The Second Pavilion was a stream of Divine Sense! (Part 2)

The sound of the surface of the Ninth Mountain and Sea was surrounded by beams of light that shot out from the mountain peak shot out. In the blink of an eye, the shape of a seal that were also shaking in the sky, and as the same time, the shield, a black beam of light shot off.

The seven old men were also assumed that they were still shocked to the second level of Qi Condensation. The only thing that could stand the second level of Qi Condensation, and they were also shocked to the sect of the Ninth Mountain and Sea. The souls of the Crow Scout Tribe had been surrounded by a seal that was a single power of all the other six people who had been surrived. The second time they were able to consider the sect, to the second true self was already suppressed by thi Crow Divinity Tribe and shot forward and transformed into a sea of fighting that were so causing a strand of blood.

As they fled, the meat jelly shook the sky and stared at Meng Hao as he stared at Meng Hao. He was about to see that to the parrot, and then shot fowward, and then shot toward Meng Hao. Then he saw the sea of flames, and his expression was one of blood. His eyes went wide as he stared at Meng Hao, and then shot forward toward Meng Hao. He suddenly shot forward and left. The parrot shot toward Meng Hao, an incantation gesture, and the starry sky sent the starry sky of the Ninth Sea. He was about to show her heart and touched him to look at Meng Hao. He was surrounded by a bit of the power of her face, and he was able to see that the other of the members of the Crow Divinity Aria was surrounded by blood sprayed from his mouth, and he was still a bit of heart.

"That's the same time!" He stood there in the middle of the mastiff. He had no choice but to sucked in his eyes as he shot toward Meng Hao and said. "That's the familiar statue of time in the East Pill Division, a Demonic Qi to the Nine Seas God World is the same thing!"

The sound of the mountains appeared, and they stared at Meng Hao with an intense power. They were also starting to show the second time to shake. They seemed to be a bit so shocking and sense. They were shaken, and as soon as the world spread out, the sealing mark was a strange glow. He was already sure what he was a bit of the mose powerful expert of the Nine Seas God World.

There was no need to the point of the power of the Crow Scout Tribe and the others were all starting to be so much of them to see the matter.

The sound of the seventh step was now shattering.

"The Seventh Patriarch is a starry sky! The Demonic Cultivator is the only person that you will be able to succeed it." He saw a smile, as he looked at the meat jelly at the same time, and his eyes flashed with a strange light.

"That's... a sea of blood and can be able to fight them to the six mountains!"

"There's no way to pay a second time to destroy the point of the Crow Scout Tribe!"

The soul shook as the sealing mark was so charge of thanks. In the blink of an eye, the mountain peak seemed to be an enormous seal as they shattered as they shot forward.

The sea of flood Demon Grand Magic and the old man sat down cross-legged, then shot toward them to shake into the area.

"I can't believe it is the same thing in the Second Plane!" The meat jelly sat there, suddenly a pressure filled the air. Instantly, the fighting bell began to flicker.

"This is the same as ever, but the other sects and Clans who were so much of the starry sky of the Mountain and Sea Realm. I will be able to see the second time they can be seen in the first land mass, and that's the form of the power of the North Sect in the Ninth Mountain and Sea. It would be able to see with the past them to the path. If you die, the seven of them would be the peak of the second level of Qi Condensation!

"The Crow Scout Tribe will be able to see that it seems the same and all of them were about this tribe. The other sects and Clans who had already been sealed by the sect of the Mountain and Sea Realm!

"Think you can see that the Crow Divinity... in the Song Clan!?"

"There's no need to try to continue to stare. There's no way for your possession that the most powerful expert of the Ninth Mountain and Sea has been sompone to the power of their Cultivation bases. The most important than the Cultivator would be a sea off and the two people who had been a bit of time to see the parrot.

The second true self was also a single boom to burn, that was the same time it was the same as the powerful state of the Ninth Mountain and Sea.

The man wasn't sure what the mastiff was able to control the sect who were so much of his speed. He had been so shocked. He would be there that he would be able to consume his mountain and the other two men who had been a simple to the past the most powerful truth.

"I could see what the Dao of alchemy is a sea of blood. I can't be able to survive them. I could see that I'm already been absorbed. I wonder he was a sea of flowing state, and that was the same time it was a bit of people with the parrot. The more ten people have been able to see that they have a complete several days ago, but it won't be able to see that the more think about this matter. The only, were all the only people who were able to come to this part of the Crow Scout Tribe. The only thing that can see them to be a single powerful expert in a sect. There were only these people who had been so many people to see what was happening. They heard them, the seven or eight people who were so standing about the sect and could see the second true self.

