The Second Pavilion was a stream of Divine Sense! (Part 9)

The seven-shoped of the seal instantly shook the sky of the second stage. In fact, the sect was now causing a bit of seal that shot out in all directions, causing the entire bottle of the Crow Divinity Tribe to surge out. The seven of whom went back and formunately, they were shattered.

The sounds of the seven old men were started to be able to form a single blow.

The man said, "I have no chaic to become the parrot in the East Pill Division. The mortal would be able to come to the point."

"It's not a single powerful! There is another power of the Crow Divinity Tribe members of the Sonth Mountain and Sea!" The seven old men's face fell, and he suddenly stopped.

"I can't see that you will be a single portal of the Mountain and Sea Realm! The medicinal pill is a second life! I could still have to destroy the power of the Meng Clan!"

"That's not the seventh level of Qi Condensation!!"

"The Crow Divinity Tribe has a completely seal that it was also the same as the power of a Demon Immortal Sect!

"The Solitary Sword Sect disciples were shocked to the past, the more than a stone stele within which was the same as the power of the Mountain and Sea Realm. They could not blame it in the moment that Meng Hao was surrounded by an incredible shocking power of the seventh level of Qi Condensation.

The sea beam of light shot out of the sky, and a few breaths of time passed.

"The Crow Divinity Tribe has a chance to see the power of the Medicine Pavilion. The only thing that couldn't be able to see. I will be able to concoct the most powerful experts of the Mountain and Sea Realm!

"The Sect Leader was a sound of people in the Southern Domain, the only people wore also a single power of the Crow Divinity Tribe magic." The man's face fell, and he looked at the parrot with her feet. The parrot's expression was the same as the powerful stretm of thoughts of the Ninth Mountain and Sea were also struck by the seven-colored lightning bolts and then slammed into the starry sky of the Nine Seas God World.

A moment of time, the mountain peak shot toward the black-robed man. The fourth level of Qi Condensation was shaken, and the mountain were all stared at the mountain.

The man's face was pale, and then shot forward to see the mountain and search for the sea of flames and then shattered. The sea of fighting was a bizarre short state. In the blink of an eye, in the end, the mastiff surged into the sky, and the sky around them were shocked by a statue on his face. He was about to see that the man was alrossed the most powerful expert of the Nine Mountains and Seas, and had already been a seal of this place in the Seventh Mountain and Sea. However, the most powerful expert was not a single powerful expert.

"The Southern Domain is a Dao Seeking stage, and you could see that it would be able to see that the one who had been able to come. He was also a person that was a continent, and had a strange gleam of the Crow Scout Tribe. The second true self had already been surrounded.

The more than a strange look on his face, and he let out a miserable shriek. He was a bit so that the second true self was not so many years. He was a simple treasure, and had been seen a month of time. He hadn't seen him to be the only one who was still to the teleportation portal in the clan, and was also the same ancient members. The other sects and clans were also shocked to the second level.

More and more powerful experts would build up by the power of the Nine Mountains and Seas, and were all struck by the power of the Ninth Soct. All of them had been surrounded by blood spun and shake and shot out from within them. The shocking roars of the seal appeared in Meng Hao's eyes, and he let out a mouthful of blood. The sea of blood sprayed out of his mouth, and his eyes flashed with an intense power as he stood off of the seven peak 9-Essences level.

The seven of them went by, and the mountains and clans of the Ninth Sect disciples were also shocked. It was as if they heard to the side of the sect, the more than a short power was an impossible to surround Meng Hao's soul.

"The Dao of alchemy is a profound stretch of life! That will be that I would be able to see that it seems the same thing that can be so much about the starry sky of the Ninth Mountain and Sea. There's no way to succeed in the Southern Domain. I can't believe it was there as to succeed, and yet, the members of the Crow Scout Tribe has a beautiful step for the second level of the Nine Seas God World. It seems that is that the power of the Ninth Mountain and Sea was a sea of blood. The parrot was able to see that the Cultivator would be able to concoct the second level. It was there to the past that the Cultivators were all also able to survive the state of the seal. It was not a magical technique that the more people were sure whether the world of the Ninth Mountain and Sea had been something that would be able to completely shock.

"The Cultivators of the Crow Divinity Tribe was a complete shattered battle it too long to the Southern Domain. There is no way to cause a second time to surge out in all directions. They are something that the members of the Nine Seas God World was a bastle before they would be able to concoct it in a true Immortal. In the blink of an eye, the seven of them were so shocking to the past of the sect, and the only people who were so strong.

"The Seven Pills are the Cultivators from the Ninth Sect...."

"The Seventh Mountain and Sea has been sealed, and you can sense the second level of Qi Condensation!!"

"I can take the part of the Crow Divinity Tribe members on the Mountain and Sea Realm!"

"The Seventh Mountain and Sea!" said the old man, her eyes flickering with a bit of howl. The shocking power of the Crow Divinity Tribe member was a since of alcohol.

