How to talk about this masterpiece?
First of all, Divine Crow is the best and only thing keeping the novel running. You got Scout, Soldier everyone participating. Just don't worry when Meng is turned in to a pill, that's normal.
Sometimes, a wild Dao will appears, don't worry, it is normal too. Seal are oftenly used to describe a person, that part i didn't get it.
But when sea of flames are talking to sea of flames about sea of flames sealing a sea of flames, you are probably in the only novel doing this.
In conclusion, this novel is only read when you are either drunk or want to clear your mind. i just hope that the mortal stone cauldron will reach Immortality before reaching Second Qi Condensation. It would be a shame otherwise.
7 years ago
incomprehensible words, it looks more like a translation from chinese to english via google translator rather than something writed by a living person.
How to talk about this masterpiece? First of all, Divine Crow is the best and only thing keeping the novel running. You got Scout, Soldier everyone participating. Just don't worry when Meng is turned in to a pill, that's normal. Sometimes, a wild Dao will appears, don't worry, it is normal too. Seal are oftenly used to describe a person, that part i didn't get it. But when sea of flames are talking to sea of flames about sea of flames sealing a sea of flames, you are probably in the only novel doing this. In conclusion, this novel is only read when you are either drunk or want to clear your mind. i just hope that the mortal stone cauldron will reach Immortality before reaching Second Qi Condensation. It would be a shame otherwise.
incomprehensible words, it looks more like a translation from chinese to english via google translator rather than something writed by a living person.