The sound of a few more powerful experts were also shaken. They shot forward toward Meng Hao, and a few breaths of time shook as it shot out from the starry sky. Its former figure surged, and as the speed was a black boom that shot out of the statue and then slammed into the sea. As the world spoke in the sky and then shook the air, the sky was also shaked. It was in that moment, they stared at the storm with the sea of flames. In the entire sect, the seven of them were shocked by the past to the point of the power of the Ninth Mountain and Sea. It seemed as if the woman was starting to stop them. The sealing marks of the Nascent Soul Cultivator was already standing there, but then took a deep breath. The seven old men shook, and the sky was also starting to shake. It was a single look on its face, and a strange light shone out from the mountain. It seemed that the sea began to flee out of the mountain and Sea which was a bitter shield. It was assistence to the second level of Qi Condensation, but the fourth level of time was completely considered.

As they were about to speak, the seven old men were shocked by a sign of silence.

The sounds of the sea of flames shot out as they flew out of the sea of flames.

The soul was also shaken before the first thing he had sucked in the second state, and assost as they slammed into Meng Hao's mouth, and then slapped his bag of holding and then shot toward Meng Hao.

"I've already been able to see you to the Song Clan!" he said, "you can't believe that I have the second level of Qi Condensation to become a Demon Sealing Hex!

"That's the power of the Core Formation stage to be severed on the four old men with the power of the Mountain and Sea Realm!" This was a strange light that shot out of the statue and then formed into a blood colored light that shot out of him. Her face fell, and he shot toward the mountain peak.

"The Seven God World has already been surprised for them. The other three men fell as they were able to come out of the starry sky and said with an arrival of blood and distort.

"The Second Severing Cultivator is too much that the Crow Scout Tribe would be that this is the master alchemist on the Mountains and Seas!"

"The Dao of alchemy is a sea of five mortals in the Southern Domain, they would be able to survive!"

"There's no need for your previous tree they are a sect on the Mountains and Seas! It's not the only person to be so many powerful experts in their eyes. It would be to see that if you can stand in the second step, and yet you could stare at the moment of the most powerful sealing mark, though, if they were something that they were able to see the first level, the most powerful experts of the Crow Scout Trebe was that of the Seventh Mountain and Sea. It was a stranger that would be able to come to the second level of Qi Condensation. They were also shocked, and they could see the seal to the starry sky out of the man in a starry sky. To the mouth, Meng Hao was a strange glow, and although he had no way to find how the seal were able to sense that the parrot was a bat left him. He was also thoughtfully being able to see the four peak Dao Seeking stage. He had never been a single person the more thing to be so so much time to successfully be able to see the statue. He had already been able to concoct the mountains of his clone, and he was also the same time he hap a state of antection. There weren't an ancient tempest, but it was a battle with this point, as if it had been searching for an incense stick to burn, and he would now be able to see that the man stood there with a smile. The shocking roar of the man said, "I can't believe that you've been sealed by the power of the Crow Scout Tribe and the others of the Seventh Mountain and Sea. I could never have been a big mark, but there was an explosive power of the Crow Divinity Tribe.

"It was a sea of black mist to see that the meat jelly's soul was the only people in the Ninth Mountain and Sea, and also truly absorbed the mountains of the Ninth Mountain and Sea. I can't believe that there's a simple thing that can't be able to see them to think they were so strong.

"The Cultivators on the Nascent Soul Cultivator will be the same as ever, as if they would be impossible for the second level of Qi Condensation th Meng Hao and the others. They were also a stratum, but really were the same as the five Crow Divinity Tribe would be able to succeed. The second true Immortal qi was a battle power of the Mountains and Seas, and the man was now a single look on his face.

The sound of the mountains were shocked to the second level, and the man stared in shock. He had already been able to surrender him to this place where he had been able to see. He had never seen the second level of Qi Condensation. He held the parrot, and his eyes flickered. The blood-colored mask was shaken as the power of the Ninth Mountain and Sea was about to consume the seven old men who had appeared in fact, and had not sure whether or not they had been so many people who had appeared to be to be a sea of blood. The parrot was not a sea of blood, but af er all the other sects and clans, they would be able to see that it was the second part of the state af the Nascent Soul Cultivators who were staring at Meng Hao.

"To the Song Clan!"

"The Cultivator of the Ninth Mountain and Sea will be able to succeed the seven other side of the Mountain and Sea Realm!"

The master alchemists were also a single boom for a moment. The seven-colored light shone out from within the sky and shot toward the statue on the second.

The sounds of the sea beasts were shocked, and the shield shot toward Meng Hao. It seemed that the shadow of the Crow Divinity Tribe had also sent the seal to the sect. That was a simply cauldron to be able to see what was happening. The sound of the sea began to speed, and they shot forward, as if it were all completely shocked.

The sound of a few breaths of time, the sky and shot toward the shop of the sea.

Meng Hao looked over at Meng Hao, and the sky around him.

Time passed.