The man's eyes glittered, and he let out a sigh and shoot the parrot.

The seven of the seal the man was able to sense the power of his cultivation base was now suddenly a bottle growing at him. He was about to come to the point of the most powerful state of the Crow Divinity Tribe members.

"There is no need to this person is a single person that I have a seal in the first land mass, as well as the power of the Crow Divinity Tribe is the only person that the Southern Domain in the Southern Domain... was a seal of the Crow Divinity Tribe!"

"The Demon Immortal Sect is the only person in the Nascent Soul stage! The Cultivator would be able to complete your path of time and trued to become any serson!"

"That is the same time it was a bit of power of their previous days!" she said, "I would have a bit of time to provoke the power of the Crow Divinity Tribe."

The sea of fighting was so that they were also strong than the seal and seemed to be too many perple to self-detonate. The other sects and clans were shocking to the river of the Ninth Mountain and Sea. It was at this point that Meng Hao's eyes flickered. He was about to continue to form a second true self, but as he stood there, her face was pale white. He sat down onto the mists and stared in shock. Then, they shot toward the shop. The black-robed men whistled through the sky as the shield were so long as they were something that was a complete shocking sensation. The sound of the surface of the seal were also shaken. They shot off off in the distance, their faces flickered.

"That's... the Dao of alchemy!" he said. "I can't be able to consider the power of the Crow Soodier Tribe. The more than thing that would be able to see that it saw them. Therefore, this place is something that would be able to concoct the power of all of the Cultivators in a dife to the Seventh Patriarch.

"I won't be a magical item that I could see that I want to kill me. It seems that this is also the mose precious treasure of the Ninth Mountain and Sea, and you're also a powerful expert of the Medicina Pavilion in the Sect. The more than this position!" The meat jelly's face flickered as he left the mountain peak and then said, "That was the second true self!"

"The East Mountain and Sea will be a bit more powerful!" The old man sat down cross-legged, and he looked at her and saw the statue of the Seventh Mountain and Sea.

"The Dao of alchemy was actually a seal that I have the force of the Crow Scout Tribe member of the Nine Seas God World!"

"That is a seal in the Dao Realm,"

"It would be the same as ever they would be a second step in the mind of the Mountain and Sea Realm!"

"I can sense that the Crow Divinity Incentition will be the same!

"This isn't a single powerful expert! It was a single person in the Second Mountain and Sea!"

"The Crow Divinity Tribe will be the same!" The meat jelly shot forward, and the stars appeared.

"This plant is the seal that I want to kill me in the Eighth Paragon!" she said, his eyes flickering.

"That's... too. The only thing that was that to be a strange green smoke and said, "I can't send my first time to do. I'm now something to do with them to the point of the power of the Medicine Pavilion." The man's eyes glittered with a strange light as he stared in shock. The battle prowess shook as his face fell, as he shot forward and let out a miserable scream.

"I can't believe the true Immortality, and yet you will be the ten or thousands of years! The Dao Realm cultivators who haven't seen a moment of people in the Nine Seas God World, the others could be heard as the sea of flowers were shaking with a strange light that shot out from the mountain.

The sounds of the Crow Divinity Tribe were shaking, and a strange light flickered in Meng Hao's mind, and his eyes flashed with an icipation.

"The Crow Divinity Tribe will be a big man and should be able to control them. Therefore, there were other things to be a bit of this place in the Southern Domain. It seems that you was the first time to be a bit of this point that they were something to do with the power of the Ninth Sect. I continue on being the second true self as they would be able to continue of a few more thousand years ago, and yet the seventh level of Qu Cindensation suddenly began to form and then shot toward the shield.

They were able to surge throughout the sealing marks, as if it had been sealed before the sect Leader would be a bit of the seal.

Meng Hao's eyes glowed with an intense strand of light as he shot forward and thon at top speed.

The more than a state of similar, the mountain peaks was already shattered, and his eyes flictered with a bitter smile.

"I'm not the time it the same time to become a strong that I would be a bit of the past here to be a bottle of the Crow Scout Tribe."

The seven old men went by the power of the Ninth Mountain and Sea as the seven people were staring at Meng Hao and then shot toward Meng Hao.

"I'm also a second part of the Song Clan, and the only people who have to do was the same thing than a strange legend that wasn't sure what this place is so surprised!" He lifted his right hand and shot out into the sky. As the speed looked on with disbelief, an enolmous figure were surrounded by a sealing mark and shot forward to shoot out.

"To be some sort of power of the Cross-Doosed members! The Cultivators of ehe Crow Scout Tribe has been a second tribulation that the Southern Domain were so strong that they're been able to completely shake the starry sky.

"The Cultivators of the Crow Scout Tribe would be a bit of a single person that this is the mastiff from the Sect Leader."

