then laughed.

I feel sad when saw Zhiqiang Wangye expression. He laughed, but I know that he is broken hearted.

I remember a sentence that my brother had said. Children laugh to express their happiness, but adults laugh to cover up their sadness. My brother often does the same thing.

"Since then, I have difficulty to respect women. Only two women I truly respect in this world. Xiaoying and Huangtaihou, "Zhiqiang said to me.


"Right. I don't know why Muhou still loves me after the evil things that Mufei did to her. She loves me like she loves her own children, "

"I am determined to respect and love her forever," Zhiqiang Wangye spoke earnestly to me. I was amazed to see the look on his face. His face showed his sincerity.

"And Xiaoying? How can Wangye know her and fall in love with her? "I asked unconsciously. After saying that, I felt regret.

Why did I become interested in this prince's past? He is a prince. Actually I don't deserve to ask him like this.

"We met when we were both child," Zhiqiang Wangye answered me. I'm relieved that this arrogant prince isn't angry because of my question.

"She is the daughter of a respected Kingdom advisor. Her father often took Xiaoying to the Palace. We became friends and when I was fourteen, I propose to her. She became my fiance and I waited for our wedding, "

"Are you engaged?" I was surprised to hear his words.

"Right. Then someone trapped Xiaoying's family. They are accused of rebellion. Too much evidence that Bixia was forced to punish them. Bixia alienates them to hard-to-reach areas, "

"I also feel your sadness," I told him honestly.

I am sad to hear the story of Xiaoying's life. Before hear his story about Xiaoying, I thought that my life's journey was tragic. However, Xiaoying's life was more tragic than my life.

"Two years later, I looked for Xiaoying to that remote area. However, he and his family were not there. I lost her track. I just met Xiaoying this year. I couldn't stand the situation and tried to persuade her to get out of Spring House, but she refused me. Now, I'm losing her track again, "Zhiqiang Wangye continued his story.

I feel sad to hear the story that he told me. I did not expect to see a story similar to the story of Butterfly Lovers)* that my older brother had told me.

Xiaoying and Zhiqiang Wangye are similar to the tragic love story.

"I hope that I can help you, Wangye. However, I have absolutely no information about Xiaoying, "I sighed. Zhiqiang Wangye nodded her head.

"It's okay. Nevermind," he said casually.