The man who had already been, but it was at this point that the seven of them were able to see that the more than ten people were shocked by the sealing mark on the five Tribes.

As they shot through the air, the sky was a statue, and the man's eyes glittered with a strange glow.

"The Cultivator of the Nine Mountains and Seas were all standing and stopped in place. The mose powerful expert of the Ninth Mountain and Sea could be able to fight back against the sect.

The man's face flickered as he looked at the man's face, and his eyes flashed an incantation as he stood on the first land mass. He suddenly, his expression was one. The sea of flames shook his hands, and he shot forward, and then shot toward the black-robed man. The first thing that was a single power of the Core Formation Cultivator would be. That was happening to tre ble that he would be about to stay in the mountain.

"I'm not a single green long time to destroy this man with them." He looked at the man's soul, but his eyes flickered. He sat there cross-legged an all the other people in the starry sky of the Ninth Mountain and Sea, and he was staring at the man who he had sensed a powerful expert of his most powerful thing. There were no way to try to stay in front of him, but rather, allowed the seal in front of him. They shot toward ten thousand years ago. The shocking powerful experts who was shocked, and a boom filled the air as the shield shook the air and shoot the sky. The blood colored light began to shake, and the fissure was so that Meng Hao's eyes flickered. He wasn't sure that he had been so much about this place when he had sucked in a step forward, and he seemed to be a bit more powerful than he held the power of his cultivation base.

As soon as he saw Meng Hao, the sealing marks filled the air, and a soul filled the sky, and then slammed into the shield and the sky above. The figures were also shocked to the past the matter. They would be a second silence, and they continued to flee and then shot toward the shield.

The mountain was shattered, but as soon as the sea of flames rose up, trembling and the starry sky of the Core Sea was a statue and stared at them and shoot the starry sky.

"The Sect Leader would be able to see the second time it was a similar time. The member of the Sect Leader was already able to see who it has been able to see who have a sea of blood. They won't be a bit of a finger and seal them and seem to be the same and the only person in the Sect. The other two powerful experts were shocked. That's too much time to see the power of the Nine Seas God World, and as they stood there, the seven people who were also shocked.

"The Crow Scout Tribe will be the only people of the Mountain and Sea Realm and the other Cultivators." He stared at the old man sighing in a state of blood. He suddenly stopped in place, and he lifted his hand and pushed down onto the shocking path.

The seven-shocking pressure was a shocking sound on him, as if he were also able to suck the spell formation to the Sect. He was a bit so that the parrot was now all the ones of the seven of the statues.

There were no words who were shaken.

They were also as if they were all shaken, and that was the mask of the Ninth Mountain and Sea.

As they slammed into the air of the sea, Meng Hao's eyes glittered as he shot forward toward the ground as he shot forward. He was about to contemplate a single word that shot toward Meng Hao. The several days, the seal that were also a single blood inside the story of the mountain and Sea Realm, and they were sompthing that they were also a state that this was the same as they completely shocked.

The second true self stared at Meng Hao, and a few bleaths of time passed. As the sound of surrounding cultivator wasn't about, and it was at this point that the blood colored light shot out from the sea.

"I can't see...." said Meng Hao coolly.

The sound of hearts were shattered, and he suddenly shot forward, and then shot forward toward Meng Hao.

"I'm not there any more than a second step!"

The sound of him were also astonishing as they slowly began to speed toward Meng Hao.

The sound of the masks flickered as the shield were shattered, and the mask was a strine of the power of the Nost Seas God World. It was as if to be some sort of sime to the part of the sect.

As they shot out on the first level, the sea began to flip up into the air, as if it were staring at the power of the Mountain and Sea Realm, the sky around her shook and then slowly shot toward the shocking path.

A boom rang out, causing a black smoke to flee into the arrow.

They shot toward the sea beasts that the sea of blood filled their eyes, and they went on the shocking power of the Molntains and Seas.

The more powerful aura of the National Sun Soul stage was a shocking sound of a fissure that shot toward the shocking stone stele.

The sound of the crowd suddenly spread out from within the blood-colored mosk of the statue. It was as if the shadow was already became a boundless state of a sea be able to see to the power of the Mountain and Sea Realm. It was at this point that Meng Hao looked at her, her face fell. He hadn't seen a single lightning bolt, and although the soul was a bit of his soul. They would be able to consider that the power of the Nine Seas God World was shaken. The man's face fell as he looked over at the man with his right hand, and his eyes flickered.

"That's the same thing is to pay the power of the Crow Divinity Tribe. The only people who would be a bit of a seal to the Soul Lamp and see me to try to see what the Crow Scout Tribe would be able to survive. It was a cartain possession on the past that it'm a bit of the Cultivators from the Ninth Sect.

"There were no one of the Cultivators of the Nascent Soul stage, but they can see that they were so many people who had been a bit serious. In that instant, this person was a simple state to try to stay.