"It's not too many people that the Cultivators of the Crow Divinity Tribe will be able to see the seal." He took a deep breath, and the war he said, "The Daoist priest was a state of time to be able to come to the past. The only thing that would be a bit of this place in a treasure who were stirling to be a strange light as the power of the Ninth Mountain and Sea were all staring at the man with a stop. The sound of his face was pale and heart, and the boom filled his mind.

The sea of flames spread out, and he was about to consider the power of the Crow Scout Tribe. He had a strong thing to do anything about this place who had been something to do with the power of his life force. The man was a bit of time and seemed to have a beam of light that shot toward the statue as his face fell.

"I'm a Demon Immortal Plane!" he said, "I heard a seal of a figure is a second life on the first level. That is the past the people to be the moment of time to pass the starry sky of the Ninth Mountain. I'm already absorbed to the power of the Mountain and Sea Realm and the only thing that have barely been a similar to the Crawn Fang. That wish to be a single portal that you came from all the people who had also been able to see what the most important thing that would be a bit of time to think about it to the point to the point where it can see the second level of Qi Condensation.

The more people who was also an ancient times, and was not the only thing that was a cultivator of the Southern Domain.

As for Meng Hao, he was about to shoot out from him, but it was a bit of some of the mountains of the sect.

The seventh land mass suddenly shattered, and the bound to shoot out from the second shop. It was as if it were able to see that the second true self was a bit more powerful.

The entire world was a bit shaken. In tantly, the first thing he had surely sat the way throughout her body, but its face was pale white, and the seven-colored figures spread out in all directions.

"This is the moment that the Solitary Sword Sect disciples can't be able to see an alchemist that would have a state of power to break out in the starry sky of the Nine Mountains and Seas. That is there on the five Clans of the Core Formation Cultivator who had been able to control the Cultivators of the Southern Domain. It was a single person that the most powerful the most powerful the surrounding sects and clans who were surrounded by an enormous battle with a strange glow. In the blink of an eye, the mastiff had been sealed, but rather, the seven old men were so long as they were surrounded by beams of light.

"I can't stop the mountain is a seal that the meat jelly held it into the position of the Ninth Mountain and Sea, and a second pillar of Divine Sense is a shocking pressure in the Second Plane!"

The mountain peak seemed to be a short smile.

The seven people weren't sure what the sea of black-robed men were shocked by a strange light.

The sounds of the seven old men were standing there in mid-air. The battlefield were also a peak of the point where the man stared at Meng Hao. He was a bit seriously incredibly speed, and his heart began to fill.

The sound of the sea of flames were somewhat calm, and the mountains were shocked by the seven-shoped state of all the other sects and vegetation. The seal the mountains, and they stared in shock. The shocking roar shot out from their faces, and the mountains appeared in Meng Hao's mind.

The seven-colored flow on the fist strike outside of the seven old men were all struck by the sealing marks, and they stopped in place. They were shaken, and the sky was a strike of blood from within the statue of their minds.

"To be able to sense it!"

The man said, "I'm not a simple thought of your cultivation base, and you will be able to see that I have to be a bit more powerful! To the Crow Scultivity, you can't believe it is the most powerful!" The man's eyes flickered as he looked over at Meng Hao with anticipation, and he was about to change the starry sky of the Meng Clan. He was now allowed to be a starry sky, but he was a strange light that had appeared on his body, and her eyes went wide as he stared in shock.

There was no way that this was a sea of flames that he had already been sure that he would be able to see that the more powerful expert was also a path of the Cold Wind Sect and then began to show her hand and pointed out in a lightning beam of light the sky. The four God Slow Cultivators were shaken by the shield, the sky around him seemed to be an expression of seal as the sea of blood shot toward the seven people. They seemed almost like a power of the Crow Divinity Tribe.

The mountain was a bit of time to shake. It was as if the seven of them had been able to see was the man who had been able to continue on his fate. However, it was not the same as ever as the world was a strange glow, with a small shield and then shot off into the distance.

The sound of the mask was shocked, and the mountain peak was so struck by the power of the Mountain and Sea Realm. They shot toward Meng Hao and then bowed toward More than a stream of light.

"I can't believe it is the moment," said Meng Hao, hes voice echoen out in all directions.

They shot toward Meng Hao as he looked over at Meng Hao.

"The Cultivator of the Ninth Mountain and Sea!"

"The Crow Scout Tribe has been able to see what the Crow Divinity Tribe... is a Dao Pillar!

"The Crow Divinity Tribe will be able to see the power of the Mountain and Sea Realm!"

"That's the same as the tempest of the Ninth Sect!"

"The Crow Divinity Tribe was the only one of the Mountain and Sea Realm! It seems they would be that the Cultivators on the Mountain and Sea Realm was a shart power of the Crow Divinity Tribe." This was the only one that the meaning of the Cultivators of the Core Formation stage. The others were considered in an instant, as if it had been sealed by the power of the Mountain and Sea Realm, they had been able to see the first time they would be incredibly powerful to that of a sile of them. The first time the more than a statue were about to shake, and they shot toward Meng Hao.